Best CoD Black Ops Zombie Maps

Best CoD Black Ops Zombie Maps

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  • CoD Zombies in Black Ops offers a blend of horror and campiness with colorful characters and unique maps.
  • Different maps vary by size and difficulty, offering innovative devices and weapons, along with interesting lore.
  • Standout maps like Kino der Toten and Moon provide thrilling challenges, easter eggs, and fun gameplay for players.

Call of Duty Zombies began its journey in Call of Duty: World at War, and saw its great return in Call of Duty: Black Ops. This version of zombies kept the same grit and horror, with a fun campy twist by providing a colorful cast to play and wild scenarios spanning from abandoned government facilities to ancient cities.

Call of Duty Zombies: 8 Easiest Maps

Across over 30 maps in the Call of Duty Zombies series, there has been a bundle of easy maps that allow for a casual set of high rounds.

Each map ranges in difficulty and features unique devices and weapons to interact with, many of which were innovative for its time. The following will rank all the zombie maps found in Black Ops by their thrilling qualities and content packed within.

10 Nacht Der Untoten

The Zombie House

CoD Black Ops Zombies Nacht Der Untoten

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Thundergun
  • Available Perks: Mule Kick

Nacht der Untoten, or Night of the Dead, is a classic zombie map from Call of Duty: World at War, polished and ported into Black Ops. This map is super simple, involving only three rooms to travel into outside of the starting one. The best part about this map is the consistent mystery box in the first purchased room, and the musical easter egg that plays “Undone” by Kevin Sherwood.

The biggest challenge in Nacht der Untoten is surviving in a claustrophobic setting. On top of how little area exists to run around in, zombies can burst through several entryways, with a few that don’t have barriers. Even though there are no additions to the lore, this simplistic map still hits the spot for a zombie invasion.

9 Verruckt

Insanity In A Sanatorium

CoD Black Ops Zombies Verruckt

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Winter’s Howl
  • Unique Equipment: Bouncing Betty
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, Mule Kick

Verruckt also comes from World at War and features more ground to cover. This map, aptly named Verruckt, takes place in an asylum, with similarly tight corridors as Nacht der Untoten. There are a lot more opportunities to run circles around zombies and set traps.

The biggest difference between this map and the previous is the difficulty of surviving. The power is also on the opposite side away from spawn, so even buying perks and powering traps is a thrilling challenge to begin.

8 Der Riese

The Rising Giant

CoD Black Ops Zombies Der Riese

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun
  • Unique Equipment: Monkey Bomb, Bowie Knife
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, Mule Kick

Der Riese, or “The Giant,” is another map from World at War, and offers more space to run around in than the previously mentioned maps. It’s also the only World at War map with pack-a-punch and teleporters. The process of getting to pack-a-punch is an early example of classic CoD Zombies, requiring players to connect all three teleporters to a mainframe to access it.

Call of Duty Zombies: 8 Most Innovative Mechanics

Call of Duty Zombies has some great mechanics that have been featured throughout the years. Whether one-time gimmicks or to continue onward.

There are a few places to train zombies, but many tight corridors to get stuck. There are also hidden radios scattered across the map for any lore buffs, which tell stories about the rise of the zombies. Der Riese is a fun challenge in a bleak image of Berlin, with plenty of Hellhounds to keep players on their toes.

7 Shi No Numa

Zombie Infested Swamp

CoD Black Ops Zombies Shi No Numa

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Wunderwaffe DG-2
  • Unique Equipment: Flogger (Trap)
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, Mule Kick

Shi No Numa means “Swamp of Death” in Japanese, and also comes from World at War. This is one of the biggest maps from World at War, with five main buildings and four unlockable swamp areas connecting them in between. The perk-a-cola machines and mystery box spawn randomly, which makes tracking down a strategy a bit of a challenge in the beginning.

A unique weapon can be found in the mystery box, the Wunderwaffe DG-2, which is an electricity-casting weapon capable of killing up to 10 zombies at once. There are many areas to train zombies and gateways with traps that have the power to decimate waves of them. This is one of the most fun maps ported from WaW, but beware, walking in the swamps means sluggishly walking into the horde.

6 Five

Defending The Pentagon

CoD Black Ops Zombies Five

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Winter’s Howl
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, Mule Kick

“Five” is a wonderfully strange scenario involving the playable characters, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Robert McNamara, and Fidel Castro, as a team of survivors trapped in the Pentagon while zombies break in. This map features the use of elevators and tight corridors in the government complex, with a DEFCON control system in the largest room on the map. When all four switches are flipped, DEFCON level 5 makes all teleporters lead to the pack-a-punch/panic room.

This map also features a unique weapon, Winter’s Howl, which freezes zombies over in ice, and when pack-a-punched, becomes Winter’s Fury, doing even more damage. And instead of Hellhounds, the Pentagon Thief appears after the power is turned on, and will attempt to steal players’ weapons. Killing him before he gets away gives the weapons back, so sticking together in co-op mode here is essential.

