Wreath Fluff is a crafting material in Infinity Nikki that can be collected from Wreathdoes. These creatures can be found throughout the Wishing Woods, and players must use the Animal Grooming ability upon them to claim their fluff. This guide is here to provide more details about that process, and it will help fans get Wreath Fluff in Infinity Nikki.
As per the in-game item description, one can sense the delicate thoughts of the Wreathdoe by touching the fabric made from Wreath Fluff.

Infinity Nikki: How to Get Palettetail
This guide will help players find Palettetails, fish in Infinity Nikki that play a very important role in crafting the Wishful Aurosa outfit.
Infinity Nikki: Wreath Fluff Locations
As previously noted, the Wreathdoes that grant Wreath Fluff are found in the Wishing Woods, an area to the northeast of Florawish. For the uninitiated, that area becomes accessible during the sixth chapter of Infinity Nikki, and players who have yet to reach it should return to this guide after making further progress through the game’s main story.
Buy Wreath Fluff from Goojubo
Upon entering the Wishing Woods, players should make their way to Timis’s Beauty Lab, talk to Goojubo, and ask to see their wares. Fans should then purchase at least one Wreath Fluff from Gojubo, as doing so will make it easy to track Wreathdoes, and the precise position of this vendor has been marked on the following maps.
Groom Wreathdoes in Wishing Woods
After buying Wreath Fluff from Goojubo, Infinity Nikki players should take these actions:
- Open the in-game map.
- Press the input that appears near the bottom-left corner of the screen to open the Collections menu.
- Select the paw print tab, click on Wreath Fluff, and press the Track input.
Players should now find that a yellow circle has appeared on the in-game map, and several possible positions for that circle have been marked on the preceding map. Those circles mark the current locations of Wreathdoes, and fans should travel to them, stop a fair distance from these deer-like creatures in Infinity Nikki, and take the following actions:
- Switch to the Animal Grooming ability outfit.
- Hold the Sneak input, and approach the Wreathdoes. These creatures will run if they are approached too quickly.
- Release the Sneak input when the brush icon appears above the Wreathdoe to groom it.
To note, Wreathdoes typically travel in packs, and players should repeat the process that has just been detailed to collect Wreath Fluff from all the creatures that they encounter. Once all the Wreathdoes in a pack have been groomed, the yellow circle on the map will move to a new location, and dress-up game fans who are in need of more Wreath Fluff should travel to it to find additional Wreathdoes.
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