Unleashing a 500kg bomb on a Terminid hive or Automaton base in Helldivers 2 is fun, and so is getting a direct hit on a Bile Titan with a Spear. However, the most hilarious feature of Arrowhead’s game is how your team of four constantly sabotages itself by doing something stupid. How many times have you been caught in a bombardment spree or sliced in two by your squad mate’s Guard Dog?

Helldivers 2 Proves Easier Can Be Better
“No pain, no gain” isn’t always the best policy. Sometimes, making it easier on the players can increase playtime and activity.
Friendly fire is all part of the game’s fun – in fact, it’s one of the main reasons why every mission in Helldivers 2 feels different. With the Omens of Tyranny update launched at The Game Awards, we finally got the Illuminate and vehicles we’ve been waiting for. However, the cover art for the update pays tribute to the comedy of errors in every Helldivers 2 mission.
Helldivers 2 Omens Of Tyranny Cover Art Is A Tribute To Friendly Fire Antics
As with every major update, Omens of Tyranny received a new piece of artwork featuring four Helldivers taking on a swarm of enemies – in this case the Illuminate. However, this one is a comedy of errors, paying homage to all the ways Helldivers have unleashed friendly fire upon their own squad – and the community loves it, as shown by MiddlePhone8670‘s Reddit post.
“Don’t forget butterfingers at the top democratically dropping the fire grenade on his friends. A vote for fire is still a vote,” points out one comment that expects the temperature to rise significantly in the preceding few seconds. Others pointed out that the Helldiver with the HMG was covered in stims, probably thanks to his teammates firing Stim Pistols at him because he kept rushing into the enemy.
“Raildiver” on the right is about to blow his entire squad to bits by overcharging that Railgun too much. But it’s the one at the bottom that’s committed the most grievous sin. I’m not talking about the grenade that he’s kept cooking for too long, but the fact that he’s stepping on the Helldivers Teddy Bear!
“Are we the omens of tyranny lol?” said one comment, which was promptly reported to the Truth Officer.
One Super Citizen corrected them, saying, “No, Lord Bear, President of the Calypso Colonies was being threatened by the illuminate. Due to the lack of nearby cover, our valiant Helldiver was forced to cover him with a most valuable asset, his own body. Lord Bear is currently on Super Earth giving speeches regarding our heroic forces efforts to save his home from destruction.”

Helldivers 2
The Galaxy’s Last Line of Offence. Enlist in the Helldivers and join the fight for freedom across a hostile galaxy in a fast, frantic, and ferocious third-person shooter. Helldivers 2 features Arrowhead’s best cooperative gameplay yet. Collaboration will be vital: Teams will synergize on loadouts, strategize their approach for each mission, and complete objectives together.
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