Zenless Zone Zero: Miyabi Build Guide

Zenless Zone Zero: Miyabi Build Guide
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As the leader of Section 6 in Zenless Zone Zero, Hoshimi Miyabi is an Anomaly Agent with unique characteristics. She’s an Ice type user, but also wields a Frost attribute which triggers massive DMG on her enemies. Her Frost DMG boosts her Anomaly buildup and her DMG will also depend on which team she’s placed in.

Miyabi makes for a great DPS in ZZZ, but unlike most Anomaly characters, it’s not necessary to stack Anomaly-related stats on her. To put it simply – she’s ‘built different’ and her DMG leverages off the reactions she creates on the field. But that also doesn’t mean players need to forgo her Anomaly attribute, as Miyabi’s build in ZZZ takes some special love and care to turn her into one of the best DPS in the game.

Zenless Zone Zero: Yanagi Build Guide

Yanagi is an on-field DPS Anomaly character that promises particular benefits for Disorder oriented gameplay.

Miyabi Build In ZZZ – Zenless Zone Zero

Miyabi Build In ZZZ - Zenless Zone Zero


Drive Discs

Drive Disc Stats

  1. Hailstorm Shrine
  2. Fusion Compiler
  3. Rainforest Gourmet
  4. Electro-Lip Gloss
  5. Roaring Ride
  6. Weeping Gemini

4-piece set:

2-piece set:

  • Woodpecker Electro
  • Polar Metal
  • Slot 4: CRIT Rate
  • Slot 5: Ice DMG/ATK%
  • Slot 6: Anomaly Mastery
  • Sub-stat priority: CRIT Rate > CRIT DMG > ATK % > Anomaly Mastery > Anomaly Proficiency

Miyabi Best Drive Discs In ZZZ – Zenless Zone Zero

Miyabi Best Drive Discs In ZZZ - Zenless Zone Zero

For Miyabi, CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG are the most important stats you need to prioritize when building her. Her CRIT Rate needs to be at least 80% so that you can maximize the effect of her Shimotsuki, otherwise you won’t be using her to the best of her abilities. The same can be said for Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery, as you will need to prioritize that next when farming for the Drive Disc set that’s tailor-made for her, Branch & Blade Song. A 4-piece set of this will increase Miyabi’s CRIT DMG by 30% if her Anomaly Mastery exceeds a certain number.

It’s a must-have to have her on the 4-piece Branch & Blade Song set to help maximize her CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate. Thus, when it comes to the remaining two empty slots, you can put either Woodpecker Electro or Polar Metal. The Woodpecker Electro 2-piece increases CRIT Rate by 8% and this might be a good option since you need to make sure her CRIT Rate hits 80%, so that she deals consistent DMG. Polar Metal, on the other hand, is purely for Ice Type Agents and is not really a priority when equipping in the 2-piece slot. But, if you don’t have the previous Drive Disc farmed yet, you can place it on her for the time being until you find a better piece.

For Drive Disc substats, remember that just because Miyabi is an Anomaly Agent, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to focus on stacking Anomaly Mastery or Anomaly Proficiency on her. These stats are preferably the last on the long list, with CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK% coming first. However, it is a must to make sure her Primary Stat on Slot-6 is Anomaly Mastery, as you do need to have some Anomaly stats to trigger her Drive Disc effects. Slot-5 needs to be Ice DMG as per usual and Slot-4 will need to be CRIT Rate.

Miyabi Best W-Engines In ZZZ – Zenless Zone Zero

Miyabi Best W-Engines In ZZZ - Zenless Zone Zero

Miyabi’s optimal W-Engine would be her signature, Hailstorm Shrine, which has stats that take advantage of her playstyle. What Miyabi needs when she’s on the field is CRIT Rate and her signature provides not only just that, but also a 50% CRIT DMG increase through its passive. Her signature weapon also increases the damage output of her Basic Attacks and also boosts the Anomaly buildup of enemies affected by Icefire.

Another option for Miyabi is Grace’s signature weapon, the Fusion Compiler. It doesn’t provide the same personalized benefits that it does for Miyabi, but it does work just as well by increasing Miyabi’s ATK and Anomaly Proficiency when using her Special or EX attack. It’s basically the next best option for an S-Rank W-Engine.

When it comes to A-Rank W-Engines, it might be easier to obtain these in comparison and players don’t need to worry about their compatibility with Miyabi, as they do just as well on the field. You can try out either Rainforest Gourmet, Electro-Lip Gloss, Weeping Gemini, or Roaring Ride. Rainforest Gourmet increases the ATK by 2.5% when Energy is consumed, whereas Electro-Lip Gloss increases the equippers’ ATK by 10% when enemies are afflicted with Anomaly. Weeping Gemini and Roaring Ride are also ATK-boosting W-Engines, which also increase Anomaly Proficiency or Buildup when triggering specific attacks.

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