Given that Fallout 4 was first released in 2015, it remains remarkably popular. Indeed, one could contend that Fallout 4 stands as one of the most successful and beloved video games of all time, viewed by many players as the pinnacle of Bethesda’s world-building prowess.

Fallout 4: 7 Best Starting Stats
Players creating a character in Fallout 4 need to allocate some skill points into their starting stats. Some stats will be more important than others.
Melee combat is often overshadowed by ranged weapons and combat in Fallout 4, simply because melee weapons can’t take advantage of the VATS system. That being said, a solid melee build focusing on strength is a very viable option for completing the game. There is a wide range of melee weapons for players to choose from. However, many of these are not particularly effective, but there are a number of melee weapons that outshine the rest.
Updated on the 16th of December 2024, by Mac Wheeler: Even though there have been no major updates to Fallout 4 since this list was last updated, it has been modified to include a few more melee weapons. Two of them are included on the list as they are the best early to mid-game melee weapons. A further one has been added that is part of a content pack from the Creation Club, which every player has access to. New players will definitely find the new blunt and bladed early game options to be very useful, as they are easy to find and can carry a player until they can find something better later in the game.
13 Tire Iron
Decent Early Game Blunt Weapon
- Damage: 12
- Weight: 2
- Speed: Medium
- Value: 25
- Special Effect: None
The Tire Iron is arguably one of the best early-game melee weapons in Fallout 4. It does decent damage against early to mid-game enemies, and is very easy to obtain. Especially if the player adds the Bladed weapon mod, which requires level 2 in blacksmithing.
Even without the Bladed weapon mod fitted, the Tire Iron is still a decent upgrade over the security baton that most players use in the early game. It is also very easy to obtain, as it is often dropped by low-level enemies such as raiders. There is also one that spawns just outside of Sanctuary, next to a dead dog and a dead raider.
12 Machete
Solid Early Game Bladed Weapon
- Damage: 14
- Weight: 2
- Speed: Medium
- Value: 25
- Special Effect: None
The machete is not what players would consider an endgame weapon in Fallout 4. However, where it does shine is in the early game, as it is pretty easy to obtain. It is a good alternative to the Tire Iron for players that prefer a bladed weapon. The damage is pretty average, but it is good enough to see a player through until they can find one of the better options on this list.
The machete has a broad blade, with a single edge. The wooden handle is wrapped, and the weapon animation plays alternative left and right slashes. This weapon can be found in quite a few locations. These include Abernathy Farm, Concord Speakeasy, Shamrock Taphouse, Kendall Hospital, Starlight Drive-In, and just west of Hangman’s Alley.
11 Big Jim
It’s A Whopping Wrench
- Damage: 18
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 2
- Value: 30
- Special Effects: Each hit has a 20% chance to cripple the target.
Big Jim is a large wrench, that players can use as a melee weapon when playing Fallout 4. There is no finesse with this melee weapon, and it is entirely suitable for a tanky, melee build. With medium speed, it is best not to miss a swing though.
The weapon has a crippling effect, which lands 20% of the time, which can be really useful when fighting groups of enemies, as it gives the player some space. Basically, the player attacks a group of enemies and then backs off, leaving the crippled enemies lagging behind. Rinse and repeat until the entire group is dead. Big Jim doesn’t do as much damage as some of the other melee weapons on this list, but it is fairly easy to acquire and is great for the early to mid-game.
10 Pickman’s Blade
Capable Combat Knife
- Damage: 12
- Speed: Fast
- Weight: 1
- Value: 25
- Special Effect: Applies bleed damage over time totaling 25 damage, and has a baked-in sneak attack mod granting a 50% damage bonus for sneak attacks.
Modeled on the veritable KA-Bar knife, Pickman’s Blade is a decent, fast melee weapon in Fallout 4. This is very much an assassin blade and is great for players who are working on some kind of stealth build.
With its 50% bonus to sneak attacks, it does plenty of damage. Add to this the wounding ability which does an additional 25 damage as a bleed DoT, and this basic-looking weapon actually turns out the be a bit of a monster in the right hands. Overall, worth a palace on this list, even though it is one of the most underrated weapons in the entire game.
9 Steel Sword
From The Fallout 4 Creation Club
- Damage: 25
- Weight: 4
- Speed: Medium
- Value: 750
- Special Effect: Increases damage on every hit on the target
The Steel Sword is added to Fallout 4 when players install a specific piece of Creation Club content; the Fantasy Hero Set. Every player has access to these. This is a double-edged sword, that has, obviously, a steel blade. The handle of the sword is wrapped, and the pommel is engraved.
This weapon comes with a baked-in legendary effect; furious. This means that for each successful strike on a target, the damage increases. Finding the Steel Sword in Fallout 4 is pretty simple. Players need to locate the bathroom in Shenley’s Oyster Bar. This is near the end of Method to the Madness. In this bathroom can be found a throne, an iron helmet, and the Steel Sword. Anecdotaly, the Steel Sword in Fallout 4 was modeled on a weapon of the same name that can be found in the game Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.
8 2076 World Series Bat
Because Whacking Enemies With A Baseball Bat Is Always Fun
- Damage: 30
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 1
- Value: 25
- Special Effects: There is a slight chance for a knockback effect on hit.
The 2076 World Series Bat is a fantastic melee weapon in Fallout 4. It works well with any melee build. It does a ton of damage and can carry a player all the way through the game if they enjoy using it.
What makes this melee weapon so good, is the knockback ability. Every time the bat strikes an enemy it has a chance of launching them backward, pushing them right back out of combat range. It works well with solo enemies and excels at dealing with groups of enemies.
7 Super Sledge
Excellent Blunt Damage With Knockback
- Damage: 64
- Speed: Slow
- Weight: 20
- Value: 180
- Special Effect: Knockback
The best thing about the Super Sledge in Fallout 4 is that it has a special ability that gives it a chance to knock back enemies, sending them flying away from the player. This makes the Super Sledge an excellent weapon for taking on groups of enemies at melee range.

