How To Feed Orchid Sunbird

How To Feed Orchid Sunbird

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The beautiful land of Dreamlight Valley is brimming with many cute critters that you can befriend along with Disney and Pixar characters. Every critter is native to a specific biome and has different types and colors.

Orchid Sunbird is one of the many adorable birds that you find in Dreamlight Valley. It’s a rare find, and you’ll need to feed it to add it to your critter collection. Like other DDV critters, it’s pretty picky and only eats a specific food. Keep reading this guide to learn how to feed the Orchid Sunbird in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

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Orchid Sunbird’s Favorite Food In Dreamlight Valley

Orchid Sunbirds like to eat flowers in Disney Dreamlight Valley. You can feed them any type of flower, like Daisies, Bell Flowers, Passion Lilies, Houseleeks, Bromeliads, Hydrangeas, and Milkweeds.

There’s no need to worry about the flower color; any flower works just fine .

Having said that, Orchid Sunbirds do have a favorite food: purple and pink flowers. So, if you have to feed them their favorite food to complete a duty, you can choose any pink or purple flowers.

purple marsh milkweed in disney dreamlight valley

Here’s a list of all the pink and purple flowers in Dreamlight Valley and where fans can find them:

  • Pink Bromeliad (Sunlit Plateau)
  • Pink Cactus Flower (The Oasis and The Borderlands)
  • Pink Houseleek (Sunlit Plateau)
  • Pink Hydrangea (Dazzle Beach)
  • Pink Luminescent Flower (The Overlook and The Ruins)
  • Purple Bell Flower (Forest of Valor)
  • Purple Cactus Flower (The Oasis and The Borderlands)
  • Purple Falling Penstemon (Plaza)
  • Purple Fly Trap (The Grasslands and The Promenade)
  • Purple Hydrangea (Dazzle Beach)
  • Purple Impatiens (Forgotten Lands)
  • Purple Marsh Milkweed (Glade of Trust)
  • Purple Rising Penstemon (Peaceful Meadow)

Plaza and Peaceful Meadow are free biomes. To unlock other biomes, you’ll need to spend Dreamlight: Sunlit Plateau (7,000), Dazzle Beach (1,000), Glade of Trust (5,000), and Forest of Valor (3,000). Moreover, players will need Mist to unlock Eternity Isle areas, which include The Oasis (6,000), The Borderlands (10,000), The Overlook (6,000), The Ruins (10,000), and The Promenade (6,000).

Once you’re in one of these areas, look for pink and purple flowers on the ground and pick them up.

How To Feed Orchid Sunbirds In Disney Dreamlight Valley

feeding orchid sunbird dreamlight valley

After collecting purple or pink flowers, go to the Sunlit Plateau to find the Orchid Sunbird. When you see one, interact with it and choose flowers from your inventory.

The Orchid Sunbird is only available on Fridays between 9 AM and 3 PM. You’ll need to feed it four times to make it your companion. Once you have done that, you can equip it from the Wardrobe menu, and it will happily follow you around the valley.

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