Our Fallout TV Show Season 2 Wishlist

Our Fallout TV Show Season 2 Wishlist

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As a long-time Fallout fan, it was great to see such a beloved series make its way to television in such spectacular style. The Fallout TV show was a hit among fans and casual audiences alike and was praised for its characters, world-building, and stunning attention to detail. Season two is officially on the way, and we’re all looking forward to what the next chapter holds for Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul.


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Give these Fallout TV Show characters their own spin-off games immediately!

While the first season did a great job introducing audiences to the wasteland, there’s still a ton of Fallout lore we’d love to see explored when the series returns. We already know the second season is inspired by Fallout: New Vegas, leaving us with a list of things we want to see in the show.

Since we’re talking about Fallout lore and season two, there are some spoilers ahead!


More Mutated Wildlife

Radscorpions And Cazadors And Radroaches, Oh My!

A flying enemy Cazador resting on the ground in a tunnel.

While raiders and ghouls are definitely a threat in the wasteland, some of the biggest dangers come from the local mutated fauna. Cows have mutated into Brahmin, roaches have become the size of a dog, and scorpions have become giant walking nightmares. We saw some of these animals in season one, but there are tons of Fallout creatures we’d love to see on screen.

The Mojave Wasteland, the area surrounding New Vegas, is overrun with a variety of different monsters, including huge molerats, mantises, and cazadors, which are massive flying insects that are absolutely annoying to fight. It would be nice to see season two showcase a few more of the natural dangers of the wasteland.



The Most Dangerous Game

A Deathclaw from Fallout running toward the player.

Speaking of classic creatures, season one of Fallout gave us a brief tease at one such monster we might finally see in season two. Toward the end of the series, we are treated to a shot of a horned skull, which any Fallout fan could immediately identify as a deathclaw skull.

Deatchlaws have been a part of every Fallout game, often being some of the toughest fights you’ll encounter in the wasteland. The New Vegas area, in particular, is surrounded by large concentrations of deathclaws, which can be found in various canyons and caverns. It’s likely that we’ll get to see the main cast deal with one or more of these creatures in the future.


The Fat Man

A Weapon Of Mass Destruction

The vault-dweller brandishing a fat man launcher in Fallout 4.

One of the most iconic weapons in the Fallout series is the Fat Man, a portable mini-nuke launcher that can devastate a horde of enemies in a single shot. It has appeared in every game since Fallout 3 and remains one of the coolest and most overpowered weapons you can acquire.


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We’re not saying the TV show should have everyone running around shooting nukes, but the weapon could easily act as the MacGuffin that causes the various factions of Fallout to go to war. If someone were to get their hands on a Fat Man and even a single mini-nuke, they could hold a lot of power in the wasteland.


The Other Vaults

Where Have All The Dwellers Gone?

The vault door of Vault 11 from Fallout New Vegas

Every vault in Fallout has a story. It’s usually a grim one, as the vaults are where Vault-Tec played out their experiments. Throughout the first season, we get a look inside a few different vaults as we uncover the mystery behind Vault-Tec. Vault 4 was particularly memorable, and shows you what kind of experiments vault dwellers are subjected to.

Seeing Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul discovering different vaults in the wasteland could end up being some of the highlights of the season if they lean into the absurdity of some of the vault stories. Maybe we’ll even get to see some of the vaults from Fallout: New Vegas make an appearance, like the fan-favorite Vault 11.



Have They Made It To The West?

An early generation synth from fallout 4.

Season one of Fallout has already been declared canon, and considering it is set after the events of Fallout 4, we’ve been wondering if there are Synths in the West. Synths are synthetic humans that have infiltrated the Commonwealth, the main setting of Fallout 4. They were designed by the Institute, a shady faction that plays a huge role in the events of the game.

It’s reasonable to think that the Synths have made their way to the West, some who may have even been sent there by the Railroad, a group dedicated to freeing Synths. After all, New Vegas is a great place to hide. If you’ve played Fallout 4’s excellent Far Harbor DLC, you’ll find that Synths have definitely made their way outside the Commonwealth.


Mr. House’s Story

The King Of New Vegas

The screen of a super computer showing the image of Mr. House.

One of the most pivotal scenes in the show is the big Vault-Tec conspiracy meeting, where various company heads meet together to discuss their investments in the Vault program. While casual audiences may not have noticed such a major character in the scene, New Vegas fans were pleasantly surprised to see Rob-Co’s founder, Robert House, better known as Mr. House.


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In the game, we meet the supercomputer version of Mr. House, who acts as the overlord of New Vegas and is responsible for rebuilding and keeping the city running. Mr. House is one of the central figures in the world of Fallout, and it would be great to see the show explore the time when Mr. House was bringing together raiders and fighting to protect the Vegas Strip from the New California Republic. With the shot of New Vegas at the end of season one, chances are we’ll see more from this enigmatic character.


Super Mutants

The Brotherhood’s Bane

A super mutant attacking the player with a large sledgehammer.

There’s nothing in the Fallout universe the Brotherhood of Steel hates more than super mutants, so it’s a bit odd that we didn’t see any in the first season. Super mutants have been around since the beginning of Fallout, with many variations being found across the wasteland. The majority are hostile, but the games have also given us endearing super mutants like Fawkes and Strong from Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, respectively.

There are hints of super mutants on the horizon, though, as many fans believe that Thaddeus injected himself with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, a serum created by West Tek in an attempt to turn humans into super soldiers during the war. Super mutants are a direct result of the FEV, and it’s possible we may see Thaddeus evolve into one.


The Enclave

The Fallout Franchise’s Big Bad

A member of the Enclave wearing their classic power armor in Fallout 3.

There are a lot of terrible organizations in the wasteland, but none are more despised than The Enclave. We got a tease of the Enclave in season one, as Dr. Wilzig escapes one of their facilities, setting in motion a series of events that eventually bring the main cast together.

The Enclave is a fascist group known for their belief that anyone outside the organization is unclean and, therefore, should be killed. They are also well-known for conducting human experiments and committing a number of atrocities across the country and are seen by most as pure evil. With the TV show already acknowledging their existence, perhaps they’ll start to play a bigger role as season two goes on.


Fallout: Most Well-Written Characters

Fallout has plenty of characters, some funny, some scary and some that are gorgeously written.

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