How To Complete Thermia Fractures In Warframe

How To Complete Thermia Fractures In Warframe
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Orb Vallis, home of the Corpus, is an open-world map on Venus in Warframe. While exploring Orb Vallis, you may come across cracks in the ground that are spewing out an orange liquid. These are Thermia Fractures, a type of recurring event you can complete for a variety of rewards.


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There are a few different steps you have to take to complete each Thermia Fracture, and with no tutorial in-game, getting started can be confusing. For starters, the event only occurs about once a month on a somewhat random schedule. Luckily, that’s where we come in. Below, you can find everything you need to know about Thermia Fractures, including how to start and complete them, and what the rewards are.

How To Complete Thermia Fractures

Before you start a Thermia Fracture, you will need to collect a Coolant Canister. This carryable item drops from Coolant Raknoids, which can be found following the Exploiter Orb around the Temple of Profit in the northwest corner of Orb Vallis.

Once you have the Coolant Canister, find a Thermia Fracture, which are the cracks with orange liquid spewing from them. Here, insert the Coolant Canister to begin collecting the Thermia.

Doing this will cause waves of Corpus to attack you and the Canister while it fills up over a 3-minute duration. This will fill the Canister to 25 percent, at which point you will need to take it to another Fracture and repeat this process until it is fully filled.

Completely filling a Canister will reward you with one Diluted Thermia, which is used to fight the Exploiter Orb.

Alternatively, you can load multiple Canisters into the same Thermia Fracture and fill the whole thing in one go. Additional Canisters must be added within the first 30 seconds of the defense starting, so you’ll want to carry them all over to the Fracture beforehand.

Either way, once the Canister has been completely filled, you’ll need to find another Coolant Canister from a Coolant Raknoid to continue closing Thermia Fractures.

During a Thermia Fracture, there are several different modifiers that can occur, affectionately referred to as ‘Burps’. Here’s a list of each type of Burp and what it does.

Canister Level




Eximus Burp

Spawns more Eximus enemies.


Nullifier Burp

Spawns a Nullifier bubble around the Fracture.

2 or higher

Level Burp

Increases the security level.

2 or higher

Raknoid Burp

Spawns Thermic Raknoids.

3 or higher

Radiation Burp

Deals a blast of Radiation damage in the area.

3 or higher

Rage Burp

Increases the damage of enemies.

Thermia Fractures Event Rewards

Each time a Canister is used to close a Thermia Fracture, you will be awarded with one point. An additional three points are awarded when completely filling a Canister and receiving a Diluted Thermia, meaning that each full Canister is worth seven points.

You will be awarded with the following items at certain point thresholds. These will carry over between Thermia Fracture events.

  • 5 Points: Operation Bured Debts Emblem
  • 25 Points: Amalgam Shotgun Barrage Mod and Amalgam Serration Mod
  • 50 Points: Amalgam Barrel Diffusion Mod and Amalgam Organ Shatter Mod
  • 75 Points: Operation Bured Debts Sigil
  • 100 Points: Opticor Vandal


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