- Some Devil Fruit powers in One Piece overlap, with one version being strictly superior to the other in abilities and power.
- Examples include the Ton-Ton Fruit vs. Kilo-Kilo Fruit, Ice-Ice Fruit vs. Snow-Snow Fruit, Arms-Arms Fruit vs. Dice-Dice Fruit, and Magma-Magma Fruit vs. Flame-Flame Fruit.
- While showcasing creativity, having similar powers creates mirrors between characters in One Piece, leading to interesting comparisons.
One Piece features some of the most creative abilities in anime through its Devil Fruit system. Although at first glance these powers may seem a bit standard, through creative usage and interesting strategies, Devil Fruit powers make for extremely fun fight scenes. With so many different Devil Fruits throughout the One Piece universe, there’s almost an endless amount of possibilities for creative and interesting combat.
However, due to the sheer number of Devil Fruits in One Piece, there’s bound to be a little bit of overlap. Some Devil Fruit powers have more or less the same ability, with only some slight variations. Additionally, oftentimes, one of these overlapped Devil Fruit abilities is strictly superior to its counterpart in almost every way.

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Devil Fruits That Are Strictly Better In One Piece
Same Ability But Better
For a Devil Fruit to be considered as a counterpart to another fruit, the two fruits must have largely the same ability set. If one fruit has too many extra powers, then they shouldn’t be counted as being the same. For example, although Monet’s Snow-Snow Fruit and Brook’s Revive-Revive Fruit both can utilize ice-based abilities, Brook’s fruit has too many other abilities to compare the two.
Machvise’s Ton-Ton Fruit And Mikita’s Kilo-Kilo Fruit
Tons Of Weight
One of the easiest comparisons between Devil Fruits in the entire One Piece world would have to go to Machvise’s Ton-Ton Fruit and Mikita’s Kilo-Kilo Fruit. Both Devil Fruits give the user the ability to change their body weight, allowing them to drastically increase their weight in order to fall on enemies and crush foes. However, the Ton-Ton Fruit, a Devil Fruit that would be perfect for Garp, lets the user increase their body weight in a measurement of metric tons, while the max weight of the Kilo-Kilo Fruit is only 10,000 kilograms, making it an all-around inferior choice. Though the Kilo-Kilo Fruit can make the user lighter as well, this isn’t enough to make it stand out from the Ton-Ton Fruit.
It’s true that “superior” devil fruit abilities are a thing, but as of now, it’s pretty much just these four pairs. – Oda in reference to the Ton-Ton Fruit versus the Kilo-Kilo Fruit, the Ice-Ice Fruit versus the Snow-Snow Fruit, the Arms-Arms Fruit versus the Dice-Dice Fruit, and the Magma-Magma Fruit versus the Flame-Flame Fruit.
Kuzan’s Ice-Ice Fruit And Monet’s Snow-Snow Fruit
Ice Is Stronger Than Snow
Next is another fairly simple comparison between Monet’s Snow-Snow Fruit and Kuzan’s Ice-Ice Fruit. Both of these Devil Fruits are Logia Types that deal heavily with cold-based attacks against their foes using frozen water. Although Monet’s fruit is powerful on its own, Kuzan’s fruit can accomplish almost everything the Snow-Snow Fruit does, all while boasting even more firepower from deadly ice attacks.
Baby 5’s Arms-Arms Fruit And Daz Bonez Dice-Dice Fruit
A Sword Versus An Arsenal
Heading back to One Piece’s Dressrosa Arc, the next Devil Fruits are Daz Bonez Dice-Dice Fruit and Baby 5’s Arms-Arms Fruit. While both of these fruits give the user the ability to transform into a weapon, sadly, Daz Bonez fruit is only limited to turning his body parts into blades. Baby 5, on the other hand, can do this and more transforming herself into an entire arsenal of useful weaponry.

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Akainu’s Magma-Magma Fruit And Ace’s Flame-Flame Fruit
Magma Burns Out Flames
Next up, though some may not consider them to be direct counterparts, are Ace’s Flame-Flame Fruit and Akainu’s Magma-Magma Fruit. Once again, this is a similar situation between Kuzan and Monet’s Devil Fruit abilities. Akainu’s Magma-Magma Fruit, in terms of heat and firepower, completely outclassed Ace’s fruit. Although Ace was an incredibly strong Devil Fruit User, his power of magma was able to easily cut through flames, both burning hotter and smothering them.
Gladius’ Pop-Pop Fruit And Gem’s Bomb-Bomb Fruit
More Explosions
Finally, Gladius’ Pop-Pop Fruit is arguably strictly better than Gem’s Bomb-Bomb Fruit. While the former can only cause inorganic objects to explode and the latter causes the user’s own body parts to explode, in terms of destructive capabilities, Gladius’ Pop-Pop Fruit is most likely a direct upgrade. In terms of utility and power, blowing up inorganic objects can apply to almost anything, including the clothes on the user’s body, almost perfectly simulating any benefit from the Bomb-Bomb Fruit.
Also, a superior ability does not necessarily equate to the character’s strength. No ability alone guarantees victory in combat. – Oda
While there are most likely many more examples of strictly better Devil Fruits in One Piece, these are the ones that stand out the most. Though some may view having such similar powers as lazy, in many ways, they create mirrors between certain characters, openly inviting comparison. In the end, it’s always fun to see how a particularly underutilized ability is changed with a new, strictly better, Devil Fruit.

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