Best Marvel Rivals Characters, Ranked

Best Marvel Rivals Characters, Ranked

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Selecting the best characters in a game like Marvel Rivals can always be a bit daunting. This is not only because the heroes will likely receive a ton of changes over time but also because sometimes what’s considered a ‘lower-tier’ hero could be the one you consistently perform best on. Overall, some characters have abilities that can carry the team, and others struggle a bit on certain maps and in certain team compositions.

Then, you also need to consider how much effort goes into learning a character before you can get maximum value from them. Some heroes are significantly more difficult to master, and even when you do, they don’t actually get the results you want during a match. There are a bunch of things to consider when picking the best characters in Marvel Rivals, but these are the ones that are thriving (or not) in the current meta.


Marvel Rivals: 12 Characters With The Most Health, Ranked

Those looking to stay alive in Marvel Rivals should give these characters a try, as they come with some of the largest health pools in the game.

All Marvel Rivals Heroes Ranked


Each hero in Marvel Rivals has abilities that represent their personalities and canonical powers, but some are better than others at also amplifying their team’s abilities to win matches. While it’s ultimately up to the player who they want to pick for a game, these are the heroes who will more likely guarantee a win versus those who are a bit of a cost to play as.

Here are all the Marvel Rivals heroes ranked:


Marvel Rivals Heroes

S Tier

Jeff the Land Shark, Cloak & Dagger, Luna Snow, Iron Fist, Psylocke, Winter Soldier, Doctor Strange, Magneto

A Tier

Adam Warlock, Mantis, Groot, Venom, Moon Knight, Scarlet Witch, Star-Lord, The Punisher

B Tier

Loki, Rocket Raccoon, Captain America, Peni Parker, Hela, Squirrel Girl, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Magik

C Tier

Thor, Black Panther, Namor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Storm

D Tier

Hulk, Black Widow

S Tier Marvel Rivals Heroes


S Tier heroes in Marvel Rivals are the cream of the crop right now. These are heroes that you are likely to see in every game, have incredible abilities that can turn the tide of the fight, and have very few or no cons to picking them in a match.

Jeff the Land Shark


Everyone’s favorite Land Shark is the first in this tier, simply because he has fantastic healing abilities coupled with an Ultimate which is possibly the best in the game for fight-winning potential. As a one-star hero, he’s also fairly easy to learn, meaning that even those who don’t main a Strategist can pick him up to support the team and still get pretty good value out of him.

One of the main things that sets Jeff apart is the distance at which he can heal and how quickly he can get away from flankers. Jeff’s Joyful Splash can reach heroes like Venom and Iron Fist – who will likely be in the backline of the enemy – with relative ease while still keeping at a safe distance.

Then, his Hide and Seek ability not only lets him get away quickly, but acts as one of the best self-healing abilities in Marvel Rivals. So, overall, an absolutely stellar Strategist pick.

Cloak & Dagger


Cloak & Dagger is the next pick for S Tier but for slightly different reasons. They have strong healing powers that can keep a team up during most heated fights, but the main reason they’re here is because of their overall utility.

Dagger is the healing half of the duo, and her main shots are homing daggers, which you don’t need good aim to hit. Her Veil of Lightforce does a massive burst of healing, and her Dagger Storm creates an indestructible sphere where allies can stand to heal over time. She has a lot of potential for keeping her teammates alive, but Cloak’s abilities are what bring the duo up to an S Tier rating.

Cloak’s Terror Cape blinds enemies, makes them more vulnerable to damage, and actually does a decent amount of damage to them. You can quickly switch between the two to support your team and make it a lot easier to pick off enemy characters. Plus, he has Dark Teleportation, which can make allies invisible for an easy ambush or escape.

The two together make for one of the most versatile picks in Marvel Rivals, making them a strong S Tier character selection.

Luna Snow


While Luna Snow is an unknown character even for some of the most die-hard Marvel fans, she has quickly become a staple in most team compositions since the game’s release. While she can be slightly challenging to master because of the aim you require to heal up teammates, she remains one of the best picks.

