Major Excavation Events, Explained (Siren Isle)

Major Excavation Events, Explained (Siren Isle)

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Siren Isle is a new zone introduced in World of Warcraft: The War Within patch 11.0.7, offering players a variety of new activities and rewards. To unlock and access Siren Isle, players must speak to Dawn in the Foundation Hall of Dornogal to begin the introductory questline.

One of the key activities available in this zone is the Major Excavation event, which unlocks after players complete the introductory questline for Siren Isle. Here’s a quick overview of the Major Excavation event and how to participate in it in The War Within.

World of Warcraft Shares Handy Map of Rare Spawns on the Siren Isle

World of Warcraft shares a helpful map that shows where fans can find various rare spawns on the Siren Isle in The War Within Patch 11.0.7.

What Are Major Excavation Events?

There are three Major Excavation events on Siren Isle, each led by one of the expedition leaders: Dawn, Elaena Lancekat, and Skaggit. To check for active excavations, players can either open their map or visit the Siren Isle Command Map table at Flotsam Shoal (69 / 43), where the three leaders are stationed.

By interacting with the Command Map, players can view the status of the three Major Excavations: Shuddering Hollow, The Drain, and The Drowned Lair. To activate an excavation event, players must contribute Flame-Blessed Iron to the designated excavation. Each contribution requires 5 Flame-Blessed Iron, with a total of 150 needed to fully activate a Major Excavation. These donations can be made by any player on Siren Isle, and individual contributions are not required to participate in the events.

How to Complete a Major Excavation

Once an event is activated, NPCs will be sent to the respective excavation site, visible on the map, to begin clearing a way into the cave. It will take the NPCs 3 minutes to open the entrance, giving players plenty of time to arrive at the location. After the entrances are open, players must head inside and defeat the Rare Elite boss located within to complete the event and claim the rewards.

Players must tag the boss to claim credit for the event and receive rewards.

Each Major Excavation features a unique Rare Elite:

  • Shuddering Hollow: Stalagnarok
  • The Drain: Gravesludge
  • The Drowned Lair: Nerathor

Defeating the Rare Elite completes the event and rewards players with a Crate of Bygone Riches. This crate contains Flame-Blessed Iron and has a low chance of including transmog items or Veteran track Warbound gear, which can be traded to alts. Additionally, the Rare Elites themselves drop Flame-Blessed Iron, Bronze Celebration Tokens, and a chance at Veteran track Warbound gear. First-time event completions also provide select gems for Cyrce’s Circlet, a catch-up ring that can be upgraded to item level 658.

After a Major Excavation is completed, there is a 5-minute cooldown before players can once again contribute Flame-Blessed Iron to reactivate that specific excavation. These events can be a great way to farm Flame-Blessed Iron to purchase various transmog items and Warbound gear from the NPCs on Flotsam Shoal.

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