Ashes of Creation’s new alpha phase adds two races and a dungeon to the MMORPG

Ashes of Creation’s new alpha phase adds two races and a dungeon to the MMORPG
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Two months after it opened its doors, Ashes of Creation Alpha Two is entering its second phase. The ambitious new MMORPG from Intrepid Studios has already had some exciting moments since it first entered the public testing stage, but it’s taking a big step forward with this update. There are two new playable races to try out, another dungeon to tackle, three more Nodes in the Sandsquall Desert, a marketplace, the ability to purchase player housing, and a holiday event.

The second phase of Ashes of Creation Alpha Two ramps up the amount of time you’ll have to play – servers will be kept on as much as possible through Monday January 6, and after that will be live for at least five days per week as Intrepid builds towards its always-on third phase in May 2025. Two new playable races join the MMORPG – Jinn-influenced humans known as the Vaelune that come from the Sandsquall Desert, and the dwarven style Dünir.

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The new dungeon is the Befallen Forge, and you can take a look at it in action as part of the developer livestream above. This underground complex is tied to the Dünir, and you’ll be able to uncover the curse that struck them (along with plenty of valuable loot, of course) as you plunder its depths. A dracolich world boss will also be introduced to the zone in the future, which you can think of as essentially an undead dragon that game director Steven Sharif describes as “an agent of the corrupt forces.”

Three new Nodes, Ashes of Creation’s regions, have been introduced in the Sandsquall Desert, and the world around them has been “significantly adjusted.” You’ll be able to buy player housing for the first time. Called Freeholds, these require you to be level 20 to purchase and will cost 100 gold in the current testing phase. Sharif notes that Freeholds are a “very, very, very large system” that will roll out in stages across phases two and three, so this is just the first implementation. You’ll be able to introduce some plants and animals to your new property once you’ve paid up.

Marketplaces are another major addition – these essentially act as a trading hub that allows you to list your items and resources for sale. “This is a first implementation,” Sharif cautions, “so it’s possible there may be some bugs.” Rounding things out is a special holiday update to celebrate the season. The team says it hopes to have some more Verran holidays in the full game, but for now, you can expect a wealth of more traditional festivities.

Ashes of Creation Alpha Two - New dungeon the Befallen Forge.

As for what you can expect moving forward, Sharif says, “In phase two you’re going to see some more focus on balance, as well as the new systems and features that we’re going to be implementing. You’re going to see some expansions of the playable space in the world and the new Nodes we’re going to be bringing online.

“You’re going to see some more player-centric systems like sieges, expanded war systems, and guild systems,” he continues. The Rogue class will also make its debut, with the Summoner and other races next on the development checklist once that’s in the game.

Ashes of Creation Alpha Two phase two is live now. Taking part requires the purchase of an Alpha Two second wave key, which is priced at $110. Note that while this will include access to future test phases, it doesn’t include the final game. You can check the phase two patch notes courtesy of Intrepid Studios for the full list of changes.

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