Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are getting a golden opportunity to get shiny Rayquaza, but defeating the Pokemon can be a tricky ordeal. Here are some of the best counters for the Pokemon and the weaknesses players should exploit to catch it.
Rayquaza is one of the most popular and strongest legendaries in the history of the franchise, so a lot of fans have been waiting for a chance to get the shiny variant of the Pokemon. While Rayquaza is available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, this is a guaranteed way of getting a shiny along with the exclusive Mighty Mark.

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How to Unlock 5-Star Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Unlike some of the previous Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, such as Mighty Torterra, this is surprisingly not a 7-Star Tera Raid. This means that players will have much more lenient requirements to meet to unlock the Tera Raid.
To unlock 5-star Tera Raids, all players need to do iscomplete the base game. It is crucial to note that, unlike 6-Star Raids, completing the Academy Ace Tournament is not a requirement for this. Once that’s done, players must connect to the internet and use the Poke Portal to get the latest raids. It is not necessary to have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription for this.
Rayquaza’s Weakness and Tera Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Rayquaza is a Flying and Dragon-type Pokemon, meaning it will be weak to Rock, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy-type moves. However, Rayquaza will have a Dragon Tera-type during the event. This will cause its defensive type to change to Dragon only. That is, it will only be weak to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Additionally, since its base type is the same as its Tera-type, it will deal twice the amount of damage it usually does when using a Dragon-type attack. Therefore, players should avoid using Pokemon weak to Dragon-type moves, as it will make countering Rayquaza extremely difficult.
Best Counters for Rayquaza in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Since this is a 5-star raid, it will be significantly easier for players to take down Rayquaza than a regular 7-star raid. While Ice, Dragon, and Fairy-type work for this battle, players should opt for Fairy-types, as they are resistant to Dragon-types, making the battle significantly easier.
To no surprise, Azumarill absolutely obliterates Rayquaza. Azumarill is the go-to choice for literally any 7-Star Tera Raid, but it works a bit too perfectly for this 5-Star Tera Raid due to the type matchup.
The drill remains pretty much the same as other Tera Raids and involves just spamming Belly Drum and Play Rough.
Players should opt for the Shell Bell Held Item and aim for high HP and Attack EVs. Using this method, players should be able to beat Rayquaza in less than ten moves.
Another Fairy type that is quite effective against Rayquaza is Sylveon. Players can also use Primarina as an alternative. The Held Item that needs to be used is Metronome, and then it’s all about spamming Calm Mind and Draining Kiss to take down Rayquaza.
Other Counters
While the above are some of the best counters, players can use a wide range of Fairy types in this battle. Players seem to have had success with Clefable, Florges, and Gardevoir, too, so they are definitely worth checking out. Arceus and Zacian are popular options, too.
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