Overwatch 2 Hotfix Nerfs Hazard and Sojourn

Overwatch 2 Hotfix Nerfs Hazard and Sojourn

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  • Hazard’s Ultimate cost was increased by 13% in a new Overwatch 2 hotfix to balance heroes.
  • Sojourn’s Railgun damage was reduced and Overclock energy generation was nerfed in the update.
  • This hotfix showcases Blizzard’s Rapid Balance Update tech introduced in Season 13.

A new Overwatch 2 hotfix has increased Hazard’s Ultimate cost and nerfed Sojourn’s damage, as well as the energy generation of her Disruptor Shot and Ultimate. This small balance update counters back some of the strength both heroes got in Overwatch 2 Season 14.

On December 10, Overwatch 2 began Season 14. As with most major content updates in the FPS, the season brought along a bunch of hero balance changes, including buffs to a bunch of heroes, such as an increase to Sojourn’s Railgun damage, and blanket powerups to nearly every part of Hazard’s kit with the tank hero’s introduction in Overwatch 2 Season 14.

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Now, Overwatch 2 is dialing back a few numbers on these two heroes to balance out their previous buffs. A small hotfix that just went live increased Hazard’s Downpour cost by 13%, slowing the rate at which he can deploy his ultimate by a little bit. Sojourn received several nerfs to compensate for the increase to her Railgun damage in Season 14 – each shot of her primary fire now does one less damage, her Overclock ultimate generates 20 less energy per second, and her Disruptor shot no longer generates energy for her Railgun.

This new Overwatch 2 hotfix is another example of Blizzard’s Rapid Balance Update tech, which it began experimenting with in Season 13. The new technology has allowed Overwatch 2 to apply occasional balance update quick fixes outside its usual monthly season and mid-season patches.

Overwatch 2 lead gameplay designer Alec Dawson provided some commentary on the current game state as of Season 14 along with this hotfix. Hazard allegedly landed on the “safe side of strong,” with this balance change, hoping to pull back on the one place where it saw him overperform. On the other hand, Sojourn’s previous buffs saw the hero on the rise, despite the nerfs to hitscan projectile sizes, which influenced the popularity of Overwatch 2 characters like Ashe, Cassidy, Reaper, and Widowmaker. Otherwise, Reinhardt, Mercy, Kiriko, and Ana are being played more often, while Orisa, Mauga, Roadhog, and Juno are becoming less popular.

The patch notes also make mention of replay codes not being wiped from this hotfix. This is because Overwatch 2 is scheduling a bug fix on December 19 that will delete all existing replay codes from Season 14. Normally, this only occurs with major patches, so fans who want to preserve some of their recent gameplay highlights with Hazard, or any other clips since the launch of Overwatch 2 Season 14 on December 10, will want to record their replays before the upcoming hotfix.

Overwatch 2 Season 14 Hotfix – December 16, 2024

Hotfix Balance Update

This is a hero balance hotfix. Replay codes from the December 10, 2024 patch are still available.



  • Hazard
    • Downpour
      • Ultimate cost increased 13%.


  • Sojourn
    • Railgun
      • Primary fire shots-per-second reduced from 16 to 15.
    • Disruptor Shot
      • No longer generates energy.
    • Overclock
      • Energy charge rate reduced from 120 to 100 per second.

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