This is due to her ability to pump a ton of healing into teammates, how quickly she can take down flankers, and the amount of damage potential she has when you hit her shots. Additionally, Absolute Zero can freeze enemies for a few seconds – dooming them, essentially.

But the thing that pushes her to an S Tier Strategist is her Ultimate ability. This large circle of healing can outperform a lot of damage, essentially making her team invulnerable to anything that isn’t burst damage like Scarlet Witch’s Ultimate. It can also damage boost the team, giving her extra utility in fights, which can also turn the tide in a second.

Iron Fist


Iron Fist is an absolute menace to any Strategist who is a bit isolated from their team, as his main strength is diving into backlines and quickly picking off enemies while still being able to back out with immense speed. Crane Leap and Wall Runner both make him incredibly difficult to pin down, but they also give him the ability to counter flying heroes despite being a melee character.

These movement abilities, alongside the sheer amount of damage he can do in seconds, are essentially the perfect flanker. He won’t necessarily thrive in the middle of the enemy team the same way a Vanguard could, but he does what he’s built for to near perfection at this stage. As a three-star difficulty character, he can take some time to get right, but the value you get from him once he’s mastered is unparalleled, making him a solid S Tier choice.



The sound queue for Psylocke’s Ultimate ability tends to strike fear in the hearts of her enemies, and for good reason. It lets her dash between enemies in her circle of doom with immense speed, dealing massive damage and quickly picking off anyone in the way. It’s a solid fight winner and something you could even use against 4-5 of the enemy team alone to completely turn the tide of the game.

But that’s not the only strength she has because even her Psionic Crossbow reduces the cooldowns of all her other abilities, making her a stealthy assassin who can sneak up on lonely Strategists in the backline or surprise enemy Duelists enough to take them down quickly. Like Iron Fist, she’s difficult to master, but the value you can get from her abilities makes her an S Tier character, even for those who haven’t completely learned the ropes just yet.

Winter Soldier


Winter Soldier is a fantastic choice for anyone who is coming from more shooter-focused online games to Marvel Rivals, and his abilities are varied enough that he excels both at mid-range and close-range fights. Tainted Voltage and Bionic Hook also make him an excellent choice for crowd control, and his Ceaseless Charge passive essentially means that you won’t waste a lot of time reloading his high-damage normal attack when using these abilities. So, enemies get picked off quickly, and he can still stay at a safe distance to do so.

His Ultimate is also one of the best among the Duelists, as it not only unleashes massive amounts of damage but marks enemies so that they die instantly if they go below a certain health threshold. Getting these kills not only recharges his Ultimate immediately to use again, but it adds more to his crowd control potential by giving his team the upper hand in fights.

Doctor Strange


The thing that makes Doctor Strange such a strong pick for any team is not only his ability to protect it with his shield but also the way he can help his team make massive rotations to take the enemy by surprise. Pentagram of Farallah allows him to open a portal that you can either shoot and/or heal through or jump through to get around the enemy completely without much of a risk – especially if they don’t notice it.

Of course, his Ultimate ability is another thing that makes him so strong. The power of it comes with the fact that enemies can’t shoot, move, or do anything if they’ve been caught – making it one of the only Ultimates in the game, which pairs well with pretty much every other damage Ultimate.

So, Strange’s ability to protect his team, get around the enemy, and completely control them makes him one of the best Vanguards in Marvel Rivals, and one which works with any, if not every, team composition.



The last hero in the S Tier category, but certainly not the least, is Magneto. While Magneto can take some time to master because of how slow he is compared to the rest of the heroes on the roster, he is undeniably powerful when you get them right. His shields allow him to protect his team, and he can launch massive damage into any enemy and knock them back, making them vulnerable to getting picked off quickly.

However, one of the main things that makes him so strong is his Metallic Curtain. This shield can block incoming projectiles, which means he’s one of the only heroes who can also directly stop projectile Ultimate abilities. This makes him a direct counter to many characters, and it will be difficult for the enemy to play around him and get value from their abilities.

