World of Warcraft Adding Highly Requested Warbands Feature in Patch 11.1

World of Warcraft Adding Highly Requested Warbands Feature in Patch 11.1

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  • The upcoming WoW Patch 11.1 adds customizable campsite backgrounds for the character select screen.
  • Players can create up to 20 camp groups and set backgrounds as favorites or randomize them.
  • Patch 11.1 includes UI updates, event tabs, a hunter pet specialization change, and new addon features.

World of Warcraft is finally adding customizable campsites on the Warbands character select screen in Patch 11.1. Though the update does not have a release date yet, campsites are going to be another type of collectibles players can obtain starting in the new World of Warcraft update.

Warbands in World of Warcraft are a collection of quality-of-life improvements that Blizzard has described as “account-wide everything.” Beyond shared achievement progress, reputation, and transmog unlocks, the Warbands system also revamped the character select screen to allow four characters to be posed together around a single campsite.

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However, in Patch 11.1, the character select screen is going to get some major overhauls that World of Warcraft fans have been looking forward to since before Warbands were first introduced in The War Within. In Undermined, players will be able to unlock new campsite backgrounds for their character select screen, tracked via the Collections pane. Those that players have collected will be accessed and displayed from the menu button at the top of the character select screen, where they can also set certain ones as favorites, or even randomize between some or all of their unlocked campsites.

Were that not enough, players will be able to save their characters in up to 20 different camp groups, each of which can be named or customized individually. As players cannot currently have 80 characters on their accounts, a single toon will presumably be able to appear on multiple campsites at once.

Beyond this feature, a number of other quality-of-life and accessibility improvements are coming in Patch 11.1 as well. The Quest Log pane is receiving several new UI elements, including an event tab to keep track of world activities. Additional support for tracking and sorting addons will be implemented, and the recently-updated stable is getting a dropdown menu allowing one to change their pet’s specialization, ostensibly letting them field whatever Hunter pets in World of Warcraft they want, independent of mechanics.

These improvements and more, including some significant class changes, will be available as a part of World of Warcraft Patch 11.1. The update itself is expected to arrive sometime in February, but players can look forward to its arrival on the Public Test Realm early next year. The new Warbands character select screen customizations will likely arrive in one of the first PTR builds, so fans won’t have to wait long to see what the different campsites look like, and how the system itself works.

WoW Patch 11.1 UI and Accessibility Updates (PTR)

  • Additional camp groups can now be created on the character select screen with a maximum of 20 groups. Groups can be renamed or deleted by right clicking the group header button.
  • New Warband campsite backgrounds can now be unlocked for the character select screen. A list of available campsites can be found in a new tab in the Warband Collections pane.
  • Collected campsites can be accessed and displayed from the menu button at the top of the character select screen. From here you can:
    • Assign a campsite background for a specific group or for all groups.
    • Set a campsite as a favorite.
    • Randomize from your favorites. If there are no favorites set, one will be chosen from all available.
  • The Quest Log pane has received several updates:
    • The map filter now has a counter for how many items are hidden from the map.
    • The map legend has been relocated to a tab on the side of the pane.
    • A new event tab has been added to the pane with information about ongoing and scheduled events within Khaz Algar. This allows you to keep track of weekly event completion and set reminders for upcoming timed events.
  • Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu.
  • Overall addon performance information has been added to the top of the AddOn list, and information for specific addons is now included in the tooltip that appears when hovering the Game Menu microbutton.
  • AddOns can now be categorized by addon authors and related addons will be grouped automatically in the list. Search and new right-click options have also been added to the menu.
  • World events that appear in a city hub are now consolidated with other map pins into the hub. Pins will be placed in their actual locations when zooming into the map.
  • The indicator that a quest has already been completed by your Warband now appears at the top of the gossip frame.
  • The achievement point display in the guild roster will now display the total achievement points for that character’s Warband, the same value that is displayed in the achievement UI. The point total will not update in the guild until that character has been logged in at least once.

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