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Those who have ventured across the expansive Japanese plains of Fortnite‘s Chapter 6 Season 1 map might have come across the Giant Turtle, a great beast that just seems to nap all day long while players fight on its back and loot up from its shell. Yet, the Great Turtle in Fortnite isn’t just there for a fun set piece, as players can actually provide it with some help for XP.

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There’s a secret quest in Fortnite involving the Great Turtle, and here’s just how to find and complete it so that players can level up their Battle Pass and get one step closer to the day that Godzilla stomps his way across the Chapter 6 Season 1 island.
How to Complete the Great Turtle Quest
To start the Great Turtle story quest, players will need to head to the Great Turtle’s shell, where on top they will find Ryuji, an NPC who will request the player’s help. The image above is a helpful map that showcases all the potential spawns of the Great Turtle.
As soon as players land on the Great Turtle, they will receive a free Level Up reward, granting them 80,000 XPfor their Battle Pass progress. Now, players are tasked with clearing the Great Turtle’s shell of 5 Dark Magic Thorns.
While exploring the Great Turtle’s shell, players will be able to find 5 Dark Magic Thorns, and players must destroy all of them. This is easily achieved by hitting them with a pickaxe until they break, or even by shooting them. After destroying all 5, players can head back to Ryuji to receive loot from a Rare Chest, as well as Ryuji’s thanks.
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