Hideki Kamiya Introduces His New Studio “Clovers” that Will Work on Okami Sequel

Hideki Kamiya Introduces His New Studio "Clovers" that Will Work on Okami Sequel

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BlackCountryBob4h ago

Interesting list, couple ideas from me:-

– Rollcage, it was dismissed by many as a Wipeout wannabe but I thought had a lot of great tracks and gameplay. In a similar vein was SCARS where the cars turned into animals if memory serves.

– Exhumed, I think was on the Saturn too but was a difficult though really fun FPS set in ancient Egypt.

– Porsche Challenge, probably dismissed by many as just a branded cash in, but I played the demo on the disk that came it’s my PS1 more than I can count and it just showed the type of games and freedom which the 16 bit era couldn’t do, getting the full game was a real joy.

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