Indiana Jones and The Great Circle allow players to secure and wear various disguises in different regions to hide from enemies and enter restricted areas without getting detected. This mechanic is another reason how the game stays true to the movies by allowing Indy to slip into a particular uniform to fool enemies like the Nazis. However, even wearing a disguise won’t protect Indy from getting recognized by higher-ranking enemy soldiers, so there’s still a level of caution required while infiltrating enemy bases and restricted areas.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: All Gizeh Codes
Here are all the codes that are required for locked chests and safes found throughout the Gizeh, Egypt section of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
All Uniform/Disguises In Vatican City
Players will have access to two disguises while exploring the Vatican City in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.
- Clerical Suit Disguise: This is the first disguise players will automatically get from Father Antonio right after entering Vatican City. You’ll also get a Clerical Key with a suit that can open several doors in the Vatican. As a weapon, players will get a wooden Caine with the Clerical Suit.
- Blackshirt Uniform: Players can get the Blackshirt uniform by going through the Excavation site and climbing the roof of a small building to access an area with Blackshirt goons. The uniform can be found on the desk in said area, which also comes with a Blackshirt key that opens certain doors in the Vatican and Castel Saint Angelo. Players will be able to enter restricted areas as well as the Vatican underground boxing ring with this outfit equipped.
All Uniform/Disguises In Gizeh
Similar to the Vatican City chapter, players can find two additional disguises in the Gizeh region of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.
- Digsite Worker Disguise: This is the first disguise you’ll get after entering Gizeh by starting the “Sanctuary of the Guardians” fieldwork quest. It’s a pretty useful disguise that comes with a shovel as a weapon and the Nazis won’t detect Indy while he’s roaming the sandy roads of Egypt.
- Wehrmacht Uniform: The Wehrmacht uniform is the best disguise to have in Gizeh as it lets you enter Nazi camps without detection. It also comes with a Luger pistol and a Wehrmacht key that can open several doors in restricted areas and grant you access to Wehrmacht quarters that harbor loot. Players can also step into the Knuckle Duster boxing den with this outfit. Simply grab it from a tower in the area marked on the map above.
All Uniform/Disguises In Sukhothai
Unlike other chapters, players can only get one disguise in the Sukhothai region of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
- Royal Army Uniform: Indy can get his hands on the Royal Army Uniform from the Voss’ Camp north of Sukhothai. It’ll basically let players wander into all restricted areas in the region and also comes with a semi-auto pistol. You can also visit the Sukhothai’s boxing pit with this outfit equipped.
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