Best Marvel Heroes Who Are Currently Retired

Best Marvel Heroes Who Are Currently Retired

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  • Superheroes in Marvel often retire due to various reasons, taking a break or passing on their mantle.
  • Characters like Veil, Iron Fist, and Hank Pym chose to step back and lead normal lives away from fighting crime.
  • Heroes might return to action, like Spider-Man 2099 being resurrected, or maintain a an active status even after leaving their hero roles.

In the Marvel universe, being a superhero is like any other job. It’s a lot of work to be an Avenger, or a member of the X-Men. Eventually, every hero needs a little time off. For some Marvel Comics characters, this time off might border on retiring from fighting crime. Depending on the character’s popularity, this retirement can sometimes be permanent as well.

The following characters might be beloved by Marvel Comics fans, but what they didn’t love was being a superhero. They all officially retired at one point or another in the comics, taking a backseat to let newer faces lead the way. Only time will tell if they all stay retired, but for now, these are the best Marvel heroes that are out of commission.


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This Avengers Academy Student Dropped Out

Veil screaming


Madeleine Berry, Veil, Poison Gas Girl


Gas mimicry

Team Affiliations

Avengers Academy

When They Retired

Avengers Academy #37 (2012)

Maddy Berry was the subject of Norman Osborn’s experiments, and was unwillingly turned into gas by Osborn’s scientists. While she was recruited into the Avengers Academy, she had a much more cautious relationship with her own powers. She had learned from Hank Pym that eventually she would completely dissipate, resulting in her being the most reluctant member of the team.

She lived long enough to get her revenge against Jeremy Briggs, her former employer who promised Maddy a cure, only to reveal his true plan was to steal the powers of everyone in Avengers Academy. Nevertheless, Maddy was de-powered anyway, and left Avengers Academy to return to her normal life. After all she had been through, this choice is pretty admirable.


Iron Fist

He Stepped Aside To Let Someone Else Fight

Iron Fist raising his arms


Daniel Rand, Iron Fist, The Living Weapon, Young Dragon


Chi physiology, super-strength, energy absorption, regeneration, master martial artist

Team Affiliations

Defenders, Heroes for Hire, Midnight Sons

When They Retired

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #6 (2021)

Danny Rand is one of the more recognizable B-tier Marvel heroes, as a member of the Defenders and close partner of street-level heroes like Luke Cage. However, in 2021, a six-issue miniseries saw Danny abandon the moniker of Iron Fist after transferring his powers to Okoye. Unable to get his powers back, Danny decided to go back to living a normal life…for a time.

Eventually, Danny was roped back into action by a new Iron Fist, Lin Lie, in a 2022 comic series. Despite being powerless, Danny hunted down this new Iron Fist and offered to train him. Though he’s still officially retired as Iron Fist, Danny has been known to help out with his martial arts expertise from time to time, both teaming up with Lin and Luke Cage on different occasions (and even cheating death).


Hank Pym

An OG Avenger Needed Time Off



Dr. Henry Pym, Scientist Supreme, Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Wasp, Yellowjacket


Self-shrinking, gigantification, super-strength, dimensional travel, genius intellect

Team Affiliations

Avengers, Secret Avengers, Defenders, Illuminati

When They Retired

Avengers #16 (1965)

Henry Pym has had quite the adventure as a superhero since his early days. In a 1965 issue, Pym retired from the Avengers alongside his wife, Janet Van Dyne (a.k.a. the Wasp), but he’s been far from inactive. He helped mentor the second Ant-Man, Scott Lang, and has even taken on the role of an antagonist as both the supervillain Yellowjacket and the creator of Ultron.


Ant-Man: How Did the MCU Change Hank Pym?

The former Ant-Man may be a simple character in the MCU, but there’s much more to his story in the comics.

Recently in the comics, Hank Pym’s heroic days are behind him. For a time, Ultron fused with Pym to become “Ultron Pym,” and later “All-Father Ultron.” Pym was able to separate himself from Ultron with the help of past and future forms of himself. Since then, Pym has taken on a role as a superhero recruiter, though Ultron still has some control over the scientist.


Spider-Man 2099

A Time-Traveling Spider Had To Step Away

spider-man 2099 marvel comic


Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099


Super-strength, super-speed, telepathy, night vision, regeneration, organic webbing, genius intellect

Team Affiliations


When They Retired

Amazing Spider-Man #36 (2019)

It can be confusing to follow the adventures of Spider-Man 2099, given that Miguel O’Hara’s story involves a lot of time travel. A scientist from the year 2099 on Earth-928, O’Hara sought to recreate Spider-Man’s genetic code, turning him into a crime-fighting hero confronting the likes of Superior Spider-Man, Vulture, and the Goblin King.

