- Savage Country has high chances of containing legendary parts for crafting tier 6 weapons and armor.
- Crack-A-Cafe offers a high loot-to-zombie ratio for obtaining books and magazines for new crafting items.
- Navezgane Athletics Complex has a shortcut to access top-tier loot with a challenging fight for valuable items.
Just like many other open-world survival games, players are encouraged to pick up everything they see in 7 Days To Die. Almost every item in the game has a use. Whether it’s for crafting, consuming, or selling, most players will grab everything in sight as they try to survive.

7 Days To Die: Best Base Locations For Navezgane
When it comes to Navezgane in 7 Days to Die, the following locations are ideal places to build a base.
There are several factors that players need to take into account when searching for top-quality loot. Level, loot stage, armor, skill points, and biome all have an impact on the quality of loot the player will find. However, there are a few places that are worth searching, regardless of the player’s loot stage.
Super Savage Country
The Best Place For Farming Legendary Parts
- Navezgane Location: 552 West 1846 North
For those playing on the Navezgane map, there are two main Savage Country stores. However, the Super Savage Country is by far the more fruitful location to loot. It can be found in the snow biome. Since it’s located in one of the game’s more difficult biomes, players will receive a nice loot bonus just for being there.
As for the loot, clothing racks, rails, and piles have the highest chance of containing legendary parts. Legendary parts are required to craft tier 6 weapons and armor pieces. Not only is this place excellent for getting legendary parts, but it also has a pretty large loot stash at the back of the store that’s filled with all sorts of top-tier goodies.
Load Up On Books And Magazines
- Navezgane Location: 552 West 1785 North
Reading magazines and books is how players unlock new crafting items and special abilities. Needless to say, books and magazines are among the most useful items in the game. While there are a few Crack-A-Book locations on the Navezgane map, Crack-A-Cafe is the best one to visit. While it doesn’t have as much loot as the Crack-A-Book HQ, its loot-to-zombie ratio is much better.

9 Best Books In 7 Days To Die – And How To Get Them
Books are very important in 7 Days To Die, but these are the most useful out of all of them.
Players can expect to walk away with dozens of books and magazines for relatively little effort. It is a tier 3 POI (point of interest). However, it’s not a very large place. The larger the POI, the more difficult/time-consuming it is to clear and loot the place. All of the books are packed within a relatively small area, making them great for looting.
Minotaur Theater
An End Game POI With Great Loot
- Navezgane Location: 552 West 1846 North
The Minotaur Theater can be found in the snow biome on the Navezgane map. This place should only be visited by well-armed players who can handle lots of zombies in a confined space. This is one of the hardest locations in the game to clear. It’s often given out as a tier 6 clear mission by traders during the later stages of the game.
Unlike some of the other most difficult POIs in the game, Minotaur Theater isn’t overly large, meaning that a player can clear out the building and loot its contents within one in-game day. If the player makes their way to the main room, they’ll see several loot containers on the main stage. Not only that but there are lots of crates spread about the building. Also, if the player is a keen collector, there are plenty of things that can be broken down for mechanical and electrical parts.
Navezgane High School
Good Loot And An Easy Way To Clear
- Navezgane Location: 440 West 1780 North
Like most POIs in 7 Days To Die, there is a way to clear this location that makes it easier, and quicker. The game wants players to take a certain route when clearing out a building. Each interior has set trigger points. Once a player passes a trigger point, something will happen. Whether it’s zombies dropping down from the ceiling or the floor collapsing, something that is designed to challenge/kill the player will take place.

7 Days To Die: 15 Tips For Beginners
7 Days To Die can be a tough challenge for newcomers. With these beginner tips, players can not only survive, but thrive.
With Navezgane High School, it’s incredibly easy to avoid every single trigger point and simply grab the loot stash. The main loot stash can be found in the gymnasium. Instead of going through the entire school, the player can head to the western side of the building and break down the door. This will reveal a locked metal rail door. This will take too long to break. Instead, using any ranged weapon, the player should shoot one of the zombies in the room. This will cause all of the nearby zombies to hop up and come charging towards the player.
Instead of going for the rail door, the zombies will start breaking down the brick walls, creating a large opening that the player can go through. Before going into the gymnasium, the player should stay outside and take out the zombies that break out. After the zombies have been mopped up, the player can loot all the goodies within the gymnasium and then run off with their newfound wealth.
Navezgane Athletics Complex
A Sprawling Complex With A Top-Tier Back Room
- Navezgane Location: 275 West 1781 North
Not too far from the previous entry, the Navezgane Athletics Complex has a great shortcut for getting top-tier loot. It’s worth noting that even with the shortcut, players will need to take out a lot of zombies. Around the back of the complex on the western side, there’s a locked gate. If the player places down blocks and hops over the gate, they will find themselves right next to this POI’s loot room. The loot room is a small sturdy building with a steel door.
There’s a button on the wall next to the door that will open it, giving the player access to all of the great loot that’s hidden inside. Upon opening the door, a horde of tough zombies will come charging out, so be prepared for a fight. However, the difficult fight is more than worth it as the room contains almost every type of loot crate, a hardened chest, some weapon piles, armor shelves, and more.
Carl’s Corn & Bob’s Boars
Start Growing Super Corn
- Navezgane Location: 352 West 646 North
Carl’s Corn & Bob’s Boars is the place to go to find Super Corn. While it’s not the only place where players can get their hands on this valuable crop, it is the easiest location to clear. Super Corn can be grown and harvested. It is one of the most valuable resources in the game. Players who make a Super Corn farm can make tens of thousands of Dukes every few days, making it a must-have resource.
There is one fully grown Super Corn plant upstairs in Carl’s Corn and a couple more in the basement. There are also a few boars that the player can kill for some meat. Not only that but at the end of this POI, there’s Grace. Grace is a boss enemy. She is an overgrown boar. While she can be avoided entirely, it’s a fun encounter.
All Wasteland POIs
The Whole Area Grants Players A Large Loot Bonus
- Navezgane Location: South West End Of The Map
Each biome has its own loot bonus. This is due to the biome’s overall difficulty. The Wasteland is by far the most difficult biome to survive in, so just by being within its boundaries, players receive an impressive boost to their loot stage. This makes looting the Wasteland in general very profitable. Players are also likely to come across Dire Wolves in the Wasteland.
While these beasts are incredibly tough to kill, they are guaranteed to drop an orange loot bag. These are the most valuable loot bags in the game. They usually contain great items. This includes weapons, armor pieces, and even the occasional rare schematic.
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