A Tier Marvel Rivals Heroes


A Tier heroes are still incredibly strong picks in Marvel Rivals, with one or two drawbacks that keep them from being in S Tier. This by no means indicates they’re bad, however, as they’re still among some of the strongest characters and have game-saving potential.

Adam Warlock


Adam Warlock is one of the more challenging Strategists to learn how to play, especially because his healing is on a cooldown, which you need to learn to manage effectively. The main thing that keeps him from S Tier is that his survivability is not great – especially when his Regenerative Cocoon is on cooldown – and he can get overwhelmed when playing against high-mobility characters.

However, he has extremely high damage potential, with his Cosmic Cluster able to one-shot most of the more squishy characters in the game. Despite being on a cooldown, he has incredible healing output potential, and Soul Bond is also very effective against a lot of the damage Ultimates in the game.

His Karmic Revival Ultimate can completely change how a fight ends, making it one of the best Strategist Ultimates in the game by far. Overall, he takes some time to master, but he’s a great pick, especially when playing alongside Mantis and Star Lord.



As one of the easier Strategists to learn, Mantis has become a popular pick among Marvel Rivals players. However, the ease with which she can be played isn’t the only reason players have found and stuck with her; she has some fantastic abilities outside of healing.

The most pertinent is her Spore Slumber, which puts an enemy to sleep and is a fantastic defense against any flanker trying to take her down.

Mantis is all about dealing damage and healing, too, as getting critical hits will help you regenerate life orbs quickly so you can heal your team more effectively. She can also consume her Life Orbs to give herself a damage boost, making her an absolute assassin on the field.

The main reason why she’s in A Tier over S Tier is because her Ultimate is not as strong as Luna Snow’s, for example, but it can still be a fight winner if you use it at the right time.



Groot is one of the more interesting heroes to learn, mostly due to his Walls and Ultimate ability. These both restrict the movements of the enemy drastically and in a game as fast-paced as Marvel Rivals, this can quickly become detrimental to whoever is trying to take you down.

In fact, his Walls – if placed properly – can even pretty much completely negate a Cloak & Dagger who is trying to use their Ultimate on point to damage and heal. Depending on which wall you choose, they can damage enemies and protect teammates.

His Ultimate ability is similar to Doctor Strange’s in that it traps enemies and combos really well with a lot of other damage Ultimates. This makes Groot a fantastic choice for many combos, and that’s not even considering how unkillable Rocket and Jeff the Land Shark both get when they ride on his shoulders in their Team-Up ability.

The snag with Groot, however, is that his walls and abilities can also make life a little bit difficult for his team, depending on how you use them. This sets him a little shy of S Tier, but he’s still an overall strong Vanguard pick.



Acting as a kind of mix between Duelist and Vanguard, Venom can easily get in and out of enemy backlines to either support his flankers or just simply become one himself. Symbiotic Resilience gives him extra health, making him difficult to take down, and his Cellular Corrosion alongside his main attack means he can get in the faces of dangerous enemy heroes and take them down with relative ease.

On top of that, he has pretty great mobility with Venom Swing and Alien Biology, which allows him to swing into fights quickly and climb walls, respectively. This synergizes really well with Frenzied Arrival, where he can slam into the ground after swinging into battle and deal a good amount of damage to an enemy in his wake.

Overall, he’s like a tanky flanker, perfect for the player who wants something different while still supporting the team. His Ultimate ability could use some work, but with how devastating the rest of his abilities are, this ends up being negligible most of the time.

Moon Knight


Moon Knight specializes in throwing blades that damage multiple enemies simultaneously, which can be extremely difficult to play around and keep track of. With the right placement of his Ancient Ankhs, you can also minimize the space in which enemies have to play, giving him great crowd control potential.

Because of these abilities, Moon Knight’s damage to enemies can come swiftly and pick them off with relative ease – just as long as they’re not playing too split up from each other.

