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Even by the final act of Dragon Quest 11, you will probably still be a long way off from the level cap. That’s fine, mind you – you don’t need to be at an outrageously high level to beat the game. That said, some players might like to reach those heights, and most foes won’t help much.

10 Dragon Quest Characters That Should Have Their Own Spinoff Games
Dragon Quest is full of amazing characters given life by Akira Toriyama’s stunning designs. These are the ones most deserving of their own games.
However, Metal Slimes are one of the few enemies that can appear in random battles that actually give a ton of XP, assuming you can both find and kill them before they flee. While Metal Slimes can technically appear anywhere at any time, there are a few places you can go to increase your chances. Here’s a primer, including ways to take them down with relative ease.
Updated November 10, 2023, by Sean Murray: Looking to grind up some levels? The Metal Slimes of DQ11 are a great way to ensure you reach your level cap, which is why we’ve refreshed this guide with improved formatting and more breakout tips to make smashing those slimes easier than ever.
There is a wide variety of Metal Slimes in Dragon Quest 11, and they all sport their own unique stats and attributes.
There are even ‘Vicious’ forms within the Metal Slime hierarchy, as is the case with other types of monsters. Vicious variant stats will be marked down in parentheses.
Type of Metal Slime |
HP |
MP |
ATK (Attack) |
DEF (Defense) |
AGL (Agility) |
Metal Slime |
Four |
999 |
25 (121) |
999 |
152 (327) |
Metal Slime Knight |
100 (162) |
12 (18) |
93 (138) |
154 (220) |
82 (118) |
Liquid Metal Slime |
Eight (162) |
999 |
43 (112) |
999 |
287 (362) |
Metal Dragon Slime |
199 (386) |
36 (56) |
179 (264) |
167 (283) |
146 (190) |
Metal King Slime |
20 (40) |
999 |
200 (260) |
999 |
494 (801) |
King of Metal Slimes |
800 |
376 |
177 |
500 |
189 |

Dragon Quest 11: Most Useful Skills In The Game
Make your party members in Dragon Quest XI the strongest they can be with the best skills in the game.
Depending on which act you’re currently in, there are a few locations to boost your chances of finding Metal Slimes.
Act One
In Act One, you should hunt for normal Metal Slimes in the Insula Orientalis and Champs Sauvage areas. Liquid Metal Slimes can also be found in these two locations, as well as the Royal Library. These types are worth 2,010 and 10,050 XP, respectively.
Act Two
Act Two has Hardy Hands in Laguna di Gondolia and Mount Huji for 34,400 XP each, and Metal King Slimes in The Battleground for 70,070 XP.
Act Three
Finally, in Act Three, there are Vicious Liquid Metal Slimes in The Disciple’s Trial and The Cruel Crypt worth 80,640 XP. Vicious Metal King Slimes, worth a whopping 161,610 XP, can appear in The Luminary’s Trial and Citadel of Spite.
Finding a Metal Slime is hard already, but these slippery little guys love to dodge your attacks and run from battle the first chance they get. Plus, their defense is so great that even if you manage to land a hit, it might only do 1 damage. If you’re unlucky, you may not even get a chance to attack at all before they flee.
To help avoid this, always have at least Erik and Jade in your party, since they should get their turns first, but also because they have the best skills to actually hit a Metal Slime. Erik’s Critical Claim ability is the best way to take down a Metal Slime in a single hit. It makes his next hit guaranteed to be a crit, so as long as it lands, the Slime should go down in one.
Jade’s Lightning Thrust and Multithrust are her best options. Lightning Thrust is similar to Erik’s Critical Claim, but not quite as reliable, while Multithrust is weaker but has better odds to hit because she attacks multiple times.

Dragon Quest Treasures: 10 Ways The Spin-Off Connects To Dragon Quest 11
Square Enix’s Dragon Quest Treasures is an in-development spin-off title that ties into Dragon Quest 11. What things connect the games?
Maximum Payout
There’s one somewhat lengthy process that can take all the guesswork out of farming Metal Slimes if you’re willing to put in some prep. This method can boost even late-game characters’ multiple levels in a single encounter if done correctly.
Things will also go much faster if your Hero has learned the Pep Up ability, and you have some Pep Pops in your inventory, though neither is required.
To begin, enter random battles and simply defend until you have Hero, Erik, Sylvando, Jade, and Rab all pepped up. Once one is pepped, swap them out to preserve their pepped state. When you have all the characters pepped up, flee or end the battle and save your game.
Next, find a location where you can encounter multiple weak enemies in a single battle — the more, the better. Enter battle with Hero, Jade, Sylvando, and Erik and use the pep power Hallelujah, which will increase the rewards you earn from battle, including XP, by between 1.5 and three times normal. This pep move will cost Hero, Erik, and Jade’s pep states.
Now, either guard until Hero and Sylvando are pepped again, or use Hero’s Pep Up skill and a Pep Pop on Sylvando. Either way, once both are pepped again, swap in Rab for Erik and use the pep skill Electro Light with Hero, Jade, and Sylvando.
This skill turns all enemies into either Metal Slimes or mechs. If you get mechs, reload your save and start the process over.
If you get a nice lineup of Metal Slimes, hope Rab gets a turn quickly, so you can use Dirge of Dundrasil to put them all to sleep. This will keep them from running away immediately, so you can call in Erik and start using Critical Claim, Lightning Thrust, and Metal Slash attacks to wipe them all out with no pressure.
This setup is technical and time-consuming if you don’t have Pep Pops, but is the most reliable way to take down Metal Slimes. When combined with Hallelujah to make each success worth up to three times more than normal, this is by far the fastest way to gain levels.
There are a few ways to get plenty of Pep Pops:
- Once you’ve obtained every regular reward for collecting Mini Medals, you can trade ten Mini Medals for a single Pep Pop. This is clearly time-consuming, but it’s doable.
- In Octagonia in Act 3, you can turn in tokens for them.
- You can also purchase them for 200,000 (!) gold in Cobblestone in Act 3 after you’ve done the quest to restore the town.
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