How To Play As Gotenks In Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

How To Play As Gotenks In Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

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Gotenks, the fusion of Goten and Trunks, is a playful yet powerful fighter in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Known for his flashy techniques and unpredictable moves, Gotenks combines high-speed attacks with devastating energy blasts.


Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero – Gogeta Character Guide

Some of the most broken characters in the series are back in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Learn all about Gogeta’s moves and transformations.

Starting with his base form, Gotenks becomes even more formidable through his transformations into Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 3, each unlocking new abilities and increasing his damage output. With his mix of creative attacks and relentless energy, Gotenks excels at keeping opponents off balance. In this guide, we’ll cover his moveset, transformations, and strategies to help you master this fusion’s explosive potential.

Fusion Rules

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Trunks.

Unless you’re going for a gimmick team, there isn’t much of a benefit of fusing into Gotenks during a fight. This is mostly due to Goten and Trunks being rather weak, even for characters that are capable of transforming into Super Saiyan.

If you’re adamant about fusing, then at least the kids make it easier than other duos. There isn’t a needed transformation that you have to be in, you can fuse in their base form or as Super Saiyans, and you can instantly transform into whatever Gotenks you like, as long as you have the Skill Count to spare.


Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Gotenks posing.

Move Name





R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Dodge the next attack.


R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Gain defensive buffs and lower attack stats.

Full Power Energy Wave

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does nearly a bar of damage.

High Speed Rush

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Triggers a Rush Super that does a bar of damage.

Victory Cannon

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Beam Ultimate that does nearly two bars of damage.

Gotenks In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing a Gotenks closeup.

Base Gotenks main advantage over his other forms is the cost, mostly relevant in DP Battle. He costs only six DP and comes with half a health bar extra, so you can fit a rather healthy character into your party for cheap, and then transform into the Super Saiyan forms.

While you’ll already be saving the Skill Count for transforming, you should avoid using the ‘Ta-dah!’ skill, since it lowers your attack power. It also gives you armor and defensive stats, which can only be relevant if you’re trying to run the clock out while having more health than your opponent.

Gotenks Super Saiyan

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Gotenks as a super saiyan.

Move Name




False Courage

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Gain defensive buffs and lower attack stats.


R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Gain offensive buffs.

Victory Cannon

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does nearly a bar of damage.

Galactic Donuts

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Fires an unblockable Beam Super that does over a bar of damage.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Fire several unblockable projectiles that can deal up to over two bars of damage.

Gotenks Super Saiyan In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Gotenks as a super saiyan about to fire.

The Super Saiyan form of Gotenks can potentially be his best form, depending on your playstyle. This is due to his access to a few unblockable moves, particularly the Super Galactic Donuts, which fires rather fast and has some good tracking.

Even if it misses, you can keep trying since it only costs three Ki bars. If you don’t plan to transform, you can even use High-Tension, since among the beneficial buffs, it also gives you faster Ki recovery, letting you spam even more Donuts.

His Ultimate is also unblockable, although it is a series of projectiles instead of a single shot. This could work both for and against you, depending on your opponent’s playstyle and even the terrain; the Hyperbolic Time Chamber has little room for the ghosts/projectiles to collide with, while places like City Ruins will have them wasted against rubble more often than not.

Gotenks Super Saiyan 3

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Gotenks as a super saiyan 3..

Move Name




Vice Shout

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Paralyze your opponent for 3 seconds.

Finish Sign

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Gain offensive buffs.

Victory Bazooka

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does nearly a bar of damage.

DIE DIE Missile Barrage

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Fire several projectiles that can deal up to a bar of damage.

Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Rush Ultimate that does two bars of damage.

Gotenks Super Saiyan 3 In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero image showing Gotenks as a super saiyan 3.

The final form of Gotenks is more honest with his moveset, lacking any unblockable tricks present in his previous form. Fortunately, he can also buff himself without also lowering his stats, although he now gains offensive buffs without any defensive ones.

He is best used to finishing fights with raw power, particularly when the previous form’s Galactic Donuts and Ultimate moves don’t seem to be landing. Since you’ll have the Skill Count to spare, it is a good strategy to paralyze opponents with Vice Shout, so they are perfectly open for an Ultimate or any other Super move.


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