- Games use the allure and terror of the ocean to introduce terrifying undersea creatures.
- From prehistoric sharks to massive eldritch creatures, ocean games provide a thrilling experience.
- Encounter colossal monsters like the Leviathan and Reaper Leviathan that hunt players relentlessly.
Throughout human history, the sea has been a source of fascination and terror. The untold depths of the ocean hide mysteries that even to this day have not been fully explored. This makes it a perfect source of inspiration for writers, filmmakers, and, of course, video game developers.
Plenty of video games over the years have drawn on the allure and terror of the ocean in a variety of ways. Water levels have a reputation for dragging down the quality of games like Super Marioand Ocarina of Time, but some games implement undersea terrors in more striking ways. Here are the most terrifying undersea creatures players can encounter in video games.

Best Open-World Underwater Exploration Games
The deep, blue unknown is the perfect setting for an exploration game.
10 Koi Fish (Grounded)
A Titanically Tiny Threat
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
- Released
- September 27, 2022
Grounded‘s koi fish may be stretching the literal definition of a sea monster, but in the context of the game, it’s more than menacing enough to qualify. This imposing creature, which dwarfs the shrunken teens players control in-game, patrols the koi pond in the middle of the backyard. It cannot be killed, and it can and will swallow players in a single gulp.
Players must brave the koi’s underwater realm to harvest valuable materials, including the fish’s own scales, which can be used to craft valuable armor. But the presence of this hulking fish, lurking in the pond’s murky depths, makes any underwater expedition in Grounded a very risky endeavor.
9 Megalodon (Sea of Thieves)
Blast From The Past
- OpenCritic Rating
- Fair
- Released
- March 20, 2018
The Megalodon was an infamously massive prehistoric shark, which would have completely dwarfed modern great whites were it alive today. While modern sailors thankfully don’t have to contend with these titans, they can still be found prowling the waters of Sea of Thieves, providing a major threat for even the hardiest pirate crews.
These terrifying sharks more than live up to their prehistoric reputation, rivaling four-person ships in size and bristling with as much ferocity as they have teeth. These hardy behemoths can tear a ship apart with their massive jaws, and the increasingly deadly variants that prowl the seas mean they have unpleasant surprises to offer to even the most hardened shark hunters.
8 Leviathan (Dredge)
A Force of Nature
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
- Released
- March 31, 2023
- Developer(s)
- Black Salt Games
Dredge is full of horrible, menacing sea monsters, but few of them can match the Leviathan. This titanic sea serpent lurks at the borders of the map, waiting to swallow sailors who try to leave the confines of the game. Unfortunately, it also has a tendency to venture into the open waters in search of prey.

