Genshin Impact‘s Neuvillette is one of Fontaine‘s most important people, passing down his judgment onto those accused of committing crimes. He’s also a Hydro catalyst user, but what makes him stand out from others in that category is that he’s built for dealing a lot of damage. The best part is that Neuvillette still has healing capabilities, but that laser he fires from his hand isn’t to be taken lightly.

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The strength of his attacks comes from his Max HP. His Charged Attack is a big part of his kit, as well. With that in mind, there are some catalysts that can really maximize his potential.
Updated on December 14, 2024, by Asad Kashif: Neuvillette continues to be one of Genshin’s strongest carries, being even more popular after each rerun. With Natlan releasing Mualani, a character quite similar to Neuvillette’s HP-hungry Hydro self, a lot of catalysts made for Mualani also act as Neuvillette’s best weapons. We’ve put these in, updated some of the other entries, and added some more decent options for him to make it easier to have Neuvillette’s Hydro laser hurt even more!
Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
Easy To Get And Boosts Teammate Damage
This catalyst is easy to both get and refine, thanks to its three-star rarity. It’s more useful for healing and support units since its passive boosts the ATK of the teammate the user switches to. However, it’s still a good cheap option if you already have one you’ve raised, since it would also increase Neuvillette’s Max HP by 35.2 percent.
Since it’s a three-star, even if you don’t have one, leveling it up wouldn’t take very long. Besides, who said Neuvillette couldn’t have some supportive capabilities too?
The Widsith
Good CRIT, Passive Based On RNG
The Widsith is a standard banner weapon and has been around for a while, so if you’ve been playing for some time, you probably have at least one copy of it already. It’s considered an excellent weapon for catalyst users who specialize in DPS. Its main stat amplifies Crit DMG by 55.1 percent, which is already nothing to sneeze at.
Its passive is interesting, as it has a random chance to do one of three things: increase ATK by 60 to 120 percent, increase Elemental DMG by 48 to 96 percent, or increase Elemental Mastery by 240 to 480 percent. Unfortunately, you’d only ever want the Elemental DMG Bonus buff. This means the weapon can be inconsistent at times, letting other options shine more.
Waveriding Whirl
Energy Recharge And Lots Of HP In Furina Teams
Waveriding Whirl is one of the more niche weapons available in Genshin Impact, providing almost nothing to most characters. It has an Energy Recharge substat that, while good, loses out to other Energy Recharge options and has no damaging passive whatsoever.

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Instead, what the weapon provides is so much HP from its passive alone that it can overtake weapons like Prototype Amber’s HP main stat, provided you’re running Neuvillete with another Hydro. If you’re trying to min-max Neuvillette and have a Furina on your team, this weapon can perform similarly to other top-tier Neuvillette weapons, especially if you have a healer and good CRIT stats on your artifacts.
Prototype Amber
Forgeable Weapon That Gives HP And Team Support
Prototype Amber has come in clutch for catalyst users whose abilities are based on their Max HP, like Kokomi and Barbara. It’s a forgeable weapon, so you don’t have to spend any of your hard-earned Primogems to get it, and the max HP boost makes it synergistic with Neuvillette’s scalings.
Its passive skill will also regenerate a little of both Neuvillette and his teammate’s Energy and HP — two very important stats — by four to six Energy particles and HP percentage, depending on the weapon’s refinement rank. This weapon is an easy way to increase Neuvillette’s damage output while simultaneously giving him some leeway with Energy and healing needs.
The main reason you’d want this weapon over others, though, is if you’re running Neuvillette with Furina. This is because the passive healing is usually enough when paired with Neuvillette’s self HP-drain and heal to stack up Furina’s fanfare. This gives you the freedom to not run any healer and instead opt for a buffer or sub-DPS unit for higher team damage.
Ballad Of The Boundless Blue
Event Exclusive Weapon Raising Normal And Charged Attack Damage
Since this catalyst is an event-exclusive, it’s a missable weapon. But if you have it, you’re in luck because it’s pretty good on Neuvillette. Though it doesn’t increase Max HP, its passive raises Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 16 and 12 percent, respectively, at max refinement.
This can stack up to three times, providing Neuvillette with an otherworldly 36 percent damage boost to his already devastating Charged Attack. Ballad of the Boundless Blue’s main stat also gives him a 6.7 to 30.6 percent increase in Energy Recharge, allowing him to do his Elemental Burst more often. If you’ve already got enough HP from artifacts, this weapon will serve Neuvillette well.
Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
DMG Bonus And CRIT Rate
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds is one of the best general-use five-star catalysts in the entirety of Genshin Impact for DPS characters. This is due to how universally important CRIT Rate is, and this weapon grants plenty. Additionally, the weapon grants the user a decent buff to their DMG Bonus, making it great for both ATK and HP scalers.
The weapon might not fulfill Neuvillette’s Energy Recharge or HP needs, but so long as you get enough good substats from your artifacts, this weapon can be quite competitive regardless. Just make sure you don’t end up overcapping on the DMG Bonus!
Ash-Graven Drinking Horn
AOE HP-based Damage
Weapons like Oathsworn Eye or the Skyward Atlas that give separate instances of damage have never been good. This is largely due to the fact that most damage in Genshin Impact is balanced around reactions, so Physical damage that can’t be manipulated by any means is never better than a passive that simply grants you more damage.

