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Curse is a very troublesome status effect to deal with in Divinity: Original Sin 2. The resulting negative debuff is extremely hard to deal with because it significantly reduces the character’s stats while not directly killing them.
When affected by a Curse, the character will suffer lowered accuracy, dodging ability, and elemental resistances, rendering them extremely vulnerable in combat. In higher difficulty settings, especially Tactician, this is a death sentence. Luckily, there are a few ways to cure it.

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Action Points, or AP, are the most important resource to have for combat in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Here’s how to get more of it.
How to Cure Cursed Status in Divinity: Original Sin 2
There are three main ways to cure Cursed in DOS2:
- Bless (Source Spell).
- Resurrection Scrolls.
- Reloading an earlier save.
Cast Bless
Bless is a ridiculously useful spell in Divinity: Original Sin 2, and one of its main abilities is to cure any character of the Cursed status effect. Bless is a Source Skill and requires Source Points to cast. Until you’ve had your Source Collar removed, there is no way to use it. Luckily, Cursed isn’t fatal, so waiting for a cure shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
Bless cannot be learned from a Skill Book; it requires visiting the Hall of Echoes in Fort Joy and talking with your race’s patron to obtain. The fastest way to do so is by interacting with the Statue of the Seven in the Hollow Marshes (X: 517, Y: 173), just east of the Flaming Pigs. Be prepared for an ambush; there are Voidwoken waiting in ambush.
Diseased, Decaying Touch, Petrified, and Stunned can also be cured by using Bless on the affected character.

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Use A Resurrection Scroll
If you don’t have the necessary Source Points to cast Bless or haven’t yet gotten your Source Collar removed, you won’t be able to rely on the first method. The easiest way to remove a curse from a character (without Bless) is to kill them and then revive them using a Resurrection Scroll. Doing so removes almost all active effects on the user, including curses.
Resurrection Scrolls can be bought from most vendors. Although they do tend to cost a good sum of gold, they can easily be pickpocketed without issue. In the late game, money becomes less of an issue, and you can reliably refill your stock whenever you need without needing to resort to underhanded tactics.
Alternatively, players can craft Resurrection Scrolls using the following recipe:
- Sheet of Paper + Water Essence + Life Essence
In DOS2’s Story Mode, all characters obtain a free skill to Resurrect allies outside of combat without using a Resurrection Scroll.
If one of your party members is a Necromancer, they can use the combination of Living on the Edge (Level 9 Spell) and Last Rites (Level 16 Spell) to directly resurrect a character outside of combat, achieving the same effect. However, since this method is available very late into a playthrough, the Resurrection Scroll method is the more applicable option.
Reload An Older Save
It may seem obvious, but if you reload a save from a point before your character is cursed, you won’t need to spend any resources to cure them. If the curse was a result of a trap, you can even use summoned creatures to trigger them on a reload so that you don’t get cursed directly the second time.

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Players and critics praised Divinity: Original Sin 2 upon release for its incredibly deep RPG systems and intuitive turn-based combat systems
How to Cure Curses From Cursed Items
Certain items in Divinity: Original Sin 2 will curse the character who equips them. The aforementioned methods work for these Curses as well, but with a key caveat. Casting Bless on a character wearing a Cursed Item will cure them. But if they die and are then resurrected using a Resurrect Scroll, the Curse will be reapplied immediately, and you’ll have to cast Bless again to cure it the second time. However, if you unequip the cursed item and are then resurrected, the curse won’t reapply.

- Released
- September 14, 2017
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
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