Stardew Valley is a game with seemingly endless secrets and surprises, which makes it one of the most replayable cozy games out there. Even if you’ve put in hundreds of hours, you might be missing out on something that gives you a unique item or piece of clothing. It can be exciting to stumble upon them, but sometimes they can be hard to discover without prior knowledge.
There are a few events that aren’t on the calendar and are less known by the Stardew community. Some appear on specific days, while others can be accessed at any time. Keep reading to discover new events you haven’t experienced before.
8 Saint Patrick’s Day
On the 17th of Spring every year, you can celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. In the Cindersap Forest near the Hat Mouse’s shop, you can find a cute pot of gold at the end of a beautiful rainbow. If you click it, you’ll get a leprechaun hat.
This was added to the game in 1.6, and it’s the only way that you can get the leprechaun hat. On top of that, you’ll get some gold from the event as well.
7 Merry Christmas
Milk and Cookies
The Christmas Gift Event is one that requires something from you for it to trigger. On the 24th of winter, you put cookies and milk on a table for Santa to find. On the 25th, you’ll wake up to two gifts, one for each item.
The gift will usually be a Mystery Box, which you can open with Clint. This is a very cute way to experience Christmas within the game, especially if you’re someone who isn’t always given a gift.
6 Winter Train
Presents Galore
Another great event that happens in the winter is what some have referred to as the “Winter Train,” or the “Christmas Train.” The train is a reddish maroon color and filled to the brim with multicolored presents.

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If you’ve gotten tired of your farm in Stardew Valley, check out these games next.
If the farmer is present at the railroad during this, they have a chance of getting Mystery Boxes, and like all other trains, it has a 1% chance of dropping Leprechaun shoes.
5 Stardew Logo
Endless Reactions
One of the least-known events in Stardew Valley happens on the loading screen. If you interact with the Stardew Valley wooden board surrounded by leaves and clouds, you can find some awesome secrets.
There are many things you can do, but two of them are the most popular. If you click on the letter E ten times, a door will open and an alien will appear. Clicking on the leaves ten times will cause three junimo to appear and bounce around.
4 Trash Bear
Cleaning Up
The Trash Bear is a name coined for the bear that appears near the entrance of the sewers in the Cindersap Forest. This quest line isn’t available until Year 3 on a non-rainy day. Whenever it rains, the bear hides (presumably in the forest, but we don’t know for sure).
The Trash Bear will give you four quests, each one asking for different items. It might be fish, a cooked item, or a forage item. If you complete these four quests, the trash near the water will be cleaned up, the trash will be removed from Pam’s yard, and Alex’s dog will get a new house.
3 Junimo Plush
Green Goodness
The Junimo Plush is a secret piece of furniture that can be found by clicking on the bush above the playground near the community center. You can only get the Junimo Plush after finding Secret Note #13, and it’s only available on the 28th of each season.
If you lose your Junimo Plush, you’ll be able to buy another one at the Lost Items Shop for 10,000g. This big green cutie can be placed in your house, and cannot be sold.
For those of you who don’t know, the lost item shop appears overnight if you lose a rare item. You can find it in the Secret Woods.
2 Screen Friends
Aliens, Santa, and Witches. Oh My!
There are different Intro Screens that you can see depending on the date or event. The Intro screen occurs at the end of the day, after 2:00 AM, and shows you all the money that you made.
On the 24th of Winter, you can see Santa Claus and his reindeer riding through the sky. On the 27th, if there is no rain, you have a small chance of seeing a UFO crossing over the top of the screen. Under the same circumstances, you might see the full moon on the side of the screen. You can press it eleven times, and the man on the moon will appear.
1 Elliot’s Piano
Music To My Ears
Elliot’s Piano is an event that can occur anytime, but it would be incredibly rare for you to discover it on your own. To unlock it, you need to enter Elliot’s home and play the first eight notes of the Stardew Valley Overture.
The way to unlock this is by playing the notes in the following order: 2432 3421. If you succeed at this, Elliot will turn to you with a happy heart. It’s a smaller event, but one that is incredibly sweet, and pretty unknown.
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