Dawning 2024 Weapon God Rolls

Dawning 2024 Weapon God Rolls

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Destiny 2 is celebrating the end of 2024 with The Dawning, a holiday event where Guardians turn the remains of their foes into delicious treats for their favorite characters. Spreading the holiday cheer will grant Gifts in Return, which you can then focus into exclusive event weapons and cosmetics.


Destiny 2: Dawning 2024 Guide – All Recipes, Upgrades, And Rewards

Bake holiday treats to earn exclusive rewards during this year’s Dawning event.

This year, six weapons are up for grabs from Eva Levante, including the new Mistral Lift Linear Fusion Rifle. Most Dawning weapons from previous years are also back, this time with significantly better perk pools for both PvE and PvP. Let’s dive into all six weapons and cover the absolute best perk combinations you can chase during this short winter event.

Albedo Wing

Destiny 2 Albedo Wing-1

Albedo Wing is an Arc Glaive that has a decent perk pool for newer players. Replenishing Aegis and Close to Melee is your best combination here, allowing you to reload the Glaive as you block incoming damage. Damaging a target with your Glaive projectile will then buff your Glaive melee damage for a few seconds. That’s about all there is to Albedo Wing, even if we consider PvP.

The only other roll you might consider is Air Trigger with Voltshot, allowing you to load Jolt lightning into your next projectile after a reload kill. Jumping before you reload will drastically increase your reload speed, making this whole gameplay loop a lot smoother. But this pales in comparison to Indebted Kindness or virtually any Rocket Sidearm. Only get this roll if you don’t own any DLC.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Auxiliary Reserves

Accurized Rounds

Replenishing Aegis

Close to Melee

Shield Duration

PvP Roll

Auxiliary Reserves

Accurized Rounds

Replenishing Aegis

Close to Melee

Shield Duration


Destiny 2 Avalanche-1

Avalanche hasn’t seen many changes this year. If you’re looking for a good workhorse Heavy weapon, you can still get Subsistence and Incandescent for PvE add clear. Kill a few red bars to build up Scorch stacks, then watch all the tougher foes violently explode. For actual single-target DPS, you could go Rewind Rounds with Target Lock, but virtually any Heavy weapon is going to serve you better for boss DPS than a Machine Gun.

Fans of Avalanche in PvP might want to farm for this reissue, as it can now get the S-tier Closing Time perk in the first column. You can pair this with Vorpal Weapon for a solid Heavy weapon that can counter Supers and land easy multikills in 3v3 and 6v6 modes alike.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Tactical Mag




PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds

Closing Time

Vorpal Weapon



Destiny 2 Glacioclasm-1

Glacioclasm received a rather massive perk pool buff this year. For PvE players, you can’t go wrong with Overflow and Reservoir Burst. Picking up an ammo brick will give you Reservoir Burst for the top half of your overflowed magazine, giving this weapon some amazing add clear potential. If you need a backup DPS weapon, go for Controlled Burst instead.

Fans of PvP won’t want to skip on Glacioclasm either. While it isn’t outright broken like in the Forsaken era, it can get the amazing perk combination of Lone Wolf and Closing Time. Both perks effectively remove all downsides of High-Impact Fusions: their slow handling, subpar stability, and reliance on range and stability stats to perform well. So long as you keep your magazine low, you’ll never have those problems.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accelerated Coils


Reservoir Burst

Controlled Burst

Charge Time

PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Particle Repeater

Lone Wolf

Closing Time



Destiny 2: Revenant – Tomb Of Elders Activity Guide

Impress your Warden, yes?

Mistral Lift

Destiny 2 Mistral Lift 2024-1

If you never got a chance to earn Doomed Petitioner last year, then Mistral Lift is absolutely worth getting this Dawning. This is the first LFR that can roll with Envious Arsenal in the first trait column, fully reloading the weapon from reserves if you deal damage with your other two weapons. Pair this with Bait and Switch, and you have a solid Heavy weapon for hotswap DPS strategies.

Another good roll here is Rewind Rounds with Precision Instrument, which gives you a solid DPS option for Champions and weaker bosses in endgame PvE content. As for PvP, simply avoid using this weapon. Linear Fusion Rifles aren’t great in the Crucible and are completely outclassed by Machine Guns and Grenade Launchers.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Projection Fuse

Envious Arsenal


Bait and Switch

Precision Instrument

Charge Time

PvP Roll

Do Not Use

Stay Frosty

Destiny 2 Stay Frosty-1

Stay Frosty received a serious upgrade this year. PvE players can rock Rimestealer with Headstone for an S-tier Stasis weapon, shattering Stasis crystals to generate Frost Armor with ease. If you need a more general workhorse weapon, then you might want to use Enlightened Action with Desperate Measures instead.

Where this gun really shines is the Crucible. Thanks to its origin trait and solid stat package, Stay Frosty can outperform most 450 Pulse Rifles without much issue. For perks, you’ll want Lone Wolf for a massive boost to your weapon stats and Kill Clip to reduce the weapon’s optimal TTK after you land a final blow. Get a kill, reload, and enjoy two bursting Guardians with one of Destiny 2’s smoothest-feeling 450 Pulse Rifles.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds




PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds

Lone Wolf

Kill Clip



Destiny 2 Zephyr-1

There’s one reason to get Zephyr: Cold Steel. This perk causes each swing to inflict Stasis Slow, allowing you to outright freeze targets with enough hits. It’s solid for countering Champions or triggering Stasis synergies in PvE, but this is otherwise a subpar Sword when compared to The Slammer.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Hungry Edge

Swordmaster’s Guard

Relentless Strikes

Cold Steel


PvP Roll

Hungry Edge

Swordmaster’s Guard

Relentless Strikes

Cold Steel



Destiny 2: Every New Weapon In Episode: Revenant

Get your hands on Ice Breaker, Bygones, Chroma Rush, and more in Episode: Revenant.

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