Esports Vision for Rainbow Six Mobile Hinges on a Competitive-Ready Ecosystem

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  • Rainbow Six Mobile plans to announce esports roadmap as the game nears a global launch!
  • Post global launch, the devs will continue to refine gameplay balance before pushing its first official esports tournament
  • Ubisoft will initially support community run tournaments while building the Rainbow Six Mobile esports ecosystem.

Rainbow Six Mobile, a competitive, multiplayer first-person shooter game from Ubisoft, said it plans to launch esports for the players and community. The game will begin with community-based events. After collecting feedback, it will introduce a roadmap and ecosystem. The process will start after the game gets a worldwide launch. It recently shared soft launch roll-out plans. After the announcement in 2022, the game is now nearing its worldwide release.

Getting the initial traction is important, Rainbow Six Mobile looks confident

There aren’t many action shooter titles competing in the mobile esports section. The current rise of MOBAs made it harder to gain the mainstream market. But R6 has a long history with the gaming community, and it will work as a headstart. So, the game has thoughts of joining the esports leagues and other big titles.

Esports is no ride to enter and press a switch rather it needs a strong pillar. A community is a must to bring the game to the mainstream esports focus. Grassroots-level engagement makes a game worthy before entering the esports cage.

Rainbow Six Mobile shares plan for esports
Rainbow Six Mobile shares plan for esports (Image via Reddit)

Later the support and market are also important. Without a profitable market, no teams or players will come and join the esports scene. However, the good thing is that Rainbow Six Mobile seems to know these basics. The game wants to kick off community tournaments to initiate the esports for it. After gradual improvement and monitoring, it will step into the next phase.

Rainbow Six Mobile set a goal to build a competitive experience around the players. The game will keep pushing the limits to integrate an esports ecosystem as soon as possible. Thus, it promises to work with player feedback to refine and balance until the community feels the game is ready to export.

After gathering the experience, it will launch community tournaments. We assume these events will operate on a small scale and only in the local community or on a broader level, country-based. As the title does want to introduce esports, it will bring an official roadmap and ecosystem only when the competitive environment is optimal and ready for esports.

Rainbow Six Mobile showed their seriousness about bringing esports to the players and community. With a massive plan ahead, it will be interesting to see the performance of its esports events among the current big names. If it manages to grab success, that will be a blessing for the overall mobile esports community.

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