His Ultimate is another high-damage ability that can wipe out an entire team easily if they’re caught in it, but even if not, its area of effect is large enough that it can make it difficult for them to advance or defend against Moon Knight.

The caveat with his Ult is that you’ll likely need to combo it with someone like Groot or Doctor Strange to pull a lot of kills off – but overall, he’s a fantastic hero who can quickly slice through multiple enemies.

Scarlet Witch


The main reason why Scarlet Witch fits comfortably in A Tier is because of how much value you can get with her for relatively little effort. Her abilities work really well together, so she can quickly move in and out of fights to pick off lone wanderers or low-health enemies trying to get away, and if her Ultimate is used correctly, it can spell a complete team wipe.

She can be a little bit difficult to survive with when you’re first starting with her, but once you get the hang of her invisibility and when to activate it, she can be devastating.

Dark Seal is also a really strong ability that stuns enemies for a couple of seconds, which is all you need to ensure that they can’t get away from you (or another person on your team). It also disrupts whatever they were trying to do, meaning that Strategists can’t get to their team in time to heal them, or Duelists won’t be able to pull off the kill they were looking for before walking into the sphere.

She’s a great choice for many team comps, and if you can combo her with someone like Doctor Strange, you’ve got a match made in heaven.



Star-Lord’s strength is similar to that of Iron Fist, where he can get in and out of enemy backlines and quickly pick off Strategists or heroes who have strayed a little too far from their team. His normal attack does high enough damage, but Blaster Barrage adds to this effect by making it difficult to track and shoot in all directions to get one or two picks simultaneously. Stellar Shift also gives him the ability to quickly reload his guns, meaning you won’t really find yourself struggling to get those picks.

Then, of course, his Ultimate ability is one of the strongest in the game. Galactic Legend allows him to lock on to enemies and engage in free-flight, meaning he is even more difficult to take down and can laser through enemy characters with ease. He can be a bit challenging to master at first, and his mobility is slightly lacking outside of his Ultimate, but a good Star-Lord can be devastating to deal with.

The Punisher


The Punisher is a one-size-fits-all type of hero, as he can do an insane amount of damage from both close and mid-range with his shotgun and automatic rifle, respectively. He can also turn himself into a turret, which gives him a good amount of protection, making it incredibly difficult for enemies to move down his sightline. While his mobility falls short compared to some other Duelists, this is made up for with his Smoke Grenade, which can allow him to make a quick getaway if he ever gets in trouble.

Like the rest of his abilities, his Ultimate is primed to do silly amounts of damage and can quickly pick off enemies or just be an intimidating enough presence to make them run away from wherever you’re firing from. Punisher is an absolute menace for an enemy team, but you just need to make sure you’re staying close to your healers because he can get picked off quickly himself if he gets caught in a bad situation.

B Tier Marvel Rivals Heroes


While B Tier heroes are not among the best choices in the game, they can still provide some really good plays – especially if you are particularly well-versed in their playstyle. They have more drawbacks compared to the higher tiers, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t ever worth picking; they just have a more niche place than other heroes.



The God of Mischief has a range of interesting abilities, but his Regeneration Domain is one that stands out as his strongest. This crystal can be destroyed, but when allies stand in it, they regenerate health, and all incoming damage is essentially negated. He also has great mobility in the form of his Doppelgangers, which he can switch between at any time; plus, he can go invisible when things get really dicey.

However, other Strategists tend to do what Loki can a little better. His Ultimate ability, while strong, is a little proof of that – in which he takes the form of another character and uses their abilities against the enemy. The danger with Loki is that his Ultimate can go to waste easily if you don’t have a fair comprehension of the hero you’re copying. Additionally, his healing outside of Regeneration Domain can be quite difficult to pull off. If you’re good with Loki, he can be a great character to have on the team, but the challenge of learning the ropes doesn’t always pay off.

Rocket Raccoon


Rocket Raccoon has an incredible amount of utility. From his healing orbs to the beacons he can put out to resurrect and boost his teammates, he provides a ton of benefits and manages to put the enemy team on the back foot.

