Best Largo Slime Combinations In Slime Rancher

Best Largo Slime Combinations In Slime Rancher
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  • Combine slimes into Largos for efficient Plort production, utilizing dual diet preferences.
  • Manage risky Largo combinations carefully due to potential hazards from different slime characteristics.
  • Match favorite foods to keep Largo slimes happy for maximum productivity and profit.

The purpose of Slime Rancher is right there in the title – run a ranch full of slimes. However, unlike the traditional farm animals, slimes are much trickier to care for and contain. They can be very picky about food, and their inherent bounciness makes it easy for them to escape if you don’t prep properly.


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Slimes produce Plorts, valuable byproducts that appear periodically. Different slimes produce different Plorts with varying values, but you don’t have to sacrifice all your space for each type. You can instead combine them into Largo slimes that can produce multiple types of Plorts at once.

Updated on December 23, 2024, by William Quick: Slime Rancher 2 has been out for some time now, but we can’t forget where our journey to gather all these adorable slimes began – Slime Rancher. We follow Beatrix’s journey as she lands on the slime planet with some resources and high-tech stuff to start her ranching career. She’ll make most of her money from slime byproducts, but Largo slimes can be bred to generate even more. As long as you have valuable Largo combos like the ones listed, you’ll be doing well.


Hunter-Dervish Largo

Diet: Meat And Fruit

Aiming at a Hunter-Dervish Slime in Slime Rancher.

We’d all like a plushie of the Tabby slime, but the Hunter slime is just as cute and even more desirable, considering how hard it is to find. Partnered with the Dervish Slime, you may or may not have difficulty gathering these two slimes at once, but it’ll be worth it. There’s a chance to encounter both in the Glass Desert (Hunter can also be found in the Moss Blanket).

By combining them into a Hunter-Dervish slime, you’ll get a Largo that drops plorts worth 60 or 75 Newbucks. Be cautious when getting these slimes since they can be easily agitated and become dangerous to capture, so make sure your corral is prepared to handle them. Have their favorite food, Roostro, in stock to keep them calm.


Tangle-Mosaic Largo

Diet: Meat And Veggie

A Tangle-Mosaic Slime in the Corral in Slime Rancher.

Of all the slimes out there, the Mosaic Slimes give off a similar feel to a Shiny Pokemon but are nowhere near as rare to find. Alongside the Tangle Slime, you’ll spend much time combing the Glass Desert to get both guys. However, it’s best to restore oases before you go hunting to increase the encounter rate of Mosaic Slimes.

When you’ve got these slimes to turn into a Tangle-Mosaic Largo, you’ll be collecting valuable plorts, both worth 75 Newbucks. You’ll harm a harmful combo on your hands, having to avoid cyclones and solar flares if you upset these slimes. They love Painted Hens, so you should have a pen of those on the ranch.


Dervish-Crystal Largo

Diet: Fruit And Veggie

A Dervish-Crystal Slime in the Corral in Slime Rancher.

Our good old Dervish Slime is popular for being cute and having a shape like a spinning top, which also explains why it can create tornadoes. On the other end, we have the Crystal Slime, which is hard to hug with all those spikes and is more secluded than its Rocky counterpart. You must sweep through the Glass Desert and Indigo Quarry to get both.


Ranked: All The Slimes In Slime Rancher

Nothing beats a calm, quiet day farming slimes on the Far, Far Range in Slime Rancher. These are the slimes you should farm.

This Dervish-Crystal slime is another Largo that pumps out plorts, netting 75 and 60 Newbucks apiece. While you might be used to dealing with tornadoes, the Crystal Slimes use their spikes to create hazardous ground so that you can’t get close unless you’ve got water. They’ll be happy with Prickle Pears to eat.


Honey-Hunter Largo

Diet: Fruit And Meat

Robot and Honey Slimes by the Corral in Slime Rancher.

