Where To Get Agates Of Evolution In Dragon Quest 11

Where To Get Agates Of Evolution In Dragon Quest 11

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Dragon Quest 11 lets players craft all sorts of weapons, armor, and accessories that will often be much better than those found throughout the game. While these high-end items aren’t absolutely needed to beat the game, they can make a lot of the post-game content a lot easier.

Crafting high-end gear will require high-end crafting materials, a common one being Agates of Evolution. If you’re crafting a lot of weapons for your whole party, you’ll need a lot of these; here’s how to farm them easily and get as many as needed.

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Where To Farm Agates of Evolution In Dragon Quest 11

The most common place to farm Agates of Evolution is in Snaerfelt, the snowy mountains you’ll cross through as you progress the main story found in the northwestern corner of the map. In this region, you’ll find Headless Norseman, which has a chance of dropping Agates of Evolution when defeated. While found throughout the region, they spawn the most up by the cabin.

You can also choose to steal Agates of Evolution from these enemies using Erik’s Half-Inch ability, learned from his Guile skill tree. Only one can be stolen from each enemy, so after stealing all that you can wipe out the enemies and start stealing from another group. You can increase the likelihood of stealing items by:

  • Putting enemies to sleep.
  • Increasing Erik’s Deftness.
  • Get the skill Sticky Fingers in Erik’s skill tree to boost the stealing chance.
  • Wear gear that increases stealing chance or Deftness.

Farming Headless Norseman is by far the best farming method for Agates of Evolution, especially if you’re stealing them. There is also a campsite that is a fast-travel location in the middle of the region which can not only lead to you easily returning but can also be a location to craft any recently acquired Agates Of Evolution.

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Where To Win Agates of Evolution In Dragon Quest 11

There are many casinos to be found throughout the world of Dragon Quest 11, and if that is more your style, Agates of Evolution can be traded for in the Casino of Puerto Valor. Your coins across all casinos do carry over, and you can purchase an Agate of Evolution for 50,000 coins a piece. This is a doable method, but stealing these items from Headless Norseman is a much easier method and you’ll get much more quicker if you’re looking to get a lot of high-end crafting done.

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