His Ultimate can also be a great combo with many damage-dealing Ultimate abilities, as it will boost their damage and make it much easier to get picks in the heat of the fight. Perhaps his biggest pro, however, is the insane mobility he is given with Jetpack Dash and Wild Crawl.

The main problem with Rocket is that he doesn’t output a ton of healing, and his Ammo Overload Device can easily go to waste if you don’t have a Punisher or Winter Soldier on your team. The damage he does with his main fire is also essentially negligible for the enemy team, making it difficult to defend yourself without just simply running away. He’s a full support hero, so he can be challenging to get value out of, especially if you’re looking for someone with more versatility.

Captain America


With high mobility and the ability to close distances from enemies running away from him quickly, Captain America can be a strong pick for an especially aggressive-style Marvel Rivals team. While his normal abilities don’t afford much in terms of protection for his team, his Ultimate creates a trail behind him that they can follow for a speed and health boost. It makes it very difficult for him to be taken down. He’s a melee-range character that plays very similarly to Venom, and if he’s not countered well enough, he can make a devastating impact.

However, he struggles against very high-mobility characters who can fly and escape him. His abilities tend to struggle against other Vanguards like Venom and Groot, who can pin him down easily. While his Ultimate does provide some usefulness for the overall fight, it’s also not as strong as some other Vanguard abilities, meaning that he falls into the mid-range of character picks.

Peni Parker


Peni Parker is a great choice if you’re playing with a team that wants to hunker down and defend a point. Her Bionic Spider Nest releases small drones that seek out and damage players, giving her extra health when she stands on the webs it spawns. She has a ton of mines and drones she can place to make it incredibly difficult for the enemy team to close in on her allies. If you’ve got the point, she can be an absolute menace to get past – especially when she uses her Ultimate ability.

The main issue you may find when playing Peni Parker is that she doesn’t have much versatility. She struggles quite a bit when she’s on the back foot and in an attacking position, and she can’t really support characters that thrive off of getting in and out of the enemy backline quickly, like Iron Fist or Star-Lord.

She’s a bit of a niche pick and, overall, not a bad character, but this lack of versatility makes it difficult to get proper value out of her when you aren’t primed to use her abilities properly.



While she doesn’t have the flanking potential of some other Duelists, Hela can have a massive impact when she sticks with her team. Her Nightsword Thorn attacks have great damage, but she can also support her team well with her Team-Up abilities, which give Loki and Thor more health, or she can even resurrect them when she takes down an enemy. Her Ultimate is also one of the best in the game, as she can safely stay high up in the sky with extra health and launch her crows at enemies.

Hela struggles slightly when it comes to getting value with her normal attacks, though, as you need very precise aim in order to get the damage output you need. This is not a massive issue, but it can make her challenging to master and cut down significantly on the value you get out of her until her Ult charge is up. Overall, though, she’s still a solid choice for players who put in the time to learn her playstyle.



Hawkeye can be incredibly annoying to deal with, especially considering his one-shot potential as his Archer’s Focus meter fills up. The variety of different arrows he has at his disposal means that he has something for every situation, and Crescent Slash and Ronin Slash can help him quickly get away from a flanker trying to pick him off while still doing a good amount of damage to them. He has a lot of potential to save fights for his allies when you learn to master him.

However, he can get easily overwhelmed by flankers. Because Hawkeye will usually stand a bit further away from his team naturally, he is also usually posed as a target for them. Even if he gets one pick, he will likely find death if he doesn’t manage to hit his shots. His Ultimate ability, while it can be useful for pumping more damage into the enemy team, also falls short compared to some other Duelists, as it can be outhealed if the enemy Strategists pay enough attention.

Squirrel Girl


With the help of her friends, Squirrel Girl can make a catastrophic impact on the enemy team if she’s not kept in check. Her normal attacks do a good amount of damage, and Squirrel Blockade allows her to completely trap one enemy and make them vulnerable for the whole team to take down. She also has really good mobility thanks to Tail Bounce, which lets her reach high ground easily and get away from anyone who comes too close.

