The Illuminate are finally here, and if it all continues to go as it’s currently going, we’re going to crush the filthy squids in no time! Putting the role-play aside for a bit, all Helldivers 2 players know that Arrowhead has something nasty in store for us, so let’s not get too confident. While we’ve been beating them on most planets, we know that this is merely a vanguard.

Helldivers 2 Proves Easier Can Be Better
“No pain, no gain” isn’t always the best policy. Sometimes, making it easier on the players can increase playtime and activity.
We can expect the Illuminate to advance with overwhelming force any time now, but thankfully, we have a bunch of new weapons and gear to deal with them. However, it seems the Illuminate already know this and are targeting the factories which create these new stratagems. Their first target is Achernar Secundus, where the newly launched vehicles are manufactured.
Helldiver, Where’s My Car?
A new Major Order by Super Earth has revealed that the Illuminate have changed tactics and are attacking the factory hubs of the very weapons we use against them Achernar Secundus is where the brand new Fast Reconnaissance Vehicle is being manufactured, and losing it would mean we won’t be able to call down any more FRVs till we reclaim it.
“The AM Defense Factory Hub on Achernar Secundus has come under attack by the Illuminate, threatening production of the Fast Reconnaissance Vehicle (FRV),” says the Major Order from the Super Earth Ministry of Intelligence, “If the Illuminate are not repelled, distribution of the FRV will be severely delayed. Importantly, many colonists will also be killed or abducted.”
If there’s one thing Helldivers love more than democracy and liberty, it’s our brand new cars. You can expect Helldivers from all sectors to converge at this point, as there’s no way we’re letting the squids take away something we’ve waited so long for. The FRV came as part of the Omens of Tyranny update, which included melee weapons and the Illuminate themselves.
The update saw players come back to the game in droves, repelling the initial Illuminate attack in no time and propelling the game back to the top of Steam charts.
While the recent Killzone collaboration caused a bit of controversy over the prices, Arrowhead made things right by giving away the second wave of items for free. Now, we must ensure we can keep what we got by defending Achernar Secundus!

Helldivers 2
The Galaxy’s Last Line of Offence. Enlist in the Helldivers and join the fight for freedom across a hostile galaxy in a fast, frantic, and ferocious third-person shooter. Helldivers 2 features Arrowhead’s best cooperative gameplay yet. Collaboration will be vital: Teams will synergize on loadouts, strategize their approach for each mission, and complete objectives together.
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