However, O’Hara has been forced into retirement on several occasions. Recently, he was seemingly killed by a destructing timeline, only to find himself resurrected by Doctor Strange 2099 in the year 2100. Another variant of O’Hara from Earth-96943 utilized Alchemax and Mjolnir to rule over New York, retiring after reaching old age.


Layla Miller

This Powerful Mutant Wasn’t Made For The X-Men

Layla Miller in an office


Layla Miller, Butterfly, Acolyte


Resurrection, precognition, sorcery

Team Affiliations


When They Retired

X-Factor #262 (2013)

Layla Miller first appeared in the infamous House of M storyline, as one of the few mutants who is unphased by Wanda Maximoff’s reality warping. With her powers of precognition and resurrection, she was able to restore the memories of several characters before waging war on the Scarlet Witch. However, after House of M, Layla left the X-Corps and became a mentee of Victor von Doom.

Eventually, Layla retired along with Jamie Madrox, the X-Factor co-founder known as Multiple Man, on the mutant nation of Krakoa. The two have had a quiet life since, having a child and even turning down Wolverine’s request to join him in protecting Cyclops from Kid Cable.


Maria Hill

S.H.I.E.L.D. Couldn’t Trust Her Anymore

Maria Hill Marvel Comics


Maria Hill


Hand-to-hand combat, espionage, weapons

Team Affiliations

S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Secret Avengers

When They Retired


In the MCU, Maria Hill is the trusted compatriot of Nick Fury who met her end in the Secret Invasion series. However, her comic book counterpart has a lot more depth, going as far as to put a hit out on herself if she ever was to retire. That fate came to pass after she was forcibly removed as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. after a failed mission.


Marvel Secret Invasion: 6 Things About Maria Hill The MCU Changed From The Comics

Marvel’s Secret Invasion made some controversial choices with Maria Hill, but her MCU character was already different from the Marvel Comics version.

Despite her official retirement going into effect, Maria called off the hit and blamed it on her younger, angrier self’s desire for justice. She came back into the fold to assist Nick Fury during the Second Secret Invasion, and has been at work reforming S.H.I.E.L.D.


The Punisher

If Anyone In The Marvel Universe Needs A Vacation…

The Punisher-1


Frank Castle, The Punisher, Captain America, Scourge of the Underworld


Weapons, martial arts

Team Affiliations

Secret Avengers, Savage Avengers, Thunderbolts, Defenders, Heroes for Hire

When They Retired

Punisher #16 (2019)

Starting as a Spider-Man villain, Frank Castle went on to become one of the most popular Marvel characters of all time. However, his time as “The Punisher” has been over for quite some time now, after he was seemingly killed by Black Widow after falling off Fisk Towers. In a twist reveal, Castle survived the fall and was rescued by Ghost Rider, though he let his moniker stay dead.

In his life post-Punisher, Frank Castle has proven stronger than even his biggest fans could expect. As part of his initiation to join the Hand, Castle fights Ares, the God of War, and fights an Avengers team consisting of Doctor Strange, Captain America, and Moon Knight. More recently, Castle escaped capture by teleporting to Weirdworld, a domain on Battleworld.


Jessica Jones

Jess Has A Whole New Look These Days

Jessica Jones covered in blood


Jessica Jones, Jewel, Power Woman


Super-strength, healing factor, flight

Team Affiliations

Defenders, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers

When They Retired

Alias #1 (2001)

Few Marvel characters are as different from their original selves as Jessica Jones. The character was technically introduced in 2001, but was retroactively confirmed to have retired from a previous role as the superheroine Jewel, to pursue a life as a private investigator. However, from time to time, Jones has emerged from retirement to don the Jewel outfit once more.

Currently, Jessica Jones is not active as Jewel and remains a simple private investigator. If she needed any convincing that the superhero life isn’t for her, it was recently in The Variants. Jones encountered her multiversal selves, including a variant of Jewel who was hell-bent on stealing Luke Cage from her.



Nothing Can Keep Murdock Away For Long

Daredevil in the rain


Matt Murdock, Daredevil, The Man Without Fear


Super senses, telepathy, martial arts

Team Affiliations

Defenders, New Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., The Hand, The Fist

When They Retired

Daredevil #1.50 (2014)

Earth-616’s Matt Murdock has been forced into retirement from time to time, such as when Spider-Man convinced him to hang up the horned helmet to avoid arrest. Of course, Matt doesn’t exactly listen, but eventually turns himself in. However, things went a little differently for a variant of Matt Murdock from Earth-14436. Matt retires after the birth of his son, Jackie, and becomes mayor of New York.


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Marvel’s Daredevil has taken many forms over the years. These are the strongest versions of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.

However, even this iteration of Matt Murdock couldn’t resist getting back into action even at 50 years old. He picks up the Daredevil suit after 70% of New York City suddenly goes blind, the work of Jubula Pride. As for Earth-616’s Murdock, he’s currently lying low as an amnesiac priest after defeating the Hand once and for all with Elektra.


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