- Completing quests and profession-related tasks can earn players extra cash while helping them progress in Luma Island.
- Exploring various biomes can lead to finding valuable jewelry and collectibles to sell for profit.
- Choosing the Archaeologist or Brewer professions can lead to high profits, with fishing being the most lucrative option.
Luma Island, at its core, is about exploration and discovering the mystery that enshrouds the island. But, in order to find everything players need to become masters in their profession and open the Ancient Temples scattered around, they need to make a significant amount of cash.
Luma Island: Achievement Guide
Luma Island provides over 90 achievements for players to get, with some being a little more complicated than others. Here’s how to unlock them all.
While following professional goals remains the best overall way to make money, there are some that pay more than others. Not only that but there are some other ways to make sure players are bringing in enough income so they can get everything they need to eventually make it to the Jungle and discover all the game has to offer. Here are the best ways to make money in Luma Island.
Complete Quests
Do it For the Rewards
- Difficulty: Depends on the Quest
- Average Profit: 2000-5000 gold
Once the earthquake hits Luma Island, many of the town shops and citizens will need help building it back up. For example, players will need to fix up the Pet Shop and the Grocery Store, but they can also speak to Hugo to help him fix up the benches and lights around town that got damaged during the event. Each of these quests will fetch a nice reward, but they won’t always include money – but it’s still worth completing them all because they will help reach new areas where players can continue with their profession.
Speaking of professions, the quests tied to them will also help get money as players progress. Not only will they get it from selling the items they create, but each time they complete a branch and become a Novice, Skilled, Expert, etc., they’ll get an extra reward for completing the quest.
Jewelry and Collectibles Fetch a Good Price
- Difficulty: Increases for each biome.
- Average Profit: 2000-6000 gold
While exploring in Luma Island, players will come across various pieces of jewelry and collectibles which are only there so they can sell them. These items drop while exploring the Temples in each biome, but some can also be found while simply harvesting materials like wood and stone.
Luma Island: Where To Find All Forest Offering Crystals
Forest Offering Crystals are the key to opening a mysterious shrine in Luma Island, and here is where you can find them all.
As more biomes are discovered, these jewelry pieces and collectibles also start becoming more expensive, so players can sell them for more. For example, Forest Jewelry sells for 2000 gold a piece, and Mountain Jewelry can net up to 3000 gold for one. Once players get to the Jungle, they’ll start finding a lot of these Jewelry pieces at a time, and they can run the Temples over and over again to find more to sell for easy profit.
High Profit, but Dangerous
- Difficulty: 3 Skulls
- Average Profit: 4500-10,000 gold
The Archaeologist profession is one of the best to take for those looking to make money, but it’s not the easiest. In fact, it’s the only profession that has a three Skull difficulty, and it’s mainly because players need to explore the Ancient Temples in each biome (and fully complete them) in order to get the pieces they need for each recipe. Once they have them, they’ll need to repair them at an Archaeologists’ bench. And, every time players want to remake the piece, they’ll need to go through the Temples again.
However, all this effort is completely worth it, because the starting price for archaeological pieces is 1500 gold and 4500 for the first piece in the ‘Skilled’ branch of the profession. It’s also worth noting that getting one’s hands on these pieces gets significantly easier as players upgrade their tools and go through the Temples over again. They’ll be able to get rid of the enemies quicker, but they’ll also know the puzzles well enough to make them fairly easy to navigate.
Fruit Trees Are Easy to Keep
- Difficulty: 1 star
- Average Profit: Up to 10,000 gold
Choosing the Brewer profession doesn’t necessarily net players the highest profit initially, but the main reason they’ll want to invest in this path is that it gets incredibly easy to make multiple recipes as time goes on. Most of the recipes require fruit from fruit trees, which players only need to plant once to bear fruit forever and always. Make sure to have fertilizer to keep them going, but since this is made from wood, it shouldn’t be hard to get in steady supply.
Additionally, any of the other ingredients players need for Brewing drinks can easily be found around the biomes or on their farm. The different colors like Farm Color and Forest Color are made from berries found in relevant biomes, and Chicken Eggs are earned from feeding Chickens hay once a day. All in all, players can get everything they need for Brewing recipes easily, which means they can make multiple of the same item and sell them for a fetching price.
The Best Profession For Profit
- Difficulty: 2 Stars
- Average Profit: Up to 20,000 gold
Fishing is by far the best profession to make money in Luma Island, and it’s simply because of the very high prices the recipes can be sold for. And, on top of that, actually getting the ingredients needed for these recipes isn’t as challenging as some other professions, which can require players to travel deep into abandoned caves full of enemies. Everything needed is either on the beach or near ponds and lakes in biomes, and if players catch enough bait to use, they can stock up on fish to make a ton of recipes to sell.
Even the first recipes fetch an impressive price, with Barkfin Soup getting going for 6000 gold for one – and all that’s needed is some Barkfin Fish, Watercress, and Forest Spice. Overall, the effort required to put in for what players get out of the Fishing profession makes it worth being the first one to pick up so they can start building up their bank quickly and unlock everything to explore Luma Island fully.
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