Her Ultimate can be a bit hit or miss, though, as the Squirrel Tsunami can be an amazing Ultimate against an enemy team trying to hold a point, but it’s easily dodged when you’re trying to attack with it. It can also be challenging to actually hit people with her normal attack, as it’s more of an AoE effect rather than a direct hit.

This takes away from her one-shot potential. She’s a good pick for players who like making the field difficult to navigate for enemies, but she falls short of some Duelists because of her lack of damage output.

Iron Man


Iron Man thrives on keeping distance from enemies and launching high-damage attacks from this distance. His ability to constantly stay up in the air makes him very challenging to take down, and Armor Overdrive gives him insane damage potential that can laser down squishy heroes. Hyper-Velocity means that he can get away quickly when he needs to, and his Ultimate can easily take down 4-5 enemies if it hits them directly.

However, it can be difficult to pull off his Ultimate. Because Iron Man is in the air and at a safer distance most of the time, the enemy team will have a lot of warning when you shoot it down at them. This makes it essential to pair up with Groot or Doctor Strange to ensure you get the value you need from it, which isn’t always ideal. Additionally, he’s very vulnerable to characters with good range (and aim) to take him down quickly.



Magik is another hero who can get into the enemy backline and do tons of damage to lonely characters quickly. Her Stepping Disks allow her to quickly teleport behind them, but also pivot around characters to make it very difficult to keep track of her. She also has a variety of attacks she can pull off when she comes out of the portal, and coupled with how hard it is to see where she is, she can constantly be a nuisance.

She’s challenging to master, though, because her attacks are quite slow. Her portal also only teleports her for a fairly short distance, so it can be difficult to get out of situations where she’s vulnerable and overwhelmed by enemies coming back to support their backline. This is balanced out slightly with her Limbo’s Might passive, but she needs a lot of practice to master, and like Loki, it won’t always pay off.

C Tier Marvel Rivals Heroes


While C Tier heroes have their place in some team compositions and on some maps, they aren’t usually worth a pick. This can range from them having weaker abilities to being overly challenging to master, and they’ll often rather be a sore point for team play rather than someone who is adding a lot of value.



Thor’s strongest ability is Storm Surge, which launches him in a direction and can knock enemies back and damage them, and his Ultimate can also be fairly strong if it’s placed well. His abilities are all about disrupting the enemy, but it can be incredibly challenging to get close enough to them to pull off what you need to – mostly because you can see him coming from a mile away.

He’s fundamentally a melee-range character who can struggle to get into that range, which is not an ideal setup. While Storm Surge does give him the opportunity to hurl himself forward into the fight, he runs the risk of taking a lot of damage before he gets where he needs to go. His ranged damage abilities can also be blocked by multiple heroes, rendering him less useful than some other Vanguard picks.

Black Panther


In conjunction with mobility abilities like Subtle Step and Spirit Rend, Black Panther can get in and out of enemy backlines to quickly deal with characters who don’t have the stockier protection of Vanguards. The problem, though, is that he can be easy to get away from if you see him coming, and he lacks the insane damage potential of a Duelist like Iron Fist, who performs the same role but better.

He’s incredibly challenging to master because he relies completely on chaining his abilities to get the effect you want. If you’re interrupted at any point, it’s lost, and you need to start over again to get the kills you need. This is particularly evident when using his Ultimate ability – which does refresh Spirit Rend – but if the enemy gets out of the way or heals up quickly enough, then the potential value on it is completely lost.



Namor has an interesting playstyle which relies on getting value from his Monstro Spawn by using normal and alternate attacks to get them to pad more damage into whoever he is focusing on. He also has one of the best abilities for getting out of fights quickly with Blessing of the Deep, which negates all damage coming his way and allows him to float high up into the air.