Fallout 4: All Of The Companions, Ranked
Fallout 4 offers players the chance to travel with a companion. With so many great ones available, however, deciding who to bring can be difficult.
The player will need to have 8 Strength to be able to wield the Super Sledge. Even though this weapon has a baked-in special effect, it can still be modified using a weapon workbench to add other effects.
6 General Chao’s Revenge
Great Against Robots And Machines
- Damage: 25
- Weight: 3
- Speed: Medium
- Value: 50
- Special Effect: Bonus damage against mechanical enemies
General Chao’s Revenge is a more advanced variant of the Chinese Officer’s Sword in Fallout 4. The main difference is that General Chao’s Revenge deals bonus damage against mechanical enemies such as robots.

Fallout 4: 20 Best Weapon Mods
For fans looking to add more gun options or better looks of the original weapons in Fallout 4, here are some great mods to install.
Players only need 1 Strength to be able to wield this weapon, making it an excellent choice as a melee weapon for players who need one as a backup, even if they generally specialize in ranged weapons. This weapon can be modified as well, even though it already has a special effect.
5 Kremvh’s Tooth
Poison DOT Weapon
- Damage: 44
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 2
- Value: 50
- Special Effect: Sacrificial Blade – poison damage over time effect.
Kremvh’s Tooth is an excellent, high-DPS melee weapon for Fallout 4 players to use. What makes it so great is its special effect that adds additional damage to a target in the form of a poison DOT. This makes Kremvh’s Tooth an excellent single-target takedown weapon for melee players.
The weapon’s Strength requirement is 1, which means all players, regardless of their chosen build, can wield this weapon. Kremvh’s Tooth can be upgraded using any weapon workbench, even though it already has a special effect.
4 Grognak’s Axe
Based On The Axe From Grognak The Barbarian Comics
- Damage: 40
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 10
- Value: 100
- Special Effect: Random chance to disarm an opponent.
Grognak’s Axe is noted by many players as being one of the very best of all the melee weapons available in Fallout 4. The axe is modeled on the one that is used by Grognak the Barbarian in the comics of the same name.
This weapon has a small chance of disarming a melee opponent during combat. Plus, as this weapon only needs 2 Strength to be able to use it, even ranged players often seek out this axe to use as a backup weapon.
3 Shishkebab
A Much Loved Classic Weapon
- Damage: 20
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 3
- Value: 200
- Special Effect: Additional fire damage
The Shishkebab has been a very popular unique melee weapon in Fallout 4 since its original release. It is an excellent single-target takedown weapon, as each hit deals additional fire damage. However, with its shorter reach, it is not ideal for taking on groups of enemies.

Fallout 4: 20 Best Armor Mods
Fallout 4 players hoping to revitalize the armor available to them should check out these great armor mods.
The player only needs 2 Strength to be able to use the Shishkebab. Something very nice about the Shishkebab is that players can use the weapon workbench to add the Flaming Sword mod, which increases the amount of fire damage this weapon already does.
2 Throatslicer
Good Bleed DOT Weapon
- Damage: 40
- Speed: Fast
- Weight: 2
- Value: 100
- Special Effect: Hacking Blade – adds a bleed DOT to targets.
Throatslicer is another excellent single-target takedown melee weapon in Fallout 4. Due to its baked-in special effect that adds a bleed dot to the target, it does excellent DPS. However, as it requires 3 Strength to wield, ranged players will likely not have access to it as a backup weapon.
This weapon can be modded, but there are a few weapon mods that have a synergy with the built-in special effect, which makes Throatslicer a bit difficult to upgrade, as compromises will need to be made.
1 Deathclaw Gauntlet
Armor Piercing Fist Weapon
- Damage: 40
- Speed: Medium
- Weight: 10
- Value: 75
- Special Effect: Armor piercing – improved by taking the Iron Fist perk.
Many Fallout 4 players see the Deathclaw Gauntlet as the best of all available melee weapons. With its armor-piercing special effect, a percentage of the damage done will bypass the target’s armor. This effect can be further improved by taking the Iron Fist Perk from the Strength perk tree.
However, to get the best out of the Deathclaw Gauntlet, the player needs to add the Extra Claw mod, which will improve both the attack speed and the overall damage of this weapon. The Deathclaw Gauntlet earns its place at the top of this list because, unlike some other Fallout 4 melee weapons that are situational, this weapon is effective in all scenarios.
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