How to use CS2 hide HUD command

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While Counter-Strike 2’s HUD is extremely detailed and crucial to winning online matches, there are several reasons that you might want to hide it. For example, if you want to take screenshots of your CS2 skins, using the hide HUD command is a great way to make them look better. Regardless of your reasoning, here’s how to use the CS2 hide HUD command!

Use CS2 hide HUD command in-game

CS2 hide HUD commands

The first thing to note is that, unfortunately, you can’t use the CS2 hide HUD command in online matches. I’m not sure why you’d want to, either, given the fact that it puts you at a colossal competitive disadvantage. The reason for this is that to use this CS2 console command, you need to first enter the command “sv_cheats true“. This command enables cheats, so you definitely can’t use it in online matches.

CS2 hide HUD commands

From here, you’re nearly there already. Load into a private match, or an online server that allows sv_cheats. These are usually things like skin inspect servers, where you can’t do anything harmful with cheats enabled. With sv_cheats enabled, enter the command “cl_drawhud false” into your CS2 console. Your HUD should completely disappear. To re-enable the CS2 HUD, enter “cl_drawhud true” into the console. It’s pretty simple stuff, really.

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