5 Shangri La

A Legendary Labyrinth

CoD Black Ops Zombies Shangri-La

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, 31-79 JGb215
  • Unique Equipment: Monkey Bomb
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri, Mule Kick

Shangri-La is the fourth map in the story following the original four characters, Nikolai, Dempsey, Takeo, and Richtofen, just after they teleported away from the Siberian facility in Call of the Dead. Shangri-La features a gorgeous ancient city with tight corridors and a tough challenge for even experienced players.

Call of Duty Zombies’ Forgotten Campaign Mode Explained

While Call of Duty Zombies fans regularly ask for a proper campaign experience, Treyarch actually experimented with the concept once before.

This is the first map to feature napalm zombies which burst into flames once killed, shrieker zombies that temporarily blind the player if they shriek too close, and zombie monkeys which replace the Hellhounds and are easy to kill but hard to hit. There is also a major easter egg that is important to see for anyone wanting deeper lore.

4 Call Of The Dead

George Romero’s Nightmare

CoD Black Ops Zombies Call of the Dead

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, V-R11, Wunderwaffe DG-2
  • Unique Equipment: Sickle, Matryoshka Dolls
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri, Mule Kick

Call of the Dead sees players assume the roles of celebrities Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Michael Rooker, and Danny Trejo. A zombified George A. Romero walks around as a special boss that spawns in the first round. His menacing slow pace and berserk outbursts can be matched with better weaponry down the line.

This is the third largest map in Black Ops Zombies and features many places to explore in a frozen tundra, an abandoned freighter, and a lighthouse. A zipline and flinger platform can launch players great distances to jump away from zombies in a pitch. Call of the Dead plays into the zombie movie tropes very well, providing a gritty and oddly comical approach to horror.

3 Kino der Toten

The Theatrical Undead

CoD Black Ops Zombies Kino Der Toten

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Thundergun
  • Unique Equipment: Monkey Bomb, Bowie Knife
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, Mule Kick

Kino der Toten, or Cinema of the Dead, is the first map to come with Black Ops Zombies, featuring the original four characters boarded up in an abandoned theater in 1960s Berlin. It has a very simple design and provides several ways to train zombies despite a few dangerous corridors. There is an awesome easter egg involving finding three meteorite shards and plays the heavy metal track “115” by Kevin Sherwood & Elena Siegman once found.

New Easter Egg Seemingly Discovered on 6-Year-Old Call of Duty Zombies Map

A Call of Duty Zombies fan discovers a new Easter egg in a 6-year-old DLC map, highlighting the longevity of the popular game mode.

This map includes everything seen in Der Riese; the Bowie Knife, teleporters, pack-a-punch machine, monkey bombs, and a new Thundergun weapon that is basically cheat mode. Kino der Toten is prime CoD Zombies, it allows players to progress quickly and set up a plan to rotate between pack-a-punching weapons and training zombies.

2 Ascension

Counting Down To The Apocalypse

CoD Black Ops Zombies Ascension

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun
  • Unique Equipment: Matryoshka Dolls, Gersh Device
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper, Mule Kick

Ascension is the second map in the original four’s story, taking place at the same time as “Five” as heard through three red telephones scattered around the map. This is one of the best zombie maps, with plenty of places to train and an objective that isn’t overly complicated. After finding all three lunar landers (this map’s version of teleporters), and flipping a lever in the same room the power is in, players can launch a rocket that opens up pack-a-punch and a new area to run around in.

The creative decisions in Ascension are awesome, as the map begins in black and white, and the color comes back once the power is turned on. Instead of Hellhound rounds, space monkeys come down and wreak havoc on perk-a-cola machines, removing any purchased perks if players are unsuccessful at stopping them.

1 Moon

Area 51 & The Moon Base

CoD Black Ops Zombies Moon

  • Unique Weapons: Ray Gun, Wave Gun
  • Unique Equipment: Quantum Entanglement Device (QED)
  • Available Perks: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri, Mule Kick

Moon is the final and largest map in the original four’s story in Black Ops. It starts in Area 51, where Hellhounds spawn with zombies in an endless horde, getting progressively stronger every second until players either die or teleport to the moon where the main map is. This map features winding corridors in a moon base, with a massive biodome with launch pads. Despite its complicated size, this is the best zombie map in Black Ops Zombies.

A spooky astronaut walks around slowly and headbutts and teleports players to the first moon base room if they get too close. This map also features the Wave Gun, which can swap between two-handed and dual-wielding modes, and the Quantum Entanglement Device, which is a tactical grenade that spawns a black hole sucking zombies in. Moon also has a major easter egg that gives insight into important lore – it involves a lot of steps and accumulates in launching rockets toward Earth, which players can travel back to Area 51 and see the aftermath first-hand.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Tag Page Cover Art

November 9, 2010

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