Through your adventures as a Monster Hunter, you will come across many memorable characters that support you on your quests, whether they take your armor and weapons or give you quests to embark on.

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No matter how long you’re engaged in the grind of Monster Hunter, you can trust these fun NPCs to lighten the mood or tackle the fight with you. While some NPCs are great warrior characters, you’ll often get a great impression from the funnier NPCs who drop a good joke here and there.
Meowscular Chef
Delicious Cat-made Meals
Your canteen cook in Astera is this robust meowtastic Palico, who gives you all the gains you’ll need in a hunt. He’s one of the more unique appearances Palicoes can take in the Monster Hunter franchise, and his partially broken sword is reused as a cooking implement for his canteen animations.
Seliana’s canteen cook, the Grammeowster Chef, is his mentor in the art of divine cooking. Like many cooking NPCs throughout the series, eating his food grants you all manner of boosts and bonus attributes you may want on your hunting quests from increasing max health to Attack up and gaining more luck for rare materials. Meowscular Chef’s canteen will probably be your most visited spot in Astera, next to the Blacksmith area.
His Immenseness
The Largest Elderly Chief You’ll Meet
His Immenseness is very different from the usual appearance of other older Wyverians, who tend to be short and diminutive in their elderly years. He is the ruler of Dundorma and the leading authority figure of the Guild. It’s a complete mystery how old he is and how he got so big.
Because of his distinct characteristics, his immenseness is a unique NPC to encounter and interact with. He is often portrayed as a jovial man with a steadfast temperament and an eagerness to tackle the many elder dragons that plague the Schrade region. With a longsword bigger than his body, it’s no wonder this colossal Guild boss can wrestle down even the biggest of elder dragons.
Leader Of The Adventuring Crew
The leader of your caravan crew in Monster Hunter 4. He is the lead NPC of the game and his search for the source of his mysterious golden relic is the key focus of the storyline. The Caravaneer helps you get introduced to all the other major NPCs you encounter throughout the story and is connected to the Ace Hunters you will meet later on.

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The Caravaneer is a boisterous guy with a love for adventure, exploration, and the search of the unknown in the wide world of Monster Hunter. His adventures led to the discovery of Gore Magala and the virus it unleashed that plagued many monsters worldwide. He is a blast to talk to and considers you a Kindred Hunter who can get the toughest hunts done the best.
Guild Sweetheart
A Funny Gal With An Important Job
Throughout the series, many ladies, gals, and sweethearts act as receptionists, giving you your quests for the hunt. The Guild Sweetheart, also known by her in-game occupation as the Moga Sweetheart or Aisha, is your liaison with the Guild during your time in the single-player portions of Monster Hunter Tri and 3 Ultimate.
Unlike the guild girls in previous installments, who were mostly super professional with a few eccentricities, Aisha is an endearingly funny character with all kinds of fun stuff to say in 3 Ultimate and Generations as your housekeeper. She’s sassy and humorous, gets on random tangents regarding certain monsters or elements of the gameplay, and does her best to help you get ready to face monsters as fierce as Lagiacrus and Caedeus.
The Excitable A-lister and Ace Cadet
Aiden has appeared frequently throughout the Monster Hunter series. Of all the NPCs, he’s appeared the most frequently in significant roles with changes throughout the game he’s in. He’s also the main character in the Netflix animated feature Legends of the Guild, where his backstory with the Ace Hunters is explored.
Aiden is the Ace Cadet who appeared in Monster Hunter 4 and the Excitable A-lister who paired up with the Serious Handler in Monster Hunter World. He develops through his weapons and armor types and interactions with other characters in each of these games. He teams up with you in the initial showdown against Fatalis, which ultimately foreshadows the appearance and inclusion of Followers in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
Dame Luchika
A Reserved Lady And A Hunting Enthusiast
Luchika is a high-ranking member of the Royal Order who works part-time as a hunter for the Elgado Outpost. She presents herself in the outpost as a calm, cool-headed figure to follow for other young knights like Sir Jae. She has some fun quirks and is fond of the owl-like cahoots.

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She becomes a whole different person as a follower when she’s out on the field. During a hunt, she becomes a rather enthusiastic, bloodthirsty knight hellbent on the slaughter of any unfortunate monster with absolute impunity. She’s great for drawing Aggro off of you, and thanks to followers not doing as much damage to monsters as you, she can be a valuable teammate to break monster parts for additional materials.
Admiral Galleus
Leader Of The Royal Knights

Galleus is the leader of the Royal Knights present in Elgado and was the former resident of a region of the Citadel before Malzeno and the Qurio destroyed it. Because of this, he takes the investigation and the hunts of the regional monsters fairly personally. He is the key authority figure of the outpost, and many of the missions you undertake are under his direct authority.
As a follower, Admiral Galleus wields a Great Sword and is great to bring along due to his damage potential. Admiral Galleus plays a pivotal role in fighting Gaismagorm when the monster emerges in one of the best cutscenes in the game. He displayed his command, preparedness, and strategic planning when his ship and dragonators intercepted the Archdemon’s emergence.
The Admiral
Leader Of The Research Commission
The Admiral is the man responsible for organizing the Research Commission for the New World and the investigation of the Elder Crossing. While the Commander and his grandson are responsible for leading and guiding you through the initial introduction into the New World, the Admiral brings in the second part of the story in the Hi-Rank quests. This leads to the discovery of the Elder’s Recess, the confrontation with Nergigante, and the emergence of Xeno’jiiva. He then appears regularly throughout Iceborne as you face tougher and more dangerous monsters.
The Admiral is a very striking individual with an amusingly dynamic appearance. Many characters and players see him as a human equivalent to Rajang, a large ape-like fanged beast with golden hair when enraged. He even makes a striking impact when Rajang appears by grabbing a massive boulder and using it to block Rajang’s attack.
Dame Fiorayne
Bravest Knight In Elgado
Fiorayne is a knight of the Royal Order in Elgado and is the main character who engages with you on your journey as a follower. She is best considered the non-playable protagonist of the Elgado storyline, with much of the focus being her team-up with you in dealing with Malzeno and the other monsters afflicted by the Qurio.
She officially introduces the Follower Mechanic in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak and is the most prominent one to appear in the main story. She has an interesting arc throughout the story. She has several moments where she displays her skills as a hunter, with the clash against Malzeno and her massive attack against Gaismagorm in the final battle.
Part-time Receptionist And Residential Monster Lover
Guildmarm, also known by her official name Sophia, is the most memorable NPC of the fourth generation of Monster Hunter and the golden standard for the receptionist characters in the series. She is very memorable in outfit design and aesthetics, and her messy workspace is full of monster drawings and quest paperwork. Her eccentric interactions with you make her shine compared to the rest of the receptionist NPCs.
Regardless of your name, despite how everyone fondly calls you a hunter of some respect, she will refer to you as Doodle in Monster Hunter 4 or Squiggle in Generations. Her other offenses in the name of comedy include name-dropping Dungeons & Dragons references, calling out oddly specific game-based limitations you abide by, and having uncomfortable fascinations with monsters, with her personal favorite being Brachydios. She is a comedic treat in an otherwise gameplay-heavy experience.

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