Warframe has plenty of optional bosses, meaning you can decide whether you want to force your Tenno to battle them head-on for all the rewards that come with success. One such enemy is the Wolf Of Saturn Six, and he is certainly no cakewalk for lower-level players trying to go up against him on their own.
The boss does have a lot of useful loot, especially the Wolf Sledge melee weapon parts, but taking him down can be quite a challenge if you’re unprepared. So here is exactly how to ensure this target never sees the rings of Saturn again.
The Wolf Of Saturn Six Overview
The Wolf of Saturn Six is an escaped Grineer convict with a band of loyal fugitives, who used to follow him around on his travels before he was eventually captured again. He has a base armour of 200 and 1,500 health but, as with any Warframe enemy, this scales with level, meaning the main takeaway is that you will be fighting against the Wolf for longer than the usual grunts that you have to deal with in missions.
How To Spawn The Wolf Of Saturn Six
The boss can’t be found just roaming leisurely around certain missions enjoying his days either. Instead, you will need to acquire Wolf Beacons to spawn him. To get these, you must purchase some from the Nightwave Cred Offerings for 50 Nora’s Mix Credits per Wolf Beacon.
The beacons are only available on certain weeks since the store rotates items around, so every Monday you can log in to check if there are currently any Wolf Beacons within the Nightwave offerings store for you to buy. When there are some available, you don’t just have to buy one since you can purchase multiple, which can be worthwhile if you plan a long farming run for the Wolf Sledge.
Once you have a Wolf Beacon, you can now spawn the boss in specific mission types. We would stick to low-level Capture missions for spawning him since no pressure is involved, and they can be completed very quickly.
You need to equip the Wolf Beacon in one of your Gear Slots within the Arsenal menu on the Orbiter to be able to spawn the Wolf of Saturn Six in a suitable mission. Once you are in the mission, open your gear and simply select the Wolf Beacon to have him appear in the area within around 15 seconds upon beacon placement.
Recommended Equipment And Mods
The most important piece of information you need for the Wolf of Saturn Six battle when picking equipment is that he is vulnerable to impact and corrosive damage, but radiation and critical damage are the most effective. You will want to focus on optimising your builds for the latter since he is resistant to status effects and other damage types. The Wolf of Saturn Six has Alloy armour, so radiation is always the best pick as the go-to for the battle.
We recommend using a max-level Titania for her Razorwing ability, which will easily shred through the Wolf of Saturn Six’s health. What makes the ability particularly stand out is its fast fire rate from using the Dex Pixia and the high-status chance that comes with it. On your Dex Pixia, make sure to have the following (ranked up) mods installed in some of the slots:
- Hornet Strike for increased damage.
- Lethal Torrent for a great fire rate and multishot boost.
- Heated Charge and Convulsion for radiation damage.
- Target Cracker for critical damage.
Make sure to have a max-level Flow mod equipped on Titania for a 100 percent increased energy max. In terms of weapons, our go-to pick for this boss is the Fulmin, which we pair with a high crit and radiation damage mod setup since the weapon already deals enough impact damage against the Wolf of Saturn Six.
Stormbringer and Wildfire can be used for a radiation damage boost, and you should have a Vital Sense mod for increased critical damage. Alongside these, equip both a Serration mod for higher damage and then Speed Trigger for a faster fire rate. For all weapons and Titania, we recommend you have max-level gear to make the task of battling the Wolf much easier since you will have the highest mod capacity.

Clem is a unique Grineer defector in Warframe, and a fan favorite among many. Just who is this character though?
How To Defeat The Wolf Of Saturn Six
The easiest way by far to defeat the Wolf of Saturn Six is to spawn and fight him in a public mission instead of going to try it solo. Alternatively, you could message the recruiting chat in-game and ask for a team that wants to battle the boss. Many players can take him out in less than a few minutes, and you can still reap the rewards with everyone.
Always aim for the torso area when battling the Wolf of Saturn Six. Do not aim for the head as you will inflict less damage.
However, if you prefer to face the brute on your own, we recommend spawning him on a low-level capture mission like Elion on Mercury and then using the recommended mods and equipment of Titania paired with the Fulmin.
The Wolf of Saturn Six has a few attacks for you to learn how to avoid. The closer you are to him, the more he will try and do an overhead smash or swing towards you which can be easily avoided by rolling backwards.
However, keep in mind that for some of these smashes, there will be projectiles fired at the same time from them, so be sure to jump and take the high ground while battling as much as possible to easily dodge and weave out of his way. At times, he will decide he wants to get close and personal with you.
A way to notice this is if he starts swinging his hammer like a helicopter blade.
When he does this, immediately go to the skies by jumping up. You should then bullet glide out of his path at the same time if he is already rushing over from one side of the area. Continue to switch back and forth between Razorwing and Fulmin during the battle to defeat the Wolf of Saturn Six in no time at all and never deliberately aim for the head.
Wolf Of Saturn Six Rewards And Drops
When you successfully defeat this escaped Grineer boss you will have a chance of acquiring the Nitain Extract resource and some mods, but the juiciest drops are, of course, for the Wolf Sledge as shown below.
- Wolf Sledge Blueprint
- Wolf Sledge Handle
- Wolf Sledge Motor
- Wolf Sledge Head
The Wolf Sledge is a very useful weapon to have and, considering the fact it can be flung like Thor’s hammer, there is endless fun to be had from hurling it from one side of an area across to the other into a happy-go-lucky squad of Grineer.
If you don’t want to go through the process of farming the boss for parts, you can also trade with other players in the market or Dojo for any Wolf Sledge parts or the blueprint you might be missing using Platinum. Make sure not to get overcharged. Keep under 30 Platinum for all of them.
Don’t forget to fully complete the mission and extract to keep the rewards you earn from the Wolf of Saturn Six.
Concerning the mods you can acquire, Spinning Needle, Target Acquired, and Tempo Royale are all ones worth keeping hold of if you get them from the boss. Listed below are all the mods and information about each.
Mod Name |
Can Be Equipped On |
Details |
Eleventh Storm |
Sword and Shield |
Stance for “rapid attacks using sword and shield.” |
Fever Strike |
Melee Weapons |
Up to 90% toxin increase. This can be a highly useful mod for combining with elements such as electricity to create corrosive damage. |
North Wind |
Melee Weapons |
Up to 90% cold increase. |
Molten Impact |
Melee Weapons |
Up to 90% heat increase. |
Shocking Touch |
Melee Weapons |
Up to 90% electricity increase. |
Spinning Needle |
Dual Daggers |
Stance for “Swift stabs, twisting slashes.” |
Target Acquired |
Sniper |
A must-have mod we would recommend for any Snipers you have. It adds up to a 60% headshot multiplier. |
Tempo Royale |
Heavy Blade |
Stance for “Sweeping strikes and twisting slashes.” |

Warframe: Top 10 Primary Weapons, Ranked
From Incarnons to Lich weapons, these are the best primary weapons you can use in Warframe.
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