Of all the areas you’ll explore in Slime Rancher, the Moss Blanket is where you’ll spend much of your time. It’s one of the first areas you’ll get access to, and it’s quite calm and full of various slimes. This includes the sweet Honey Slime and the intimidating-sounding Hunter Slime.

Since they’re both docile and encountered early on, this is a Largo you can start making to get some quick plorts valued at 45 and 60 Newbucks. This will also allow you to make their diet fruit-based, with their favorite food being Mint Mango.


Tangle-Dervish Largo

Diet: Fruit And Meat

A Tangle Slime on a rock in Slime Rancher.

The Glass Desert is an interesting location to visit, and you’re guaranteed to encounter Tangle and Dervish Slimes while you’re there. Since they’re both docile, it’s quite easy to capture them and take them to the ranch, where you can turn them into a valuable Largo.

Their plorts are relatively valuable, being worth 75 Newbucks each. Regarding characteristics, Tangles are meat-eaters while Dervishes are fruit-eaters, so turning them into a Largo will allow you to focus entirely on a fruit-based diet, specifically Prickle Pears.


Quantum-Crystal Largo

Diet: Fruit And Veggie

Aiming at a large yellow slime in Slime Rancher.

There are a bunch of different Slimes that vastly differ in power and action, so it’s best to be cautious around the more unusual ones. This applies to the spiky Crystal Slimes found in the Indigo Quarry and the mysterious Quantum Slimes found in the Glass Desert and Ancient Ruins.

Though the Crystal Slime is harmful and Quantum Slimes can be difficult to manage, it’s worth turning them into a Largo. Though their plorts have a good value of 60 Newbucks each, these slimes’ combined weakness to water makes their hazards much easier to manage. They have an easy diet of both veggies and fruits.


Rad-Boom Largo

Diet: Veggie And Meat

A group of Rad Slimes in Slime Rancher.

You don’t need to be a scientist to know that you shouldn’t mix explosives, but that’s a different story in Slime Rancher. The slimes of Rad and Boom have some very volatile qualities that you can encounter in various areas, but both can spawn in the Indigo Quarry and Wilds.

They’re both harmful in terms of exploding and giving off radiation, but combining them can make them easier to keep in check. Their plorts share a value of 45 Newbucks, their Largo can subsist on veggies, and their harmful energy can be suppressed by water.


Pink-Rock Largo

Diet: Everything

A group of Rock Slimes in Slime Rancher.

If Slime Rancher has a mascot, it’s the Pink Slime. These happy blobs can be found alongside the grumpier Rock Slimes, as distinguished by their spikes. Since these slimes can be found early on, it makes sense to combine them into a Largo to get a quick boost in plorts and Newbucks.


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While Rock Slimes have a favorite food in Heart Beets, being combined with a Pink Slime makes it so the Largo can be fed anything to produce plorts fast, netting you both 10 and 22 Newbucks.


Phosphor-Tabby Largo

Diet: Fruit And Meat

Some glowing pink Angel-like Slimes in Slime Rancher.

Though the Pink Slimes are quite friendly, they’re not the only happy and harmless slimes you can encounter. The playful Tabby Slime, which can be found all over, and the night-only glowing Phosphor Slime are both cheerful in appearance and make for good Largo partners.

It’s another combo for a more manageable fruit-based diet with a favorite in Cuberries. Though their plorts are worth 22 Newbucks each, the value of this combo is that it can be farmed early on for easy money.


Mosaic-Saber Largo

Diet: Veggie And Meat

A group of slimes in the water in Slime Rancher.

Though the world of Slime Rancher may seem bright and colorful, there is also an element of danger that can be found in harmful and feral Slimes. The fiery Mosaic Slime and the aggressive Saber Slime are examples of dangers lurking in the Glass Desert and the Wilds, respectively.

You should combine these two into a Largo slime to get plorts with values of 60 and 75 Newbucks. It also makes it so that the combo will have a favorite food in Silver Parsnips to keep them happy, while water can be used to keep their fiery light in check.

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