The issue with Namor, though, is that he can only have two Monstro Spawn on the field at any time, and they are incredibly easy to take down. This means that his main utility is countered very easily, making it difficult to get much value out of it. His Ultimate can make for some big plays if it’s positioned correctly, but like Black Panther’s Ultimate, its value can get lost if you aren’t able to follow up quickly or enemies get out of the way.



With his ability to swing into battle quickly and pull enemies away from their team, Spider-Man has strong abilities that can help his team get the upper hand in a fight. His Ultimate, if used well, can also easily take down 3-4 enemies that are grouped together – which is basically an automatic fight win.

The problem with Spider-Man isn’t so much that he is a bad hero but relies a lot on his team to follow up on his actions. He doesn’t have the same kind of quick damage potential you’d find with someone like Star-Lord. So, if you’re playing with random teammates, it can be difficult to communicate what you’re doing, subsequently losing a lot of value on his abilities. Additionally, he is one of the most difficult heroes on the roster overall, meaning that the time you put in to become a good Spider-Man player may come to nothing because he can’t fare super well on his own.



Wolverine has a similar playstyle to Iron Fist, where you want to close in on the enemy quickly, do your damage, and get out. He has a better health pool than most other Duelists, which can make him difficult to take down, and he can combo his abilities well enough to pick off vulnerable characters quickly.

However, Wolverine struggles because there are other Duelists (like Iron Fist, of course) who do his job better, and he can struggle to close that distance if you don’t manage your cooldowns properly. You need consistent damage to build up his Rage, and this can become a significant challenge when you’re playing against higher mobility heroes who can get away from him quickly.

His Ultimate can also be problematic because it can have a good initial impact, but he may not be able to follow up appropriately to get the kills he needs to win the fight.



Getting value out of Storm’s abilities lies in using her two different Goddess Boost modes to support your team. One can make the difference in catching up to the enemy by giving allies a movement boost, while the other grants a damage boost to anyone in her sphere of influence. Her Ultimate ability is also really strong, as she can cause absolute chaos among enemy ranks and pick off lower-health heroes very quickly if they get in her way.

The most challenging thing with Storm is making sure you can survive with her. It’s essential to stay close to your team, not only to get the most value out of her Goddess Boost but also so that you can rely on your allies to help you when you need it. Her lack of mobility and, subsequently, this issue with survival means that she can often find herself not getting the value she needs to win fights.

D Tier Marvel Rivals Heroes


These characters, unfortunately, are not really worth picking in any team composition. While C Tier characters may still have their place in certain compositions and maps, D Tier heroes are extremely weak and will more likely be a detriment to the team than add any value.

Bruce Banner/Hulk


It might be a bit surprising to see a canonically strong character like Hulk so low on a tier list, but there are a few problems with his character in Marvel Rivals that make him the weakest Vanguard by far and one of the weakest heroes overall. Firstly, he’s a very big target to hit, and he has no real ability to protect himself from incoming damage.

While he does have his three modes he can transition from, it doesn’t really take away from the fact that he struggles immensely against high mobility and ranged characters – which is most of the roster.

Secondly, he doesn’t provide much protection for his team outside of tanking damage. And, since it’s been established that he doesn’t tank damage very well, he falls short of this potential. If he does manage to close in on the enemy, his damage is also a bit underwhelming, even while he’s in his Ultimate mode, making him the first of only two D-Tier characters in Marvel Rivals.

Black Widow


Black Widow is in a bit of a strange position in Marvel Rivals, mostly because her abilities don’t really lend themselves to the fast style of the game. She has the potential to get one-shot kills, and her Ultimate can make it more difficult to navigate certain areas when she uses it, but it’s not an easy task to be a good Black Widow player.

The problem is that this isn’t because she’s particularly difficult to play, but more that her abilities overall don’t have the same potential as most other Duelists. She’s only really good at range despite having some melee abilities, and if she gets caught by a flanker, it’s not easy to get away from them.

Unfortunately, there are just better heroes to pick if you want someone with her playstyle – namely Hawkeye – because she ends up being more of a cost than a value add to team compositions.

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