As part of the live-service format that Overwatch 2 utilizes, each new Competitive Season that comes and passes brings a variety of different features and mechanics for players to enjoy. These additions can range from new maps and heroes, reworks and balance changes, limited-time game modes, Battle Pass updates and themes, as well as many in-game events and celebrations that take place as a one-off, recurring, or annual one-time events such as the likes of Halloween Terror in October, and Winter Wonderland during December.
As part of Overwatch 2’s Season 14, the annual Winter Wonderland event has returned, bringing back limited-time game modes such as Yeti Hunt and Mei’s Snowball Offensive. In addition to this, there are also numerous winter and holiday-themed hero cosmetics available, most of which can be obtained through the Battle Pass or purchased in the Overwatch Shop. However, there are also several Legendary skins that players can earn completely free during Winter Wonderland 2024. If you’re curious about which skins are available and how you can earn them, all relevant information has been included in the guide below.

Overwatch 2: How to Get Katara Mei Skin For Free (Avatar: The Last Airbender Collab)
Overwatch 2’s Avatar: The Last Airbender collab offers players the opportunity to earn Mei’s Katara skin for free.
All Free Legendary Winter Wonderland 2024 Skins in Overwatch 2 & How to Get Them
During Overwatch 2’s Winter Wonderland event in 2024, there are four different Legendary skins that can be earned completely for free during the event. These skins are as follows:
- Casual Hanzo
- Chic WIdowmaker
- Cozy Cassidy
- Merry Marionette Echo
Hanzo’s Legendary Casual skin has been free to earn throughout the entire Winter Wonderland event and can be obtained by completing 2024 Winter Wonderland challenges. Luckily, this is also one of the easiest Winter Wonderland challenge rewards to obtain, as players will only need to complete 8 games of Quick Play, Competitive, or other eligible Arcade game modes to earn this cosmetic for the elder Shimada brother. Furthermore, wins will double your progress, meaning you only need to win 4 games in total.
In addition to this, later down the line in Winter Wonderland 2024, three new additional skins became available to earn beginning December 19, 2024, and will be available for players to earn until the Winter Wonderland event wraps up on January 6, 2025. Much like the Casual Hanzo skin, these winter-themed cosmetics for Widowmaker, Echo, and Cassidy can simply be earned by playing games.
To earn Echo’s Merry Marionette skin, players will need to complete 3 games. For Cassidy’s Cozy cosmetic and a matching highlight, they will need to complete 6 games in total. And last, but certainly not least, players can complete 9 games total to earn Widowmaker’s Chic skin and a matching highlight intro. Just as with the Hanzo skin, double progress towards completing these challenges will occur for every completed game that you win.
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