Swans are beautiful birds that are rarely spotted in Infinity Nikki, as there is only one of each kind found in Swan Gazebo. They are also picky creatures, so you will need a lot of patience if you need to groom them. Each Swan gives you a different crafting material, so you need to catch both of them.

Infinity Nikki: All Insights And How To Build Them
Bulk up your abilities and cash in your skill points and Whimstars for new outfits and perks in the Heart of Infinity.
Swans are either found swimming in the water or walking on the ground nearby. You can get the Rose Velvet and Night Velvet from them, which you can use to craft some stylish pieces or outfits. Swans are graceful animals, so anything you craft from them is sure to look appealing and beautiful.
How To Find The Swan Gazebo
You will find two kinds of swans in Infinity Nikki, namely the Tuxtail Swans and the Rosecrown Swans, and they can only be found in the Swan Gazebo. Teleport to the Bug Catcher’s Cabin Warp Spire, head straight east and you will eventually find the location; you will find Swans either walking near the water or swimming in it.
How To Groom Swans
Swans do not like to be disturbed while they are swimming in peace. So you cannot groom them while they are in the water. You need to be patient and wait for them till they come back on the ground.
This might take you about five to ten minutes in real-time. We recommend doing other tasks and checking back on them later. If you are lucky, you might sometimes run into them while they are still on the ground.
Make sure you have your Animal Grooming outfit equipped, so you can groom them as soon as they appear.
Once they start walking, go near them and start grooming them when you see a brush icon over their heads. After the grooming animation is complete, you will get the crafting materials from them.
How To Use Rose Velvet And Night Velvet
The Rose Velvet material is obtained from Rosecrown Swans and the Tuxtail Swans give you Night Velvet. You can only get one of both materials every day, as there is only one of each swan in the open world. So, if you want to accumulate more, you need to wait for the server reset every day.
You can use them to craft Stylish Outfits, including the Starlit Celebration Outfit duplicate if you need to evolve it. You can also craft the Starry Virgil dress using one of each material.

Infinity Nikki: Complete Breezy Meadows Factions Guide
Here’s how to complete all challenges for the Breezy Meadows Factions in Infinity Nikki.
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