In Lego Fortnite Brick Life, making money is as easy as breaking a few Lego bricks — and sometimes just as satisfying. Whether you’re a fan of taking the “creative” route with a bank robbery or prefer the good ol’ grind of a job, this city has a money-making method for every kind of player.

Lego Fortnite Brick Life: 8 Beginner Tips
Gain some money, build your house, take on jobs, and get the most out of Brick Life with these beginner tips.
We’ll show you how to fatten your wallet, whether you’re willing to risk it all in a heist or just taking the slow, legal route. We’ll break down the quickest and most reliable ways to earn cash, without spoiling the fun of discovering your own entrepreneurial path. Ready to make some Lego money? Let’s dive in.
Rob The Bank
One of the fastest methods to make money is by robbing the bank. Head to the top floor of the tall black and gold building, which is the bank. Once inside, look for the latch to the left of the room and interact with it. This will lead you to the vault, where you’ll find a cart. By taking the items off cart, you can walk away with a hefty sum of 500 cash.
Feel free to do this several times, but make sure to wait between rounds.
Use The ATMs
Another straightforward way to get money is by using ATMs. Simply interact with an ATM to receive 50 cash. This may seem small, but if you take the time to visit every ATM you come across, the cash will begin to add up over time, making it an easy and passive way to build your funds.
Get A Job
If you prefer a more stable, legal source of income, consider getting a job. Visit any business in the game and speak to the NPC inside. The NPC will assign you a task to complete, which will appear on the top right corner of the screen. By fulfilling these tasks, you can earn a consistent stream of cash, in much larger amounts than the ATM method.
Play The Game
Playing the game itself also rewards you with cash. Occasionally, you’ll earn ten cash just for staying on. Although this amount might seem modest, if you play frequently, it will add up over time, contributing to your overall wealth.
Accept The City Stipend
Additionally, you can accept a city stipend once a day. Go to an ATM and choose to accept the stipend, which will grant you 1,000 cash. Unlike the regular ATM interactions that give you 50 cash, this stipend is a significant daily boost. However, keep in mind that you can only claim this stipend once a day, and you might need to wait a bit after playing before it becomes available.

Lego Fortnite Brick Life: How To Get A House
Get on the property ladder in Lego Fortnite Brick Life.
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