Tan likes to act as the party’s tough guy in Fantasian Neo Dimension. Brooding, covered in scars, and a tragic backstory. But inside, he’s quite a big softie. Collecting abandoned cats and dogs, carrying for every animal he has, and even seeking out Ribbidons.

How Long Does It Take To Beat Fantasian Neo Dimension?
Looking to spend some time in the world of Fantasian? Better carve some time out in your calendar.
After getting word of a friendly Ribbidon in En, it suddenly becomes his quest to see them. Literally. The Metal Ribbidon quest has Tan seeking out this elusive Ribbidon. And while finding them is actually quite simple, beating them is another story altogether.
In Act 2 of Fantasian, you are bombarded with quests. And while characters for the most part don’t interact with each other, that’s not to say their quests aren’t still relevant to others. For example, you cannot unlock Tan’s Metal Ribbidon quest until you’ve first completed the Kina and Owen quest.
With that quest completed though, Tan will happily ask you about the Ribbidon now staying with Owen back in En, and ask you to bring him there. In this lovely little chat, the Metal Ribbidon, hidden on a misty island, is brought up.
And what misty isle is quite familiar to Tan? Why, the Nameless Island of course! Make your way over to Carmina’s Grave and chat with Tan. This will let you wait until night when the Metal Ribbidon finally reveals itself.
And as sure as their own name, this Ribbidon is assuredly made entirely of metal. This leads to a rather unique boss fight where you deal only a single point of damage. And for a boss with such a massive health bar of 180,000, just one damage seems cruel.
Being metal as he is, the trick is to change his composition. You can do this in two ways – cooling him, or heating him. Cooling him, which is done by attacking him with Ice skills, will cause him to move slower, though he won’t take extra damage. This does give you plenty of time to buff your party though.
Heating him is what you really want to do, which is achieved with Fire attacks. As such, Leo is pretty essential in this battle, especially in the early stages. The hotter he gets, the lower his defenses. However, he also gains more and more speed, too.
However, that’s basically the entire fight. He won’t cool down naturally, so you can control his speed as much as you want. If he’s becoming too hard to manage, you can cool him down to slow him and give you some time to buff up. So let’s detail the battle plan.
Metal Ribbidon only uses one attack, a rather powerful physical attack. That’s it. He will only attack character at a time, and has no multi-hit or party-wide moves. Because of that, Zinikr is an essential part of this battle. The boss is susceptible to Taunt, and having both Defensive Counter and Safe Taunt makes it so Zinikr can take all the damage, and deal some back too.
If you have Double Charge with Cheryl, that can be quite helpful here, though make sure not to use her Ice skills or you’ll just cool him down. Otherwise, you’ll want Leo and Valrika as your main attackers. Samidare Fire +2 is always incredibly powerful, while Arrow Rain can deal some obscene damage too.
Tan is not mandatory for this battle, and the amount of damage Metal Ribbidon can deal ironically makes him somewhat suitable for it as well.
Beyond this, you’ll want Ez playing support. Quick All is essential on your party to keep up with the boss, and Defense and Attack Power Up are great to have as well to get through the fight quickly. If you have All Potion L and All Potion +, Ez can even work as your dedicated healer.
Once Metal Ribbidon falls below 50% HP, they’ll cast Super Buff on themselves. This boosts their speed even more, as well as their attack and defence. You can remove it, though they will just cast it again on their next turn, so it’s better to attack them instead. This is the only big change introduced into the battle.
After you’re defeated Metal Ribbidon, he will wax poetic for a brief while with Tan before giving him the Majestic Lantern weapon as recognition of his efforts. While you might not have expected a battle initially, at least there was a nice reward at the end, and a peaceful view of the night sky.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: The Forbidden Chest Quest Guide
Remember Eternal Holy from Act 1 of Fantasian? You can finally beat them, though it’s a tough fight. Here’s how to build yourself to win.
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