The proprietor of Pelican Town’s Stardrop Saloon, Gus is one of the most lovable characters in all of Stardew Valley. Good-natured and jovial, Gus is a friend to all in town, including the player character.
Of course, players still have to put in the effort before Gus becomes a close confidante. As with all the villagers in town, Gus has his own likes and dislikes, his own goals and worries. By offering some thoughtful gifts or helping him gather ingredients for new recipes, farmers can gain his favor — and reap all the benefits.

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Updated December 18, 2024, by Demaris Oxman: Stardew Valley‘s 1.6 update is available for players on all platforms, and fans of farming sims can’t wait to see what it’s brought to the table. Among many exciting additions like new festivals and the mastery system, several smaller tweaks have been made as well, including some changes to villagers’ gift preferences. One of these villagers is Gus, the jovial owner of the Stardrop Saloon. This guide has been updated with more tips on befriending him, as well as up-to-date information as of version 1.6.
Gift Guide
Players can show Gus their generosity by stopping by to offer a gift and have a quick chat. Find him in his saloon whenever it’s open. Additionally, bear in mind that gifts given on his birthday, Summer 8, will count for 8x the usual friendship effect.
Loved Gifts
As the best options for Gus, each of these gifts will raise friendship with him by 80 points. When trying to win him over, keep these items on hand.

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Liked Gifts
When Loved gifts are hard to come by (and in the early game, Gus’s often are), these are good options as well. Each increases friendship by 45 points.
Disliked & Hated Gifts
Any of the following items will decrease friendship when given to Gus. Though Disliked gifts aren’t as bad as Hated, it’s best to avoid any drop in friendship points, so don’t give these to Gus.
Interactions & Effects On Friendship
- Fish Stew – On the 26th of Winter, Gus will send the player a letter asking them to catch him an albacore for a fish stew. Farmers who do so will receive 400g, and friendship will increase by one heart.
- Wanted: Lobster – On Fall 6th of Year 2, Gus requests a lobster to whip up a bisque. As before, this will increase friendship by one heart, as well as rewarding players with 500g.
- Exotic Spirits – Gus is hoping to bring some sunshine to the cold Stardew Valley winter. On the 19th of Winter in Year 2, he’ll ask for a coconut to make tropical drinks at the Saloon. Players reap the rewards of one friendship heart and 600g.
- “Help Wanted” Objectives – As with any other villager, Gus may post on the bulletin outside Pierre’s, requesting a random item. Players will receive 150 friendship points for completing these requests.
Movie Theater
Players can take Gus to the movie theater at any time after it becomes available. Depending on which movie they see and the concessions they pick, they can increase or decrease their friendship with Gus. Gus’ preferences for the movie theater include:
Movies |
Love |
Like |
Dislike |
Mysterium |
Concessions |
Love |
Like |
Dislike |
All others |
Heart Event
At four hearts, players can enter Gus’ saloon during open hours. (Note that Pam must also be at two hearts with the player.) Gus will admit that the saloon is struggling financially; however, he is reluctant to ask Pam to pay her tab, as the two are good friends.
The player then talks to Pam to convince her to pay up. Choosing the harsher dialogue will make Gus upset; however, the gentler option will get Pam to pay her debt, and slightly raise friendship with Gus.
Friendship Perks
Friends of Gus’ can look forward to receiving delicious dishes in the mail. These are especially helpful early in the game, when player can run out of energy quickly. The higher the player’s friendship with Gus, the more likely he’ll be to help keep them fed.
At certain friendship levels, Gus will even share his expert recipes with the player:
- Salmon Dinner – Sent at three hearts. This dish restores 125 Energy and 56 Health.
- Cranberry Sauce – Sent at seven hearts. Not only does it provide the same restorative properties as above, but it also gives +1 Mining.
Once players reach five hearts with Gus, he’ll come to the player’s farm and tell them he has come to think of them as a friend. He’ll then present them with a mini jukebox, allowing farmers to play their favorite tunes from the game’s soundtrack as they do their work on the farm.
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