Black Ops 6 Player Shows How Overpowered One Piece of Tactical Equipment Can Be

Black Ops 6 Player Shows How Overpowered One Piece of Tactical Equipment Can Be

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  • Spy Cam in Black Ops 6 is powerful tactical equipment allowing players to mark enemies and scorestreaks.
  • Spy Cam, similar to Recon perk, lets players see through walls, but it hasn’t been nerfed like Recon.
  • Usage of Spy Cam demonstrated in gameplay clip shows its overpowered potential when used effectively.

A Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 player has posted a short gameplay clip on Reddit to bring attention to the game’s Spy Cam, a tactical piece of equipment that often goes unused but can be incredibly overpowered. While many Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players use the Stim Shot or Flashbang in their tactical slot, the Spy Cam is a piece of equipment that is unlocked relatively early in the game and allows players to highlight enemies and their equipment for the whole team for a few seconds.

At launch, the Recon Combat Speciality was considered Black Ops 6‘s most overpowered perk. Recon works similarly to the Spy Cam, allowing users to see enemies through walls for a short duration. However, unlike the Spy Cam, Recon is only available after respawning, is bound to just one individual, and does not show enemy equipment. The perk quickly caused outrage in the community as players blasted it as overpowered, forcing developer Treyarch to reduce its duration from 2 seconds down to just half a second. With the perk now nerfed into oblivion, one player is bringing attention to the next best thing: Spy Cam.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s Spy Cam Is Incredibly Overpowered

The Spy Cam is one of Black Ops 6‘s many pieces of tactical equipment, allowing users to mark enemies, equipment, and scorestreaks for the entire team for a few seconds. Similar to the Recon perk, Spy Cam can give players the ability to see enemies through walls, making it a powerful piece of equipment. While the player will need to get rid of their usual piece of tactical equipment (which is more often than not either the Stim Shot, Smoke, or Flashbang), Reddit user Puntotortrix502 has shown just how good the Spy Cam actually is in a short gameplay clip, which can be viewed in the post below.

The player can be seen peaking multiple sight lines on Black Ops 6‘s Nuketown Holiday with the Spy Cam, highlighting their enemies and then taking them out with a sniper rifle as they can see their exact location and line up the shot before they enter the line of fire. While using the Spy Cam can take some practice, this user’s clip shows that it is actually incredibly overpowered if used correctly.

Despite being incredibly similar to the Recon Combat Speciality, the Spy Cam has yet to be nerfed, possibly because it has not found the same sort of popularity among the game’s player base. The last major gameplay change to be implemented was in a new Black Ops 6 and Warzone update on December 10, which made some huge reductions to weapon motion. While weapon recoil remained the same, the change makes it seem as though many weapons have a very small amount of recoil as they no longer have the same range of motion.

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