Dredge: Scariest Sea Creatures
Dredge is a peaceful fishing sim and a Lovecraftian horror game. What terrifying creatures roam the depths?
The Leviathan cannot be fought or resisted in any way. Regardless of the health of the player’s ship, it will swallow the vessel in a single gulp. The only recourse is to flee as fast as possible and hope the Leviathan doesn’t bother following. This primal beast is an inescapable and terrifying presence throughout the game.
7 The Shape (Still Wakes the Deep)
An Unsettling, Alien Presence
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
- Released
- June 18, 2024
- Developer(s)
- The Chinese Room
The enigmatic monster at the heart of Still Wakes the Deep is a massive, amorphous form of completely unknown origin. This strange, eldritch being infests the game’s oil rig when the crew’s drilling activities disturb its slumber, prompting it to spread its sinister tendrils through every inch of the station.
This infestation extends to living flesh as well. Throughout the game, the mysterious Shape infects more and more of the crew, transforming them into hideous aberrations and stripping their humanity. This unknowable and massive entity represents an existential threat, and players must go to extreme lengths to curb its hideous influence.
6 Giant Gadon (Dave the Diver)
An Ancient Titan
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
- Released
- June 28, 2023
- Developer(s)
- Mintrocket
Like any good ocean game, Dave the Diver hides untold depths beneath its placid, charming surface. While the game presents itself as a cozy and casual management game about exploring the depths and running a beachside sushi restaurant, over time, strange and sinister elements of the world below the sea begin to emerge.
Eventually, players will discover a lost race of underground sea people known as the Gadon, and this will lead to an encounter with the menacing Giant Gadon. This aquatic titan is completely invulnerable, and will pursue Dave relentlessly through the ruins of its undersea domain. One blow from this monster spells death, and players will have to stay on their toes to evade it.
5 Del Lago (Resident Evil 4)
Going Fishing
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
- Released
- March 24, 2023
One of the most infamous setpiece encounters from Resident 4 is Leon’s battle with Del Lago, the massive, mutated amphibian lurking in a lake in Valdelobos. When Leon attempts to cross the lake, it gets hooked on his boat’s anchor, prompting a tense nautical battle as Leon struggles to survive his perilous voyage.
This monstrous beast will veer wildly around during the battle in an attempt to slam Leon’s vessel into debris. If the player gets knocked overboard, they’ll be at severe risk of Del Lago swallowing them whole. Players must riddle the creature’s hide with harpoons in order to survive their difficult journey.
4 Leviathan (Soma)
Machine Meets Monster
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
- Released
- September 15, 2015
Frictional Games’ undersea nightmare Soma is a deeply terrifying game. While the existential horror of the game’s central philosophy will likely linger with players long after the credits roll, the immediate terror of the game’s twisted cyborgs comes to a head when the player confronts the Leviathan.
This massive squid has been twisted by the WAU into a truly titanic foe. Due to the impenetrable darkness of the game’s undersea confines, players will never get a good look at its monstrous bulk. This leaves the player’s imagination to fill in the terrible details of the gargantuan cyborg hunting them.
3 The Monster (Iron Lung)
Breathing Down Your Neck
The claustrophobic premise of Iron Lung would make the game terrifying enough without the presence of something else lurking in the game’s murky ocean of blood. Since players can only see outside their submarine using a grainy still camera, the monster is a naturally elusive presence, and one players can never hope to see in its entirety.

Indie Horror Game Iron Lung Limits the Player’s Perspective to Deliver Great Scares
The indie horror game Iron Lung is a unique undersea horror experience that limits the player’s perspective to promote a sense of dread.
Of course, it has plenty of ways to make itself known during the game. Its immense size is indicated by the submarine’s rudimentary proximity sensor, which will go wild during the player’s first encounter with the beast. Taking a photo during this attack will reveal a massive eye staring straight at the camera, further revealing the nature of this hostile monster while submerging even more of it in complete mystery.
2 Unagi (Super Mario 64)
The Mushroom Kingdom’s Hidden Horror
Super Mario 64 is mostly remembered as an absolute triumph for the industry, a trailblazer for 3D gaming and one of Mario’s greatest adventures yet. But there is a definite dark side to the game, with terrifying creatures like the Unagi sprinkled throughout to give Mario’s quest a sinister edge.
Unagi is a massive eel creature lurking in the depths of Jolly Roger Bay. The creature’s blank, staring eyes and wide gaping mouth make it a deeply intimidating sight as it emerges from the crevices in Super Mario 64‘s murky seas. Giant eels like Unagi have become a mainstay in Mario’s adventures, but the initial encounter in Jolly Roger Bay is what sticks with most fans even now.
1 Reaper Leviathan (Subnautica)
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
- Released
- January 23, 2018
The infamous Reaper Leviathan is a titanic menace haunting the seas of this game’s alien world. This immense underwater monster’s face bristles with wicked clawed mandibles, ideal for grabbing and tearing apart the player’s undersea vessels. Its immense size and violent aggression make it a truly terrifying force.
To heighten the scare factor, Reaper Leviathans also herald their presence with extremely loud roars that echo through the waters, leaving players frightened and uncertain as the beast circles around to catch them from behind. The monster can decimate submersibles and players alike, making it a true force to be reckoned with whenever it appears.

10 Best Water Levels In Gaming
Water levels in video games can often be boring and tedious, but these ones were something special
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