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Dragon Quest 11 has a huge open-world map that will quickly open up to players, even giving them additional methods of transportation to be able to see anything and everything they want. While the main story will take you through a lot of the major locations, there are still lots of optional places to explore that can easily be missed.
One noteworthy location is Slime Island, though it goes by a different name in this game. Slime Island is a great place to farm various slimes and has a high spawn rate for metal slimes even early into the game, just be sure to save after defeating some; here’s where to find it.

Dragon Quest 11: Best Erik Build
Erik can be your best damage dealer in Dragon Quest 11 with the right weapons and build; here’s how to build him best.
Where To Find Slime Island In Dragon Quest 11 (Insula Orientalis)
Slime Island has the official name of Insula Orientalis, but you’ll quickly realize this is Slime Island as every enemy that spawns here is a slime. To find this place, you’ll first need to progress the main story until your party gets the ship and continue a bit further until the entire open ocean is opened for you to explore.
Once you can sail anywhere, head to the far northeastern section of the map, to the one island that appears off the mainland. You can also use Holy Water or Holy Protection to repel weaker monsters and make sailing to this faraway location much easier. You can dock at Insula Orientalis by sailing into the dock on the western side of the island and disembarking to be on Slime Island. As you progress through the game, the enemies of Slime Island will also get stronger, making it a great place to return to.
Insula Orientalis is not a fast-travel location, so you’ll have to sail there every time.

Dragon Quest 11: How To Pep Up
Dragon Quest 11’s Pep Powers are unique abilities in the game, but how do you use them?
Just about every Slime on this island will give a good amount of XP, and is a great place to grind especially right when you can travel here. Metal Slimes won’t appear in the overworld, so fight everything you can, running away if some don’t spawn and your Deftness with Erik is high enough.
If you do find any Metal Slimes, focus on using Metal Slash with the Luminary or anyone who has a sword equipped, along with critical-hit-focused attacks like Critical Claim or Jade’s Lightning Thrust; as a critical hit will kill them instantly. Farming even weaker Metal Slimes can be a great source of Molten Globules, which are powerful crafting materials for some of the best weapons and armor in the game.
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