8 Marvel Characters You’ll Never See In The MCU

8 Marvel Characters You'll Never See In The MCU
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU for short, has been a consistent staple of both film and television for several decades now. By featuring popular characters like Spider-Man but also elevating previously lesser-known ones like The Guardians of the Galaxy it has managed to stay mostly fresh and engaging.


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It shows no signs of stopping either, which does mean it has to pull on some slightly deeper cuts from its roster of characters. That doesn’t mean everyone is going to make on to the silver screen though, some characters just don’t have a chance.

The characters listed below have been chosen due to obscurity, how difficult it would be to adapt them for the screen, and in some cases how poorly their concepts have aged with modern sensibilities.



It Was The 80’s

A grinning man with white hair and white makeup under his eyes.

Snowflame is a character whose levels of strength, speed, pain immunity, and pyrokinesis increase when he takes cocaine. That’s a very specific power requirement, but it makes a little more sense when you consider he was created in 1988.

It isn’t impossible to adapt a character like this for the silver screen, but on-screen drug usage is something of a no-go so far as Disney executives are concerned with cocaine being described as a specific example by Ryan Reynolds when he was making Deadpool & Wolverine.



Not A Chance

Illustrative images of M.O.D.A.M. a woman with a grotesquely enlarged head.

A lot of fans were excited to see how the MCU would adapt M.O.D.O.K. and his unusual appearance. He’s a staple villain of the comics, but people were ultimately disappointed that the MCU turned him into a joke.

It’s unlikely they’ll try to run the idea a second time with M.O.D.A.M. who is the female version of M.O.D.O.K. She doesn’t bring anything new to the table and it is absolutely infuriating that they didn’t pull the trigger and call her M.A.D.A.M.


Armless Tiger Man

Might As Well Be Bad Idea Man

An armless man in a yellow jumpsuit with pointed ears and sharp canines.

Gustav Hertz lost his arms in a factory accident, so naturally, he trained himself to peak physical condition so that he could wage a one-man war against all machines in the world. He also became a cannibal.


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Representing the people of Earth in more than one way.

If that sounds to you like it’s offensive to disabled people and makes no sense all at the same time, you’re absolutely correct. Armless Tiger Man is a truly bizarre creation with no business being part of the MCU.



We Already Might Have

A man with black hair and a goatee looks to the sky.

ForgetMeNot is a Marvel mutant with an interesting power and imperceptibility. If you aren’t looking directly at him not only will you not be aware of his existence but you won’t be able to remember that he ever existed at all.

He’s been present for many of the X-Men’s adventures, it’s just that no one remembers. As tragic and interesting as this is it’s very difficult to adapt this for a film without basing the entire story around his unknown interference.


Asbestos Lady

A Sad End

A blonde woman holding a handgun, wearing a green dress with a white cape.

Asbestos Lady, real name Victoria Murdock, has no powers to speak of. She was just a woman with a grudge against The Human Torch who dressed herself in asbestos so she would be immune to his flames.

She isn’t interesting enough to warrant a spot in the MCU, and there’s also the fact that she predictably dies from cancer as a result of dressing herself completely in the carcinogenic material.

Believe it or not, there’s a character called Asbestos Man who also dresses in asbestos and also tries to take down The Human Torch, who also passes away from cancer because of his own suit. And yet, the two characters have no connection to each other.


Leather Boy

Inexplicably Awful

A man in S&M leather gear with a red ball gag in his mouth.

The short version is that Leather Boy is an S&M with no superpowers who almost joined the Great Lake Avengers by mistake. He would then go on to murder people and squirrels alike because he thought he deserved to be an Avenger more than them.


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The long version is almost exactly the same, except that he once designed the X-Men’s new costumes. As soon as they found out who designed them, they ditched them and went back to their old ones. He’s an odd character with no need to be on screen.


Captain Midlands

Yampy Geezer

Captain Midlands, a British soldier, fighting against fairies.

There are no shortage of options if you want a British version of Captain America. Captain Britain is right there, and Union Jack is another excellent option. Who you’re unlikely to see in the MCU is Captain Midlands.

Captain Midlands is a right-wing, geriatric version of Captain America, hailing from Birmingham and espousing outdated views. He’s undeniably entertaining but far too problematic to adapt to a global audience.



Morbin’ Time Has Come And Gone

Marvel Comics, Spider-Man 2, Dr Michael Morbius

It’s a shame that the Sony Morbius movie was so laughably bad. Not just because it meant a waste of time for everyone who watched it, but also because it irreparably tanked the stock of a genuinely interesting character.

Morbius has a lot to offer, but it will take years for him to recover from being anything more than a meme. Hopefully, it happens someday but for now, Morbius fans will have to bide their time in the shadows.


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