Neuvillette is one of Genshin Impact‘s premier Hydro DPS characters, with strength relative to other top tiers, such as Hu Tao or Alhaitham. They even overtake them in AOE scenarios. At first glance, his simple play style of absorbing Sourcewater Droplets to release a beam of mass destruction may seem straightforward, but there are many nuances to fully harnessing the strength of the Hydro Dragon.
From properly balancing his stats to finding out which of his fellow Fontainians work best with him, as well as fully understanding the workings behind his Charged Attack: Equitable Judgement, here’s everything you need to know to gift your enemies a very watery death.
Neuvillete’s Best Teammate
is arguably the best support unit in the game, providing massive buffs on top of her off-field DPS. However, as much as she’s good with anyone else, her kit seems tailor-made to buff Neuvillette, making her pretty much a necessity for the best Neuvillette teams.
This is because of how Furina’s Fanfare Stacks work. You need a healer in order to fully maximize the buff. However, Fontaine characters, and especially Neuvillette, have enough self-healing and HP-drain to let you run Furina without a healer, so long as you have Eternal Tome or a Prototype Amber on him.
Fully Utilizing Past Draconic Glory Stacks
‘s passive grants him tons of bonus damage from running characters of different elements together. However, unless you have his C1, you’ll have to choose between putting a Furina with him or maximizing the stacks.
While it’s more nuanced in most cases, Furina is usually enough of an improvement to warrant giving one stack away. Furthermore, if you know what enemy you’re fighting, you can get all stacks up even without having four different elements on your team. You can do this because reactions made on enemies with self-afflicted auras, such as Slimes, still count towards your Past Draconic Glory stacks.
Don’t Overcap On DMG Bonus
Anyone who’s been in the Genshin community for a while knows that DMG Bonuses are better than ATK, HP, or other stats and grant a bigger DPS boost. However, for certain characters, such as Neuvillette, there are times when other stats may be better to the point where an HP goblet might outperform a Hydro DMG Bonus one.
Genshin’s damage formula is multiplicative, which means overcapping on any one stat yields worse returns. As a very simplified example, if you have 100 ATK and 50 CRIT DMG, you’d deal 100(ATK) x 50(CRIT DMG) damage, which would be 5000.
If you increase this CRIT DMG by 50 percent, you will double your damage to 1000.
However, if you add 50 percent more CRIT DMG, It would only reach 1500 instead of doubling. This is how diminishing returns in Genshin Impact work!
This is especially true in Furina teams since her buff also adds onto the same multiplier as DMG Bonus, alongside Neuvillette’s passive already giving him a huge Hydro DMG Bonus from being high on HP. It’s very easy to reach a 200 percent DMG Bonus, which may not be as good as balancing your stats out better.
Spinning Neuvillette
Neuvillete is extremely strong both in single-target and in AOE, so he doesn’t need any niche tricks to increase his area damage. However, such a trick does exist and takes Neuvillette from being a good AOE unit to the best one in the game.

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You can do this by increasing your mouse DPI to max once you’re done charging up your special Charged Attack. Then, move your mouse around quickly to have Neuvillette become a rotating beam of mass destruction.
Managing His Interruption
Neuvillette has enough damage to obliterate enemies and enough HP and self-healing to stay alive, even without any defensive options. However, both the damage and the healing are locked behind his Charged Attack, something that can be stopped prematurely if Neuvillette gets hit.
For this reason, even despite being able to tank hits, Neuvillette needs a teammate who provides some defensive utility. This can be in the form of shielders, which makes Zhongli an amazing Neuvillette team member, or in the form of characters that provide Interruption RES, such as Dehya. Another thing you can do is pair Neuvillette with Cryo characters and form a Freeze team to stop enemies from getting near you.
Sub DPS Vs. Buffers
Neuvillette being a hypercarry means he scales well with external buffs. However, since he’s an HP scaler and a Hydro character, this means he can’t make use of many great buffs but can use strong off-field sub-DPS characters like Fischl. This makes it difficult to figure out whether to use buffers with him or off-field damage dealers.

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Unfortunately, there isn’t a proper answer, since it heavily depends on the builds your Neuvillette and other characters have. For example, if you have a highly invested Xiangling, replacing a buffer with her would increase the overall DPS. However, if you’re replacing a lv 90 Kazuha with a lv 70 Fischl, it’ll result in a huge damage loss. Overall, Neuvillette is a strong enough character on his own that you can put characters that are less in demand with him and put the stronger ones on the other Abyss side.
Neuvillette’s Highest DPS Team
Furina is Neuvillette’s strongest team; there’s not much to debate there. However, what characters to put with the two can be confusing. While there are many ways to make a good Neuvillette team, there are two compositions that are better than the rest.
The first is the best Neuvillette team for F2P players because it requires no constellations. However, it still consists of four five-star units: Neuvillette, Furina, Xilonen, and Kazuha. This team works because Furina and Neuvillette are both Hydro characters who deal absurd amounts of damage, so putting two buffers in the team to buff Hydro makes both of them stronger, with Furina additionally buffing Neuvillette as well.
The other team requires C1 Chiori and, once more, Xilonen. This team results in a lower DPS for Neuvillette himself, but Xilonen also buffs Chiori’s damage, resulting in an overall DPS increase over the Kazuha variation.
Use Prototype Amber, Especially In Furina Teams
Neuvillette has many great weapon options, with any good CRIT or HP statstick working on him. However, if you’re playing a Neuvillette-Furina team, putting Prototype Amber on Neuvillette can be better than many other seemingly more advantageous options.
Xilonen is one of the greatest buffers in Genshin Impact, but she also heals with her Elemental Burst. Because of this, if you’re running both Furina and Xilonen with Neuvillette, you don’t need Prototype Amber and can instead go with a more damaging option, like the Widsith.
This is because Furina usually requires a healer to function, resulting in an overall team DPS loss. However, if you equip Neuvillette with Prototype Amber, its passive healing paired with Neuvillette’s personal HP drain and sustain can fully stack Furina’s Fanfare while also providing Energy to the entire party. This lets you use the remaining two team spots for characters like Kazuha or Xiangling without worrying about healing while also letting your party members focus a bit away from the Energy Recharge stat.
Animation Canceling
Neuvillette’s special Charged Attack takes a while to charge up normally, but you can do away with the wait by absorbing the Sourcewater Droplets summoned by using his Elemental Skill or Burst. However, there’s a way to make this even faster, resulting in an even quicker Hydro Pump.

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To perform a Neuvillette Animation Cancel, simply press and hold the left mouse button (or the attack button) and immediately let go. This skips the absorbing animation and immediately shoots the Charged Attack. While the time gained isn’t too much, the difference significantly builds up over rotations.
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