How To Get a Storm Charm LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

How To Get a Storm Charm LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

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The Storm Chasers update has players embarking on a unique adventure in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, where they can acquire Legendary weapons, battle unique foes, and level up the Storm Chaser Base Camp. That’s not all, however, as players can also venture into the Storm biome, though they will need to come prepared beforehand.

The Storm Chasers adventure culminates in a final battle with the Storm King, but there are a few essential tools that players will need to gather beforehand. The Storm Charm, for example, plays a vital role in keeping players within the Storm biome. Here is how players can get a Storm Charm in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey.

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What Do Storm Charms Do?

Storm Charms are a vital item for those looking to visit a storm in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, as they will increase the player’s Storm Timer when wandering about this hostile biome. By default, players will have only 30 seconds to wander around the storm, and once their Storm Timer reaches zero, they will be rifted just outside the point where they entered the storm. With a Rare Storm Charm, however, the player’s Storm Timer will be extended to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. With a Legendary Storm Charm, it is increased even further to 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

Of course, if players plan on staying in the storm for a while, they will still need to get their hands on Storm Fruit or Storm Nectar, as each will add time to the players diminishing Storm Timer. Players will also receive a defense buff with both charms, along with increased health. A Rare Storm Charm will boost the player’s health by two hearts, whereas the Legendary variant provides four extra hearts.

How To Get a Storm Charm

To get a Storm Charm, players will need to craft it using specific resources via the Crafting Bench. While a Rare Storm Charm can be crafted fairly early on, as the resources needed to acquire it can be obtained without much effort, the Legendary Storm Charm is a different story. Players can only obtain the Legendary Storm Charm upon powering up the Tempest Gateway and defeating the Storm King.

Here is a quick breakdown of how to craft each Storm Charm in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey:


Crafting Recipe

Storm Charm (Rare)

  • 3 Silk Thread
  • 6 Copper Bar
  • 3 Storm Shell: Dropped from Storm Rollers
  • 2 Greater Storm Core: Dropped from Storm Enemies and chests in Storm Dungeons

Storm Charm (Legendary)

  • 3 Silk Thread
  • 8 Cut Amber
  • 5 Rift Crystal: Dropped from Storm Enemies and chests in Storm Dungeons
  • 1 Shatter Horn Fragment: Dropped from the Storm King


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LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

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