Dangerous Players Finally Win Years-Long Thargoid War

Dangerous Players Finally Win Years-Long Thargoid War

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  • Elite Dangerous players, after years of fighting, triumph over Thargoid aliens by taking down the final mothership.
  • The victory marks the end of a dramatic war story that has been brewing since players encountered the aliens in 2017.
  • Reaction among players varied, with some missing the intensity of battles while others are relieved to focus on personal pursuits.

The human pilots of Elite Dangerous have triumphed over the mysterious Thargoid alien race, ending a devastating in-game war that lasted for multiple years. The triumph, which was largely driven by the efforts of the Elite Dangerous player community, comes just as developer Frontier Developments celebrates the game’s 10-year anniversary.

Though the game is more than a decade old at this point, Elite Dangerous feels futuristic thanks to its massive, mind-boggling scale. Players can mine resources, explore, and fly their ships across nearly 400 billion star systems, making Elite Dangerous one of the largest open-world titles ever built. Frontier Developments also advances the events of the in-game story in real-time. For much of the last several years, that story has been one of war against the mysterious Thargoid alien race.


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The latest Thargoid war is just about over now, thanks to the efforts of experienced Elite Dangerous players taking down the last Thargoid Titan mothership, code-named “Cocijo.” As befitting a dramatic end to a stellar war story, the final Titan was slain on Earth’s very doorstep in the Sol system. Frontier Developments posted an in-game news post declaring victory in the Elite Dangerous Thargoid war campaign. The company also produced a narrated trailer commemorating the occasion.

Elite Dangerous Players Achieve Victory Against the Thargoids After Years of Fighting

Thargoid Titan Cocijo was the last of eight Titan ships, massive alien crafts capable of making entire star systems extremely dangerous to travel through and launching invasion fleets across whole sectors of space. The Titans first showed up in 2022, but in truth, the Elite Dangerous Thargoid War’s narrative has been brewing since as early as 2017, when players first spotted mysterious, uncommunicative alien ships in random space encounters. Over time, it was revealed that the ships were the vanguard of one of the most powerful video game alien races, and an enemy of humanity dating back to the days of the first Elite game from 1984.

Reaction to the end of the now years-long Thargoid War in Elite Dangerous among its players was varied. Some players online said they’d miss the intensity of the sieges against the Titans and the pitched battles needed to render them vulnerable. Others were relieved to be done with the war so players could get back to their own personal pursuits, like exploration in deep space, system colonization, or engaging in the newly revamped Elite Dangerous Powerplay system to boost their favorite in-game factions.

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