Warframe released its new expansion, called 1999, and with it, a new chapter in the main story takes us to 1999 to meet The Hex, a syndicate from times past that tries to find the mysterious Doctor Albrecht Entrati, who infected them with the Technocyte virus and turned them into Protoframes.
This new main story quest will take you to the streets of Höllvania as you cross paths with Arthur Nightingale and fight against the Scaldra, led by Major Neci Rusalka and Viktor Vodyanoi. However, not everything is what seems to be, as the Man In The Wall follows his own agenda.
From now on, we’re going to discuss heavy spoilers for the latest Warframe chapter. Read at your discretion!
Quest Pre-Requisites
To unlock The Hex quest, you must be up to date with every major story quest, which includes the likes of The New War, Whispers In The Wall, and the more recent mini-quest Lotus Eaters. Once you’re up to date, you will receive this new quest in your mail inbox.
Go to the quest menu in your Orbiter, and begin the quest.
The Hex: Part 1 – Find Doctor Entrati
The quest begins with the people of Höllvania receiving the new year with an atomic bomb blowing the whole city, until the temporal loop that’s capturing the city resets, and it’s December 31 once again. You wake up as Arthur, as he struggles to control his own hand, which decides to type an address in his PC. After getting that intel regarding the whereabouts of Doctor Entrati, you’ll be quickly introduced to Amir, Aoi, Quincy, Eleanor, and Lettie, the members of the Hex.
Interact briefly with each one, and after you recover your Atomicycle keys, a short scene where you ride into the city with your friends will play. This mission will take you through Höllvania as you meet Major Neci Rusalka and the Scaldra faction until you face a massive H-04 Efervon Tank.
Quincy will give you a brief tutorial on how to destroy the tank; to take it down quickly, hit at the cables on the sides, then at the vents, and once the Scaldra units join the battle, steal a Scaldra Rocket Launcher and use it against the tank. Once you’re done depleting its HP, get closer and interact with it.
Once you arrive at an underground location in the subway tunnels, you will find a massive Helminth-like entity that will regurgitate a fully-fledged Excalibur Warframe. After a brief clash between the two warriors, it is revealed that the Drifter is piloting the Excalibur (after traveling back in time), and Arthur quickly overpowers you and takes you with him for interrogation.
The Hex: Part 2
It is shown that Albrecht Entrati is being tortured by Viktor Vodyanoi, Major Rusalka’s second in command. She will quickly drop the facade, however, showing that she’s The Man In The Wall, who followed Albrecht to the past. After taunting him disguising himself as Loid, Albrecht scoffs at him.
After a brief interrogation back at the mall, Arthur decides you’re not a threat, and even though he doesn’t trust you, he provides you with some weapons and an Atomicycle for you to explore the city. You will get the task of finding Doctor Entrati, and this mission will be an Exterminate one, where you must kill 99 enemies before reaching the place where Entrati was tortured.
When you reach the room where he was captive, you’ll find the Man In The Wall laughing at you, and he will disappear. Better luck later.
The Hex: Part 3
Back at the Mall, everyone is disappointed and desperate to find Entrati, but the city gets attacked with a Technocyte virus airborne agent, so you must head out with Quincy to help purify the city so it doesn’t become worse. This mission is a 10-minute survival mission, and it’ll take you to several underground locations in the city; once the time runs out, extract and go back to the Mall.
The Hex: Part 4
Back at the Mall, you’ll find out Kalymos found her way to this place, and she’ll lead you to a new hub, the Mall Backroom, a laboratory-like space assembled secretly by Albrecht. This room is equipped with all the commodities of your Orbiter, and you’ll be able to retrieve your real Arsenal.
Now in full control of your roster of weapons and Warframes, Kalymos will show you a series of videos left by Entrati, where he reveals the grim truth about this time loop: for you and him to escape, and leave The Man In The Wall trapped behind, the atomic bomb must be triggered, killing each member of the Hex.
Aoi will call you from the Mall, to confirm that the Hex found the location of the kidnapped Entrati; after heading out, you must team up with her and help her steal a truck. This will trigger a special mission where you must destroy enemies using a Scaldra Rocket Launcher while Aoi drives the truck until you catch up with the convoy that keeps Entrati locked.
Of course, Major Rusalka will refuse to let you do this, and before you can rescue the Orokin scientist, she will crash against the truck where Albrecht is. After finding Entrati alive under the wreckage, it will be revealed that The Man In The Wall is controlling Rusalka, and as the Drifter you will have the option to refuse to kill an innocent or challenge the doctor to do it himself. He will admonish you for being naive, and The Man In The Wall will escape once again.
The Hex: Part 5
Arthur will decide to make Eleanor commune with the infinite Techrot hivemind under the city, and you must choose which one of the Hex members to control (except for Quincy.) After a Mobile Defense mission playing as Eleanor, she will do so, and Lettie will accompany her to the subway tunnels, so she can use her new Techrot minions to lure the Scaldra away from the location where the atomic bomb is stored, and Amir, Arthur, and Aoi can destroy it.
While this happens, the Drifter will have a vision that takes you to the Zariman, where you’ll see the deaths of each member of the Hex, before Albrecht shoots at you. Meanwhile, Quincy will go back to Höllvania to help Aoi, Amir, and Arthur, sacrificing himself so they can enter the facility while he takes down enemies.
In the underground, Lettie confronts Eleanor, who is completely corrupted by now, and they die fighting each other. Finally, Aoi dies trying to prevent the atomic bomb from being armed, Arthur dies of the radiation damage in the core room after fighting a Babau Techrot, and Amir gets shot in the chest by Albrecht, thus fulfilling every death you saw in your vision.
As you arrive too late to prevent this, Albrecht will try to reason with the Drifter, and the Drifter will still insist on the idea of saving the Hex. Entrati then shoots you in the stomach, and as you fall to the floor, you will use the same telekinetic powers that allowed you to create the Duviri time loop to go back in time once again.
The Hex: Epilogue And Rewards
You wake up in 1999, but this time, you find yourself at the beginning of the year, January 6; Entrati seems to have trusted you with saving the Hex, and to do so you will need more time to meet them. While the major conflict is yet to come, it’s now time for you to level up the Hex syndicate, and try to twist the fates of your newfound allies!
As a reward, Loid will send you the following items:
- Cyte-09 Blueprint
- Forma x1
- Magnetic Might Mod x1

Warframe: Xaku Complete Guide – Drops, Abilities, And Builds
Excel in Steel Path content and beyond with these Xaku builds.
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