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However, the Ash-Graven Drinking Horn differs in that it deals damage based on your HP. This already presents a higher ceiling than other similar weapons, but the 80 percent scaling on this just takes the weapon from good to amazing, dealing around 32k damage each time the passive gets triggered. All of this, plus the HP main stat, makes it Neuvillette’s best F2P weapon due to its craftable nature.
Jadefall’s Splendor
Five-Star Weapon That Gives HP
Baizhu’s signature catalyst is good for Neuvillette due to the HP main stat alone. Since it’s a five-star, this stat is higher than any four-star alternative, making it a better statstick if you’re to ignore CRIT or weapon passives.
The weapon also has a passive that can grant the user with a hefty DMG Bonus based on their HP, which may sound good on Neuvillette. However, since this activates either on Burst cast or on creating a shield, the latter of which Neuvillette has no way of doing, the minuscule three-second buff window is almost completely useless.
Cashflow Supervision
Buffs Charged Attack Damage On HP Changes
Being a Fontaine character who relies on HP-manipulation mechanics, it’s no surprise that some of the best Neuvillette weapons include those belonging to his fellow Fontainians. Of these, Wriothesley’s signature, Cashflow Supervision, fits him like a glove.
The weapon grants a decent CRIT Rate stat and an absurd amount of DMG Bonus to Neuvillette’s Charged Attack. Even if the ATK Bonus passive and the buff to your Normal Attack speed and damage are entirely wasted on Neuvillette, the Cashflow Supervision is one of Neuvilette’s best catalysts.
Surf’s Up
Absurd Levels Of CRIT DMG And HP
Mualani and Neuvillette are quite similar in that they’re both HP-scaling Hydro DPS characters that use catalysts to perform superb amounts of damage. Where they differ is that where Mualani uses her Normal Attack multipliers for her damage, Neuvillette instead has his Charged Attack as his forte.

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With so many similarities, Mualani’s signature is one of Neuvillette’s best weapons. It’s potentially the best one after his signature, unless you have a highly refined Sacrificial Jade. Even though Neuvillette can’t make use of the Normal Attack passive, the HP it grants and the 88 percent CRIT DMG is such a high combo of stats that other weapons simply cannot keep up.
Sacrificial Jade
Battle Pass Weapon That Specializes In Max HP And CRIT Rate
This weapon is only obtainable via the Battle Pass, so how simple it is to get depends on how willing you are to hand over some cash to HoyoVerse. But if you’re the kind who considers the Battle Pass worth the investment, Sacrificial Jade is a great weapon to give Neuvillette.
It raises several stats, including two of the most significant ones for him: Max HP and Crit Rate. Crit Rate is the main stat and goes from eight to 36.8 percent. The Max HP rate is part of the passive, going from 32 to 64 percent, depending on its refinement. This catalyst also raises his Elemental Mastery by 40 to 80 points, which is definitely useful for any Hydro reactions. This weapon is stronger than the best five-star alternatives and only a bit below the Tome of the Eternal Flow at higher refinements, and can be a splendid Neuvillette weapon even at R1.
Tome Of The Eternal Flow – Five-Star
Neuvillette’s Best Weapon
Unsurprisingly, Neuvillette’s best weapon is his signature five-star catalyst. It not only goes well with his design but also strengthens everything at the core of his kit. Its main stat is Crit DMG, which is boosted by 19.2 to 88.2 percent, depending on its level. Its passive increases HP by 16 to 32 percent, just by having it equipped, on top of raising Charged Attack DMG by 14 to 30 percent any time his HP rises or falls.
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