How Many Times Have The Dragon Balls Been Used In The Series?

How Many Times Have The Dragon Balls Been Used In The Series?

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The original Dragon Ball series really revolved around the titular wish-granting balls. This is because when he wasn’t competing in tournaments, Goku was always going on adventures and searching for the balls. Dragon Ball hunts became less frequent in Dragon Ball Z and beyond, though.


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That said, those orange spheres still play a large part in the series, as various characters still use them to make wishes, even if viewers don’t see a bunch of episodes showing the characters collecting them. By this point, many wishes have come true because of those balls and the Dragons that live within them. Here is exactly how many wishes have been granted.

The Dragon Balls Have Granted 58 Wishes

Shenron, the green dragon summoned from the Dragon Balls. He resembles a green Chinese dragon with red eyes and long whiskers.

If you take into consideration the events of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Super, GT, Daima, and the animated movies, then there have been 58 wishes granted by the Dragon Balls.

Wishes made in the Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movies that also happen in the Super re-tellings have only been counted once.

This counts any wish that was either shown or acknowledged in the series. Therefore, the first wish was technically one that an unknown person made to become a king, which was mentioned in the first manga. The first wish to be shown on-screen was made by Oolong, who wished for a pair of panties to stop Pilaf from wishing for world domination.

Not all of the wishes were made by the same dragon or set of balls. Five different sets have been used during the series, including the Earth ones, the Namekian ones, The Super Dragon Balls, the Black Star Dragon Balls, and the lesser-known Cerealian Dragon Balls.

Unsurprisingly, Earth’s Shenron has granted the most wishes, with 30. This does not include the wishes he wasn’t able to grant, as the 58 wishes only include those that were successful.

What’s a bit more surprising is that there were as many wishes made in the Dragon Ball Super series as there have been in Dragon Ball Z, as they both contain 18 wishes. The other series have less.

20 Wishes In The Series Have Been Used To Revive People

Krillin holding Senzu Beans in Dragon Ball Z.

It would be impossible to work out exactly how many people the Dragon Balls have revived, as entire populations have been brought back at once. What can be worked out is how many wishes have been used to revive people, whether it’s single individuals or entire groups. Twenty of these types of wishes have been granted.

The first of them came in the original Dragon Ball series, as Upa’s father was revived after he was killed by Mercenary Tao. This was the second on-screen wish of the series and the third one that was mentioned.

Revival wishes happened most often in Dragon Ball Z. In fact, ten wishes to revive people were granted in DBZ.

The most people ever revived from a single wish came at the end of the Tournament of Power when Android 17 wished for all seven other universes to be restored. It’s unclear how many people actually came back from this wish, but it was seven universes worth of people. So, it was definitely more than any other wish in the series.


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