10 Things To Do After You Beat Dragon Quest 3 Remake

10 Things To Do After You Beat Dragon Quest 3 Remake
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The Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake and its two preceding remasters have revived interest in the oldest parts of the iconic Dragon Quest series. It takes all the beloved features of the original game and gives them the polish and love they deserve, adding lush environments and gorgeous sprites.


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This latest reworking has also added more content and surprises. While Dragon Quest is well known for its post-game content, the third game’s HD-2D reimagining gives fans even more to explore and earn once their heroic journey is done. You’ll find plenty of old “secrets,” of course, but you’ll also see freshly added features lurking beyond the narrative end-game.

Notably, there is no “New Game Plus” mode. Any achievements and gear you earn in your playthrough are lost when you begin anew.


Level Up And Explore

The party in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D walks towards copies of the game.

Yes, it’s a clichéd suggestion. Everyone knows that even the best post-game content relies on little more than additional wandering and more beat-downs. So, it’s a bit of a no-brainer to include these tasks on the list. Still, even the most obvious actions are worth mentioning. Like other games in the series, Dragon Quest 3 — and its “HD-2D” remake — is packed with fun places to see. You can spend countless hours finding new locations, many of which are locked until you’ve completed the main story.

Other spots are simply so well hidden that you probably won’t see them in your first playthrough. Of course, all that wandering will also help you complete your second goal of earning more digital experience. You can also spend this time tweaking your party composition and optimizing everyone’s builds. Swap classes, discover new tactics, and find hidden areas you may have missed.


Defeat Xenlon

The party of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake confronts the dragon Xenlon.

Secret bosses are a staple of the Dragon Quest series, and Xelon is one of the toughest. However, the beast is also your path to some of the game’s best post-game content. You’ll find Xenlon atop the castle in the sky, and your party will be informed of the foe’s distaste for tedious battles.


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Thus, you have a new series of challenges. Simply defeating Xenlon is not enough. You must defeat the formidable opponent using as few turns as possible, and rewards are handed down accordingly. The best post-game content can only be accessed by beating the boss in 15 moves or less.


Find Powerful Equipment

The Hero entering a castle in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

Of course, you probably won’t defeat the game’s strongest enemies with your run-of-the-mill sword. You’ll need an armament worthy of a true hero. Fortunately, the game has plenty of epilogue content to uncover. While you might find some of these items in your first run, many require an excessive amount of experience or materials.

For example, the Falcon Blade attacks twice by default, dealing upwards of 110 damage per use, but it’s locked behind a hefty price tag. Likewise, the Assassin’s Dagger offers a chance to instantly kill an enemy, though you’ll need a massive amount of luck to grab it. There’s also the Destructiball, a 155-damage whip exclusive to the post-game Citadel Tower.


Read Guns’N’Buns

A sage stands outside an elaborate building in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.

The suggestively named Guns’N’Buns book is, apparently, Xenlon’s greatest treasure. It also requires a massive amount of work to simply obtain, as players must defeat the dragon to obtain one of three wishes. Selecting this book earns a finger-wag, but the book still grants access to either the Lothario (for male heroes) or Vamp (for female heroes) personalities.


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Interestingly, the HD-2D Remake also introduces More Guns’N’Buns, an unlimited-use book that lets you turn anyone into a sage. However, you must first ask for the regular version of the book, so you’ll use up two of your three Xenlon wishes.


Battle In The Monster Arena

A dragon boss in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

There are countless monsters in the Dragon Quest series, and you probably won’t face them all in a normal playthrough. In the Game Boy Color remake, each new defeat earned you a shiny Monster Medal, a feature replaced by the Mini Medal system in the HD-2D remake. Nonetheless, the arena is worth a visit.

As with most game arenas, you’ll pay a small fee to fight each round. You’ll also stumble across the first nine arena levels as part of the main story. However, the finale ranks — ten and eleven — are definitive post-game content. Plan accordingly and bring plenty of high-quality gear to battle these formidable foes.


Revive Ortega

Ortega stands beside a fire in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.

The hero’s father, Ortega, spends most of the game wandering aimlessly before falling to King Hydra. It’s a tragic, dramatic death. Of course, it’s not the only time a Dragon Quest character has met a sad end. Even your party members can succumb to their wounds, albeit not permanently.

While it’s an undoubtedly sweet end to an otherwise bitter story, reviving Ortega isn’t exactly the best use of a wish. If you don’t want to “waste” one of your precious wishes, save before defeating Xenlon. Ask for Ortega’s revival, then load your previous save.

Nonetheless, should you wish to revive your fallen father, you can absolutely do so. After battling and defeating Xenlon, you can wish for Ortega’s revival. The dragon obliges, and you can return the great warrior to his home. There, he’ll be met by a joyous crowd and his loving wife.


Beat The Final Dungeon

The part of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake walks through the Temple of Trials.

Of Dragon Quest’s many dungeons, the third game’s toughest is the post-game Temple of Trials. As its name implies, the gold-gilded arena offers multiple levels with unique rules and “catches.” One floor, for example, asks you to present four pieces of unique gear. Another wants you to spend obscene amounts of gold on specific items.


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To access this area, you’ll need to complete as much of the game as possible. You must defeat Xenlon, acquire rare gear, and recruit a veritable army of monsters. The ultimate reward is a boss fight and — assuming you survive — a shiny medal. You can’t really do anything with that medal, but it’s cool to have.


Defeat The Real Boss

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake zoma with a blue aura in the middle of battle.

You can technically finish your quest by defeating Baramos, but there’s a more powerful enemy lurking beneath the surface. Zoma is the ultimate enemy, the evil that pulls the strings. So, you can’t really rest until you defeat him.

However, you must first conquer his respective dungeon. You’ll need the best party setup and attributes, amazing weapons, and plenty of endurance. Be sure to stock up on consumables, too; you’ll need plenty of healing if you’re aiming for the ultimate evil.


Defeat The Toughest Boss

The Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake includes the golden Grand Dragon boss.

As if there aren’t enough bosses, you can still tackle the actual final boss. Yes, neither Xenlon nor Zoma is the last boss. That title goes to the aptly named Grand Dragon, a golden multi-headed behemoth that waits at the end of the Temple of Trials. Of course, you must first conquer all the preceding challenges.

And there’s still one final catch. You won’t earn that coveted Grand Medal by simply vanquishing the beast. No, you only have 20 turns to beat the beast. Prepare wisely and make sure you have everything you can to aid your quest. Stock up on the best restoration items and claim the game’s most coveted armor and weapons.


Beat The Game (Again)

The queen's high priest in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

So, what happens when you’ve finished your grand quest? When your father is revived, your inventory is stuffed, and your party members are happily maxed out, there’s only one final task. You must beat the game again. Or, perhaps you already beat the game on the hardest setting. In which case, congrats!

Draconian Quest isn’t exactly post-game content. It’s available from the start as one of three difficulty settings, but most players won’t go guns blazing for their first run. So, when you’re done with your first playthrough, try again. You’re in for a wild ride, as this setting is more than happy to punish every mistake.

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