Metaphor: ReFantazio‘s final boss has two forms, coming after the first two bosses in the boss gauntlet at the end of the game. While your HP and MP are restored before this fight, they aren’t restored between the two phases.
This boss fight is by far the hardest mainline boss in the game and has five Press Turn icons if you’re playing on Hard. Here’s how to beat both phases of Destroyer Charadrius.
- Basilio – Royal Berserker
- Eupha – Royal Summoner
- Junah – Royal Masked Dancer
- Protagonist – Prince
This boss’ number of Press Turn icons is also determined by how many crystals you found and destroyed while exploring The Tyrant’s Star, destroying them all will make him much easier to beat.
The Utilitarian’s Manual on the Protagonist is a necessity for this boss. Also make sure Basilio’s bond is maxed out if you’re using him, as both phases of this boss are classified as Human, and Beast’s Insight will make him more likely to dodge incoming attacks. He will also have access to every element, but using gear that repels at least some of them can give you a chance of ending his turn early.
It’s also useful to have Makarakarn for the first phase since he will almost always use magical attacks. For both phases, Almighty Golden Stew is one of the best boost consumables in the game and can make this fight much easier. This boss is the final boss, so have some MP restoration items on hand and be ready to use them should the need arise.

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Neither phase of this boss has any weaknesses, resistances, or affinities.
The first phase of this fight will be the most intimidating since there are three masks you’re fighting, each giving an additional Press Turn icon to a total of five if you’re playing on hard. A great combo is using Junah’s Hellfire Dance followed up by Eupha’s Summon Dragon God (modified). This will not only hit all masks with a Weak attack but also debuff them, forcing him to use a Press Turn icon to undo those debuffs.
While there are three masks, it doesn’t matter which one you prioritize as long as you prioritize one. With each mask you destroy, he’ll lose a Press Turn icon each turn. During his turn, he’ll summon a sacrifice that appears in one of the mask’s mouths. When you see this, focus on any single target attacks such as Royal Sword or anything from Basilio on that mask with the sacrifice. Hitting it with enough damage will make it lose the sacrifice, a Press Turn icon next turn, and not use a powerful attack next turn.
With his other turns, he’ll usually use a party-wide magic attack, all with the chance of causing corresponding status ailments. Keep your party’s defense up if possible to avoid having to heal every turn, but as long as you’re debuffing him he should only attack twice each turn. Once you destroy all three masks, there will be a brief cutscene, and phase 2 will start.

Metaphor: ReFantazio – Best Endgame Party Composition
The final stretch of Metaphor: ReFantazio can be difficult; here is the best party to take on even the most challenging bosses.
Phase 2 will pick up right where Phase 1 left off, with him getting five Press Turn icons each turn though no masks to destroy. This phase will also have him focus on physical attacks a lot more often while still having magical spells but hope he goes for Basilio to trigger Beast’s Insight and keep the party’s defense up. Keep the usual pattern with Junah and Eupha from phase 1 to keep him debuffed and make him waste a turn using Dekunda.
Healing is extra important against this phase as he will use Soul Scream whenever he gets to about half health, giving him four additional Press Turn icons. Aside from this, phase 2 is fairly straightforward, and having the Protagonist focusing on Royal Sword will deal an incredible amount of damage and make the fight a game of MP management.
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